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Archive for December, 2013

The Tragic

This you It will generate the worker a new consciousness of itself, is going to have more free time and may take longer to read. So originates a secularization of culture, and an intellectual and artistic exchange that since the 12th century establishing a trade between East and West, North and South; It is a cosmopolitan culture, they undertake cross-, pilgrimages, lodges are formed, and students and teachers traveling from University at University. Cervantes and Shakespeare are spokesmen for the new era, and in his works reflected the end of the medieval world, of the cavalry and its ideals. Thus, Spain, where brighter had the Cavalry, was where he had his greatest defeat, and before the thrust from the English and Dutch, the hidalgo enriched with gold that came from America, ended many times in rogue and vagabond. In addition, the Counter-Reformation, closed all possibilities for their entry into modernity. We find that the tension between the real world and the ideal, became an antithetical relationship in Shakespeare.

In the age On average, while greater was the conflict between this world and the more there, however, the tragic conflict did not. Political realism is which is going to show, and take the conflict moves to the soul of the hero. This will be the great work of Shakespeare. And thus, the moralities theatrical performances – which express the psychological struggle, they will take the tragic conflict of conscience that will appear in the dramas of Shakespeare in Elizabethan drama, and thus, the tragic fate of the hero becomes the reason for many of his dramas. Here also appears the Protestant idea of predestination which is simultaneous with the formation of the modern tragedy. Why drew Hauser, who in Shakespeare his overflowing vitality corresponded best to the current concept of the Renaissance. We find in the field of the paideia, education is no longer in the hands of the Church, thanks to the emergence of vernacular languages.

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Education For All

Education for all World-wide the economic crisis at risk places the goals of UNESCO and therefore, the planet can walk stops backwards in the next years. Millions of poor children of the world run the risk to be outside of the banks of the schools in consequence of world-wide the financial crisis. To millions of children still without access to the education, the deceleration of the economic growth, added to the increase of the poverty and the pressures exerted on the public budgets of the countries, can compromise the progressos carried through in the scope of the education throughout the last decade. Unhappyly although the high investments, the quality of the education in Brazil still is low, mainly in basic education. Although the presented improvement in recent years, the index of repetncia in basic education is raised of Latin America it is expressivamente above average world-wide.

The high index of abandonment in the first years of education also feeds the fragility of the education in Brazil. About 13,8% of the Brazilians they release the studies in the first year of basic education. The country alone is the front of Nicaragua in Latin America. If the trends to confirm, millions of children and adolescents in next pertaining to school age will remain outside of the school in three years, being 54% approximately of the feminine sex. They will be necessary still more of ten million professors more in the world so that the universalizao of primary education is reached, this daqui more than the one decade. Although the efforts, few incentives had been satisfactory to reduce to the half the number of illiterate adults.

But if to think about the improvement of the access to the education, or same to become it economically accessible can revert the picture, perhaps. To assure that the children kept out of society they have easy access to an education of quality, offering stimulatons to the professors who work in agricultural regions and the disfavored urban zones. To integrate strategies of education and more general programs of combat to the marginalizao, they will be able to attenuate sufficiently these catastrophic data, perhaps thus, let us have a possibility. We will not know if not to try, we only know to the certainty that an education for all and of quality helps and very to an individual if to recognize and to be recognized in the society and this it is fact!

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Popular Methods Of Learning Foreign Languages

Have been developed many methods to teach students foreign languages. The earliest methods were created on the basis of programs for the study of Latin and Greek (ie, dead languages), it is not surprising that they offer the learning process is limited to reading and translation. Grammatical-transferable (traditional) method This method originated in the late eighteenth century and finalize by mid-twentieth, received the title of the grammatical-conversion method. In accordance with this methodology, knowledge of the language – it means to own grammar and vocabulary. As for the texts, it usually is, so-called artificial texts which are not so important that a student will say, as important as he says, that is, the meaning is almost irrelevant. The traditional method of learning foreign languages now mercilessly criticized: Methodists believe that learn from it slowly and properly.

