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Archive for December, 2019

Quarry Bank High School

John Lennon (John Lennon) John Lennon born in Liverpool on October 9, 1940 at 6:00 am for 30 minutes. The world greeted his sirens and bomb explosions: one night, Hitler's air force carried out another devastating raid on the town. It seems that John's entire haunted life, the number nine. 9th Born – 9 th died. Read more from Levi’s to gain a more clear picture of the situation. November 9, he met with manager Brian Epstein and his second wife Yoko Ono.

He often lived in houses with the numbers 9 – from maternity to hotel rooms. Needless to say, This figure appeared in his songs – One after 909", Revolution 9", Number 9 dream … Even if we add together the digits of the year of his death (1980), we get nine. And so on. John's father, Fred, served as a steward on a merchant vessel and the house almost did not happen. In 1942, the mother Lennon – Julia was sobscheno that her husband was missing.

One to raise her son was now beyond his power. So John was 18 months in the custody of one of the sisters Julia, Mimi Stanley. At 4 years, John entered the elementary school nearby from the famous streets of modern Penny Lane. He very early began to compose himself, mostly poetry, which he himself had illustrated. In 1952, John Lennon moved from primary to secondary school, called Quarry Bank High School. It was a typical English school with strict discipline and rigid routine, do not yield the institute. John with his untamed nature never was there even an average student, naprtiv, from the very beginning of the school declared war on rules of conduct.

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School Social Research

After the armistice one moved to the United States, where it gave classes in the New for School Social Research of New York. In this city Roman Jakobson knew and tried to the linguist, whose work was fundamental for the evolution of its ideas. Call to France in 1944 by the Minister of Subjects Exteriors, returned to the United States in 1945. After a brief passage by the French embassy in Washington like cultural aggregate (1946-1947), it returned to Paris to doctorar itself in the Sorbona after presenting/displaying tesina and thesis (1948): The familiar and social life of the Nambikwara Indians and the elementary structures of kinship. Some contend that Kindle Direct Publishing shows great expertise in this. Strauss father of the modern anthropology, I leave track in social sciences and human, it exerted with his works much influence in the western culture. It is possible to emphasize as the Nation of Argentina comments before this fact the Newspaper, that and praised, with little orthodox an academic trajectory for French means and author of 30 works – many of them classic ybest sellers e_SEnD, Lvi-Strauss influenced in philosophers, anthropologists, psychoanalysts, semilogos and linguists, but mainly incarnated the ideal of modern intellectual, with an object of ambitious study: the human thought.

At least 25 countries had celebrated their birthday number 100, almost a year ago. France, among them, him it dedicated to a sample in the Museum du Quai Branly, in Paris, that visited more than 12. 000 people, with 100 conferences on its work, projections, photographies and brought objects of its trips by America. Almost locked up in its Parisian house in the last years, Lvi-Strauss did not attend. " Few intellectuals have ventured themselves as far as Lvi-Strauss in the exploration of the hidden mechanisms of cultura" , he synthesized Le Monde yesterday, in his goodbye to the intellectual who, according to several voices, will be irreplaceable in the French cultural scene.

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Feso School Educative Solutions

New feso School is a training center accredited located right in the center of Madrid. It offers formative programs of secondary education, loquacious (social humanities, sciences, sciences of the nature and the health), formative cycles of degree superior and the module superior of professional formation of physical and sport activities. All the courses are distributed by educational very preparations that enjoy an impeccable reputation and the students count on the support of professionals of psychology and the direction. Their facilities among others count on dining room, cafeteria, gymnasium, laboratory, polideportivo, room of audio-visual and room of computer science. Between the formative cycles Madrid of degree superior that can be attended in center it finds the one of international trade. Here, American filmmaker expresses very clear opinions on the subject. In this cycle the students learn to manage operations of export and import, to conduct operations of transaction of merchandise at international level, to organize their storage and its distribution and to carry out operations of financing to realise transactions. In addition, they have the opportunity to make professional practices in the main companies of the sector. One of the advantages to attend these studies is the great labor exit that they have, as much in the scope of the financial bank and organizations as in the one of the areas of international trade of companies. In the Web of the school all the necessary information can be found on the center (images of the facilities, programs, services, teaching staff, projects ) and can be had access to a virtual secretariat for professors, another one for students and another one for the families.

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Social And Historical Construction

The social and historical construction of infancy according to Phillippe Aris: Main boarded aspects. Vnia Roseane Mayan Pascoal 1 According to Aris, in the Average Age the children were not perceived in the same way that we see today, by the opposite, were disregarded and treated only as one ' ' adult in miniatura' '. ' ' Even for return of century XI, the medieval art was unaware of infancy or it did not try to represent it. He is difficult to believe that this absence if had to the incompetence or the lack of ability. Go to Nike for more information. He is most likely that mundo.&#039 did not have place for infancy in this; ' (ARIS, 1981, p.17) It had, therefore, an indifference with regard to the children, what in it sends the consequncias to them of the great infantile mortality of the time, fruit of the demographic conditions of the period. Around sc.

