"Training for novice teachers to build an effective preschool obscheniyai interaction with parents." Educational psychologist I quarter. cat., K (M) BF 48 Garafetdinova Gulnara Fayazovna, educational psychologist K (M) BF 90 Vassiliev Lily P., Naberezhnye Chelny, Tatarstan One of the urgent problems of modern pre-school pedagogy is the aging of the existing teaching staff and lack of fresh infusion of youthful energy due to the arrival of young Specialists in nursery schools. Young professionals are in no hurry to get takuyuotvetstvennuyu, but low-paying jobs, and many can not stand sitting and a few months, leaving their seats and sometimes leave profession forever. One of the reasons that seriously complicate the already painful process of adaptation of a young teacher working with preschool children, the difficulties associated with the interaction and communication with parents. Lack of understanding of their role in the relationship with parents, insecurity, and inability to engage in dialogue, and sometimes complete lack of communication skills, a sincere desire to undermine the young professionals to devote himself to education and training young children and shape its image as a rejection of the teacher. In this regard, relevant, in our opinion, and just needed an interactive event with this category of novice teachers, aimed at filling knowledge and practical skills of communication and interaction with parents to promote and enhance self-confidence, unite colleagues from different nurseries. We offer you the script for Training Beginners pedagogovna appropriate topic. Duration of training: 1 hour 20 min. Material: badges for each private operator, pins, pens for each participant, A5 sheets of paper the number of participants, white board, marker, card with phrases for the game "training of intonation", 2 hats, a tape recorder, recording dance music for the game "Magic Hat", write quiet music for relaxation.
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