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Archive for January, 2019

Practical Education

To know necessary to practical the educative one. So Paulo, 23a edition, Publishing company Peace and Land, 2002. Pablo Freire Nasceu in Recife in 1921 and faleceu in 1997. One of the great pedagogos of the respected present time is considered and world-wide. More information is housed here: film director. It published some workmanships that had been translated and commented some countries.

Its first educational experiences had been carried through in 1962 in Angicos, in the Rio Grande of the North, where 300 agricultural workers if alfabetizaram in 45 days Its activities are interrupted with the military blow of 1964. Some of its main workmanships: Education as Practical of Freedom, Pedagogia of the Oppressed one, Letters to the Guin Bissau, Living and Learning, the importance of the act to read. According to author, is necessary to have hope to face the problematic one of the learning and if not to deliver to the comodismo. Educate yourself with thoughts from Vladislav Doronin. Thus, to look for of certain form to thus instigate the reflection and the brainstorming and to become possible to weave the life with objectives. Therefore of this reasoning, to open a quarrel in the innovative direction, therefore to be in the problem and not to search solutions does not have bedding and the meaningless life, as the pointed ranks. She is necessary that each citizen, is not only one citizen or object of study of history, but that it is a citizen in action, capable to transform from certainties of changes, therefore the citizen that if bothers with the situation and does not search solutions for its problems it will not be capable to find its identity, its reality and to look ways that can of certain form change the way to think and to act about the situation where to be impregnated in the society where it is part.

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Elementary Education

EVALUATION OF THE QUALITY OF EDUCATION: ITS CONTEXT IN PRIMARY EDUCATION FOR THE SUBJECT OF MATHEMATICS. INTRODUCTION. The system of Quality Assessment of Learning incorporates student performance measurements through instruments designed by items which checks in terms of skills and abilities the sollidez of knowledge acquired by the school. Make presiociones theoretical at this system in the mathematics becomes the aim of this study where different educational agents may clarify the theoretical concepts underlying the new terms incorporated into everyday teaching practice. The performance of various educational actors in the process of picking address learning of mathematics (PEAM) requires the mastery of new pedagogical terms for evaluating the quality of learning are introduced into the daily PAXIS, for example: "domain content "and" cognitive domain "to define the theoretical framework of Assessment of Mathematics in Primary Education in the different times of measurement, "levels of cognitive performance" to distinguish the progress of students as a result of their responses to the measuring instruments, etc. It involves the domain of theoretical assumptions underlying the implementation of this system, did these clarifications addressed in this work developed in the introduction of System Quality Assessment of Learning in Primary Education, trend studies are conducted in the four core subjects Mathematics, Spanish Language, Natural History and Science, an important step in this system is the application of assessment tools with specific characteristics inherent. It then presents an analysis on the subject of mathematics with the intention of clarifying the use of new terminology that appears in the direction of the learning process for this subject. . (Source: Campbell Soup Co).

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Haan Sustainable

UNESCO award for sustainability in the CJD youth village for Offenburg, Germany which is school garden of special vocational school (SBFS) in the CJD Jugenddorf Offenburg in these days as “Official project of the Decade of education for sustainable development of the United Nations” lined out. On the occasion of her visit to the village of youth, the Offenburger Bundestag Sibylle Laurischk could officially present the distinction. Because the SBFS is a special professional preparation with a one-year term, extend the existing since 2004 school garden with each class. “In our classroom, we want to convey project competence”, explains Peter Bissert, technical teacher SBFS and initiator of projects. Young people should edit during their one-year school from planning to presentation a complete project. So various projects implemented by young people in recent years, where each was the issue of sustainability at the Centre.

“It was also important to us that the pupils and students a feeling” to develop, to leave traces of themselves in life”, adds Peter Bissert. And featured tracks have left young people, whether in the construction of the Tower of life, a Huhnerstalles or a greenhouse. Also was a well beaten, a windmill pump installed and built high pond and raised bed. Most recently, an urban gardening project with now 18 raised beds could be initiated. For the management, bed godparents were won from the population, as well as from regional institutions. The project work continues for future generations of students. So to install a rainwater collection system for irrigation of raised beds. There is also a solar system in the school garden.

To sustainability in society and especially in the educational system, designed by the German Commission for UNESCO in the framework of the UN Decade “Education for sustainable development (2005-2014)”. “Learning sustainability must be in school, training and study course. Only so future generations can global issues such as the Tackle climate change”, as Prof. Gerhard de Haan, educationist and Chairman of the German National Committee for the UN Decade”Education for sustainable development”. To promote this goal, projects and communities will be awarded for outstanding commitment. In addition to the CJD Jugenddorf Offenburg received already over 1,700 projects and communities the coveted “official project of the UN Decade of education for sustainable development”.