And the end result of training is usually equal to zero, while the 'victims' of grammatical techniques complain afterwards that, despite excellent grades in the course of training and knowledge of all grammatical rules, after some time they can recall only one or two phrases from the textbook. The traditional method of learning foreign languages – an ideal tool for creating a language barrier, because trainee does not express himself, begins to speak, but simply combines the memorized words, following certain rules. Nevertheless, until the late 50's grammar-pereovodnoy method was almost the only one using it taught almost everyone. But already in the mid-50's began to emerge for alternative methods of teaching foreign languages.

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The Current Perspectives Of The Didactics:

INTRODUCTION. At least in last the thirty years it is undisputed to affirm that practical the pedagogical ones do not come passing for a series of transformations with the end to consider condizentes methods to a entendvel application of the knowledge acquired throughout the formation of the professional of the education. Therefore, the present work searchs to extend this quarrel leaving of the general conceptions on the didactics and its evolution in constant relation with the possibly renewed example of one practical one so that this proposal if becomes more concrete those that are in the current process of reformularization of the education? it saw didactics. The principle, the points that deal with the conceptions tend if to relate with the description and the consequent evolution of the didactics for the fact standes out to have it of old conceptions that are not in accordance with the context condizente. Therefore, when you consider yourself to tell such description, one sees that the same it brings information that are in accordance with such perspectives, evolution this that has left of century XVII arriving until the current days. What it cannot mean that was arrived at an end point, since the context is something cambiante all the time. The spite of this, the citation of applied pedagogical practical one to a group of pupils of the sixth year of Basic Ensino of the College of Application of the city of Cataguases, located in the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil, is something that, without embargo, goes of meeting with the current conceptions of the didactics of the world after-modern. This proposal aims at to present as if scientific technique can work with a language and leaving of an introductory activity that demands a bigger participation, concentration and reasoning of the pupils, in general way. Not obstante, it is through this structure that then mentioned present work it searchs to make a clear and objective presentation of the form under which if structure the current perspectives of the didactics in the last times.

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Social Assistant

The pupil passes to be respected, to be heard, to be understood in its totality as individual. This happens because the organization of the school is another one, is alternative. In partnership with the Social Assistant, the teacher goes discovering the problems of personal order that affected the life of this pupil (and not they were few). Only with the support of this school that the pupil at last obtains to alfabetizar itself. She had a work of partnership between professor, social assistant and the other pupils so that the alfabetizao process had success. The partnership idea that we cite at the beginning of the work, was extended here, and observes a joint effort of all the school in the promotion of this pupil. An example to be followed, adopted for all the schools, in our opinion.

Another question presented in the film that deserves our consideration is related the position of the teacher in classroom. The method that it uses to motivate its pupils really to learn and not only to take off the diploma. It transforms the interesting learning into something, not plastered. It suggests that the pupils learn to write a daily one, something that says regarding them. In such a way the teacher breaches with ' ' beab' ' transforms concrete, next and useful the alfabetizao into something for them. Ratifying our consideraes you initiate on alfabetizao without prescription. The teacher also one revealed untiring with regard to the learning of the pupils, therefore it talked separately with the protagonist of the film to understand more than close its difficulties, its limitations.

functioned. From this moment the main personage becomes more confident and starts to believe same it. He motivates yourself for the initial motivation of the teacher who was of meeting it. A partnership ' ' al' ' it was established facilitating all the learning process.

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Creation Intelligent Optics

In the first article we provide data, more specifically with the evidence we have, which we call "clocks" of the land, which could lead to a "young earth", but clarified that these items, with data provided by scientists who support the spontaneous creation of a voluntary creative act of an intelligent Creator, is open to the contribution of information or ideas that enrich the topic, which I believe is one of the most important in relation to our design as human beings and the purpose and situation why are on earth. In this second article, we try to provide some data on the fossil record and the interpretation which has put a different group of scientists. Let us return to the track to raise an overview of the basic positions of the evolutionists and creationists. Creationists argue that life and our existence came from the acts of an intelligent Creator, and full of purpose, whose literary record is the first book Genesis of the Bible, more specifically in Chapters 1 and 2 of this book. We also believe that any such creation theory should necessarily get along with the biblical record to certify their veracity, then away from him, go into "assumptions" without factual basis. The evolutionary theory or belief has held that all life evolved from a single cell, which originated from dead matter (although recent publications evolutionary refrain from giving a clear explanation of the origin of life, avoiding the subject) But let the arguments and the facts.

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