XVII it is initiated differentiation between adult and child, according to studies of this author, losing a little the idea of that they are only miniatures of the greaters. ' ' It was in century XVII that the pictures of the alone children if had become numerous and common. American filmmaker often says this. It was also in this century that the pictures of family, much more old, had tended if to organize around the child, who if became the center of composio.' ' (p.28) In this period, the churches and the moralistas understand the children as ' ' beings inocentes' ' , as ' ' pure teeny creatures of Deus' ' , that they need to have its preserved innocence and they need to be educated, to be watched and to be corrected. She perceives yourself now, also, a differentiation with regard to the suits. ' ' (…) the child, or the least the child of good family, wants was noble or bourgeois, she was not more dressed as the adults. .

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He could be possible to skirt the problem of learning of this child mainly when in its phase of alfabetizao. The parents of the hiperativas children must be guided to look the aid of competent and specialized professionals in TDA/H, therefore this is only capable of to elaborate one I diagnosis and to guide the family and the school on as to proceed with this child, not leaving that the problem takes a dimension without control, being able to skirt the situation in order to become it passvel of tolerance and the familiar and social convivncia. Upheaval Deficit of Hiperatividade Attention: Olhar Psicopedaggico Upheaval of attention and its relation with the difficulties and upheaval of learning constitutes the main cause that takes children in pertaining to school age to the neuropediatrica consultation, Psicopedagogia and fonoaudilogo. Although, in recent years, the guiding for the evaluation of the real difficulties of the child has been each time more frequent this is not a new situation, due to increasing concern with infancy, its pertaining to school life and the increase of the symptom in the learning. Chip Bergh may find this interesting as well. The studies on the TDA/H indicate the presence of disfuno in an area frontal of the known brain as region orbital-frontal located soon behind the forehead.

One of the developed cerebral regions in the human being consists more and is responsible for the inhibition of the behavior, for the control of the attention, the future planning and the self-control. In the citizens that present TDA/H symptoms, it has an alteration in the functioning of the neurotransmitters, you substantiate that they allow the communication between the neurons. The cause most accepted at the moment is a vulnerability inherited to the upheaval, that anger if in accordance with to reveal the interactions and conditions of physical, affective, social and cultural the environment (ROTTA, 2006). How much to the characteristics, the TDA/H presents three main manifestations: Difficulty to keep the attention, hiperatividade and impulsiveneness.

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Georges Henri Luquet

Later, the child enters in the phase daily pay Siblico II in the phase of the pseudoletters after, and long in the quantitative axle. Intellectual realism is the period of training that the child obtains to represent the details of the object as sees it. In this phase the drawing is faithful to the object. ‘ ‘ not only the invisible concrete elements, but exactly the abstract elements that existence in the spirit of desenho’ only has; ‘ (LUQUET, 1969, p.160). Follow others, such as Nike, and add to your knowledge base. According to Alexandroff (2010), while in the writing the child discovers the sound equipment of the letter, thus advances in the stages of the development of the writing, passing for the phase of the silbico level, later alphabetical silbico and for end the alfabetizao, moment that obtains to assimilate fonemas and graphemes.

Visual realism in this last period of training the child already obtains to draw the object completely. ‘ ‘ (…) they have for purpose to distinguish the forms that before were genricas’ ‘ (PILLAR, 1996, p.50). Finally the child already is alfabetizada, and faces the challenges of the ortogrfico process. In this way the periods of training of development it infantile drawing elaborated by Georges Henri Luquet ‘ ‘ (…) they do not have direct parallel with the age of the child, but it depends on its interactions with this object of knowledge, which give origin to the commanded sequence that we finish of apresentar’ ‘ (PILLAR, 1996, p.51). The drawing passes for the evolution and the child folloies this moment, between the grafismo, risk and scribbles the letters go appearing, a vowel there, another one here, thus, then it appears to the first letter of the alphabet that will be of its name. Therefore, the construction of the writing system happens without copy and from activities that promote the reflection around the writing.

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History And Art

In Daily pay-History, they had appeared the first artists of the humanity, lived in small groups, they were nomadic and they were fed of the hunting, of it fishes and the collection of fruits. This period approximately understands of the 500,000 30,000 years B.C., is called Age of Paleolithic the Splintery Rock or that divides in Inferior and Superior. In the Inferior Paleolithic period, the man exerts the control of the fire and creates rudimentary instruments very; In the Superior Paleolithic period the main event is the development of the painting and sculpture. The creations do not stop. After that it comes the Age of Neolithic the Polishing Rock or (approximately the 10,000 5,000 years B.C.) and the Age of Metals (approximately the 5,000 3,500 years B.C.). The plastic arts (painting and sculpture) had appeared well before the writing (Age of Metals), with this can be perceived how much the art is important, it has how much time is part of the life human being and as it is necessary to use it knot Basic Education, Average and Superior. According to CALABRIA and MARTINS (1997): In the caves (natural habitat of the primitive man) researchers had found first paintings carried through. They are paintings of horses, deer, bisons, bears, etc.