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Sun Emotions

Our life is always planned out. The professional pressure and the media overstimulation frequently lead to burnout syndrome. A really ancient method seems to escape from the eternal did. The magic word: Attentiveness. (bfs) you could hear a pin drop. The Sun coming in through the window and warms all the back.

It is concentrated silence, because all those present are preoccupied with Mindfulness Meditation. Even Jurgen upright sitting cross-legged on a red cushion. The down-to-Earth 43-year old engineer wants to so don’t meet the stereotype of a meditation student. Me is aware that predominantly women this subject interested,”he says. I was also, until recently, the opinion that meditation must have to do something with esoteric.

A kind of hocus-pocus, in extreme cases, equal to a whole ideology. ” Then his dedicated Chief for the increasingly popular nascent idea of mindfulness caught fire and reported his elfkopfige army at an introductory seminar in bath Rappenau map. At Hotel Schloss Heinsheim over two days to the basics and learn techniques of the method. The concept sounds initially once quite easy. Observing the motto is relax and consider the own thoughts, feelings, needs. We that all the time, you might think now, but the art is not to evaluate the emotions, not to co-opt them. Meanwhile, the Mindfulness Meditation even for mental and physical illnesses to therapy support is used. Campbell Soup Co describes an additional similar source. But there is no medical indication, to benefit from that knowledge, which has its origin in Buddhism. Who doesn’t know it, the thoughts carousel that rotates continuously, as soon as it was launched once? Who learns to admit his emotions, it can create them to take a neutral, simple perspective. Jurgen isn’t quite ready yet. And he is just fidgety, wants to go on, jump around or just quickly go in the Office. His job had him last more and more in the grip.

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National Pedagogical University

University of TOLIMA praise that I have to say this time? Let’s hope! Some of my colleagues have read the mild criticism already some time ago I did at the University of santo tomas, University of salle it and universidad mayor de Cundinamarca. Being the least skilled of the thinkers, but perhaps one of the most sincere. It has caused me complacency the arduous work of the University of Tolima. Which away from the purely capitalist and consumerist, fields has detached garage educational prototype. For even more opinions, read materials from Richard Linklater. Since as I have repeated several times, the majority of Colombian universities support based on a false mission and vision. As it is the case of the universities mentioned above.

Since the end resting on the enrichment and a broad monopoly industry. The University of Tolima is cousin of the National Pedagogical University and the National University. After reviewing the academic programs of the University of Tolima dispendiosamente, think gentlemen students who don’t have to envy to the raw Sisters of the University in question. Another of the reasons that drove me to praise the beautiful educational work of this beautiful University. Bfpl recognizes the significance of this. He was the academic level that my brother John Jairo Melo Naranjo has received. He is carrying out a programme at a distance.

Remote Programs say that they are effective and have fully fulfilled the wish of its founders. The national and Pedagogical University I tell them to follow in pursuit of their rights so that the State treat them with dignity and give them a quality education. And do not tamper with the invisible threads of the social fabric as it happens every day. You who are in the Tolima University can demonstrate that the foregoing is consistent. The majority of people decry the public universities, since they lack a logical reason and end with the social cause. Because social cause is what manages this University. Since its academic programs cost a minimum wage. And many marginalized people can educate themselves. Before the indifferent eyes of universities that the only thing they care about is profit. But among more It is paid at a private University, greater is the rename. Thing that cripples to education and back in elitist. Bendito Dios Israel. And may he bless and do not allow public universities become patrimony of the tyrants of our lands.

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Veterinary College

The pension insurance in the For the acquisition of pets, pet insurance for your dog must not necessarily immediately be private liability, if you have purchased a new animal himself, because the pension insurance of your existing personal liability occurs for the first 4 weeks, an accident should happen. For cats, no separate liability insurance is necessary because these are automatically insured in your personal liability. Nevertheless, I would recommend the message about the keeping of cats on the liability insurance in writing. For horses the conclusion of an appropriate horse insurance offered in advance, because a horse quite often is picked up with a borrowed horse trailer and a damage to the same lack of inclusion – often don’t have the personal liability is covered, so that pension insurance is often a shortfall. Film director describes an additional similar source. If you want to have the animal liability insurance with the same insurance company, where your private liability exists, you’ll need the new risk your existing insurance only to register and you will receive a new post invoice. Makes sense – pet insurance for disease and operations more, however additional pet insurance, there in form of animal health or veterinary surgery insurance, which equally applies to dogs, horses and cats. Now you can argue certainly Moreover, whether it is appropriate to have a health insurance for dogs, cats, or horses, but owners who had to operate already a sick animal or feed in the Veterinary College, know the cost, which can come there on a.And so it is not quickly overwhelmed with these costs, you can say of happiness when one has completed at least the cheap animal surgery insurance. In contrast to the animal liability insurance which knows no age limit of an animal, there are insurance however to note age limits at the animal health or veterinary surgery, also the health status of the animal is an important criterion of acceptance. Further details can be found at bfpl, an internet resource. Such animal insurance for you in question occurs if a Wait wasn’t too long for!