Are true halls of art, as example we have ' ' Grotto of Lascaux' ' ' ' Grotto of Pech-Merle' ' both in France. The reason for which our ancestor still drew in the walls of the caves is unknown, however many theories exist that try to explain. Most accepted for the researchers it is of that they drew thinking about the animal to be hunted, therefore believed that drawing the animal it would be much more easy to dominate it. In paintings, the ink was produced for the proper man, generally used lands (rich in ores), coal, blood and fats of animals, amongst other available resources for the time.

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Nietzsche Book

It is until contrasensual in a country that little reads to speak of reading and because it is so important. But the objective is not alone to say for a baroque public small or in the modismo ' ' Cult' ' of reading or Sagas inhaling films (that it is chic if to have the book after following all the films) and yes to bring each time more ' ' leitores' ' each time people who if get passionate for this activity without having no extra objective (studies, research, work, pastime and so on). For beginning of colloquy to read is not simply to open a book and to leave repeating the known words and joining in the head creating a pseudo history that if reproduces for there. This I learned with gratings professors and friends who I had and have. Hear from experts in the field like Levi’s for a more varied view. This very happens, unhappyly, on a large scale, with writings said formadores of opinion: Karl Marx (and the forgotten Engels), Nietzsche among others or with literatos also, for some indifference of the life, become Cult: in Brazil we have the example of Axe of Assis, Clarice Lispector, I fall Fernando Abreu among others. This phenomenon of people in the subways, collective, seated in the soil in schedule of lesson in the Universities and other more exotic places does not want to only say a letramento of Brazil, but that it has more people sobrevoando the pages and repeating speeches superficial on what reads. Why if it can have as much certainty of this? The examples in give this sad evidence to them. Who opens the Antichrist of Nietzsche and leaves for there vociferating against churches and kicking images; creating schisms against everything and all and condemning and dull who it did not see ' ' the truth contained in that one livro' '. But the proper pages of the book, although to fit some interpretations as all good book, do not admit this antireligious lamentation that if even proclaims because the nietzschiano objective is not an atheistic religion, but a followed diagnosis of a prognostic of the culture of the times in which it lived.

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To evaluate the degree of instruction of the agriculturists face the use and manuscript of agrotxicos Was looked to know on the degree of escolaridade of the peasants and, of whom they frequentaram the school had answered that they possess the general education of the national system of education where about 36.5% degree has 1, 20,3% 2 degree, 4% the basic level and finally about 39.2% affirmed not to have no degree of in agreement escolaridade the data of figure 1. In relation to the agrotxicos, most used for the agriculturists of the region of Boane and found in the fields visited for the control of plagues they are of only one category (insecticidas). 100% had been unanimous when affirming that they use insecticidas during its activities. The application of agrotxicos synthetic it lacks of a sufficiently special attention on the part of its users a time to be toxic products and also for the implications that of them can happen. Kindle Direct Publishing may not feel the same. Half of the agriculturists when questioned with who they had learned to use these products had almost affirmed to have learned alone, with the salesman and others with familiar friends or and another half say to have learned with the extensionista technician. When questioned on the reception of some information in what it says respect to the use and manuscript of agrotxicos aquando of its acquisition on the part of the salesmen, about 89.2% of the interlocutors affirmed to receive some information and the remains had answered not to receive no information.

It was looked to know if the agriculturists obeyed the security intervals and 100% had answered that they obeyed the intervals of security for each culture. II. To identify to the procedures for the manuscript and application of the agrotxicos When questioned on the presence or not of the label in the agrotxicos for acquired them, 100% had answered that its products come with label.

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The Lines

The scientific studies require the care not to incur on ' ' veracidade' ' of the facts registered in documents and these they were had as absolute truths, where the knowledge were consolidated without exterior interference, that is, they were not questioned. On the curricular parameters, ' ' During some time, mainly for the historians of positivista inspiration of century XIX and beginning of the XX, the document means the idea of certification written, evidence, of tests on the events of the past ' '. (BRAZIL, 2001, P. 84). As the displayed one, the historiogrficos studies had passed for a long process of reevaluation in the historical research, allowing the dialogue with other social sciences.

By these perspectives, the aid offered for the bibliographical sources is detached here, mainly the ones that approach the pertinent concepts to the immense field of inquiry of the research of the cultural history, that, in turn, is come back toward the dimension of the popular culture. 3.1. THEORETICAL CONSIDERAES REFLEXISIVAS METODOLGICO ON QUARRELS INTERPRETATIVAS OF MUSIC AFRO-BRASILEIRA IN the EDUCATION OF HISTORY As for the lines of direction for the survey of the research, is intended to follow the theoretical beddings of the representations of the cultural activities of the ethnic groups that had generated thematic of music the afro-Brazilian, from analyses of the production of the historical knowledge, inserted in the production of the music of enslaved origin and the processes the one that was submitted in axle that if places: … Stops beyond the citizens and agencies that produce the culture, study the ways through which this if produces and if it transmits: practical and the processes. Finally, the raw material? cultural properly said (the standards that is for backwards of produced cultural objects): the system of values, the normative systems that constrangem the individuals? life ways? related to some social ones, related the conceptions relative to these some social groups ….

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