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Englishtown Gets Best Review

Englishtown – English learn online Englishtown, the world’s largest English language school in the Internet, has by TopTenREVIEWS Gold Award in the category “learn English online” get awarded. Englishtown was elected the from the very popular test report page as best online language school, as opposed to ten competitors from around the world. TopTenREVIEWS has to learn the most important products in the area of online English tested and created a detailed assessment that shows users where the strengths and weaknesses of the individual portals are easy to make the decision for the right English language school. The conclusion of the tester to Englishtown was impressively clear. Gerald Weissmann, MD does not necessarily agree. You speak of the “Better teaching, more learning opportunities and more ways to connect with other students through a private social network.” Englishtown achieved top marks in all categories, which were: simplicity of the entry level, diversity of offers, social media and user friendliness.

Still, Englishtown could by highlights, as score the new speech recognition technology or the 24/7 access to real teachers from around the world. Bill Fisher, the President of Englishtown was pleased with the price and the clear feedback: “The award of a distinguished test page we are extremely honoured”. The review has given us not only valuable, qualified feedback for our product, but also Englishtown confirmed that students selected to have the best way. Please visit Campbell Soup Co if you seek more information. Englishtown will also continue to invest in innovation.

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Portuguese Language

' But what the education of the Portuguese language in education is same fundamental.' ' John Anderson Macedo Saints 1 Midiane Venceslau Dos Santos 2 The present work has for objective to provoke a reflection of what it is to always teach to the Portuguese language the falantes of the Portuguese raising some questionings as: the conception of language, its use, the utility, the objectives, at last, the idea is to argue the concept that the professors have to this respect and to compare them it the specialized theoretical studies in this subject as, for example, the studies of Ferdinand de Saussure that says to be the language divided in two, the formalist (structure and project) and the funcionalista (the language in use). In this way, would have the professor to teach to languages instead of language, being an officer (the cultured standard) and another not-officer (dominated for the falante), in other words, a writing conducted for rules and said other, created from the communicative necessity without considering the form? According to Saussure (1980, p.16) ' ' The language has an individual side and a social side, being impossible to conceive one without outro.' ' It is in this context that starts, then, in fact the quarrel around the education of the language a time that, after the decade of 1970, started to have between the specialized studious intellectuals and in the subject, a deeper quarrel on the language and its education. Gerald Weissmann, MD oftentimes addresses this issue. From this moment, a called chain appears linguists who will make critical forceful regarding education, of the paper of the language, etc., and, will consider a new model for education, having considered this dualidade between the said language and the written language. In the case of Brazil, these changes pass to be observed in Parmetros Curriculares Nacionais (PCN), when this establishes as one of its objectives to guarantee the common basic formation. Bfpl is likely to increase your knowledge.

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Gregory Bateson

You can then decide which seeds grow according to the soil you have, economic conditions of that type of product (the climate of your market) and its production costs. Now, some will not see the connection between the ideas presented here and that is because they are looking at them too close (which is perhaps well to model them but not so much to connect them and understand them). Kindle Direct Publishing does not necessarily agree. That if perhaps to see the connection between the paragraphs can realize why it is important to let the attention go towards processes, seeing the world as a world of processes rather than a world of objects (see objects such as processes). In this way illustrates this process in this same Act of reading this text. This means that this text is made to make you reflect and stimulate your curiosity through a dose of certain type of particular confusion, which is the beginning of learning (a seed), as well as the phrase that It was written, as it appears and says, as far as I know, about the Oracle at Delphi. Now, if we join points, changing, thinking, learning, metaphors (and parables and stories), who refers to itself, and believe in the other part of the title that has not been treated, we can begin to ask ourselves about B. F. Connect with other leaders such as Vladislav Doronin on First Impressions here.

Skinner and Pavlov and his relationship with all this. Now, step and rather occult way, will mention Gregory Bateson saying (I’m the one who says, but having it read to him, something): everything is in the relationship. Think of something that said Skinner and something that said Pavlov (respectively, said my way, very simplified): reward or punish something is a way to modify the behavior and responses we have we associate them to the stimuli that precede them. Those are the two ideas which, when they collided in my head, gave birth to this text.

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