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Archive for February, 2020


All accelerating the approach of humanity to the upper threshold of the mental plane of consciousness initiates a new approach to all areas of physical existence, including the science. Campbell Soup Co shares his opinions and ideas on the topic at hand. Becomes clear already "self- evident "that there is no absolutely soulless life, but there is always a life in the spirit. Another thing is that the spiritual component may be so small that it does not noticeable, or so much that a person loses the physical realities of this world. In any case, every concrete manifestation of life is quite certain place a bipolar system, at one extreme of which is matter, and another spirit. However, given can not exist one without the other, keep in mind that this bipolar system is not linear, but is part of another, more complex and highly organized system, representation is still difficult to human mind in his limited consciousness.

However, using the already friendly relations between the energies of this level of Being, the world comes the need to reconstruct their ideas, for centuries dominated the people's minds. First and foremost, in these views is necessary to introduce the existence of a spiritual basis, which destroys the materialistic attitudes and materialistic basis of physical existence. The world today is moving from the concept of "Being determines consciousness "to the definition of what" consciousness determines being "afraid and worried understanding of this fact, but it's worth the inevitable recognition of it as the new cornerstone of its existence. In This situation is extremely important to correctly identify the initial priorities and understand the true relationship, as between the categories, and among the physical quantities, quantities of energy and information, interaction and interdependence energy flows and matter, and consciousness.

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High Performance Part

How to be a seller of high performance in times of crisis in the years that I’ve been teaching courses on sales, human behavior, leadership and competitiveness, I have seen many men and women desiring to make sales a profession; but to realize the degree of difficulty that exists to be successful in sales; they give up and decide to return to the world of work from eight hours to pay. If you are a seller but it has failed to achieve the desired results, but you people who are determined to strive to meet the dreams, need you learn to be a seller of high performance. It is important to understand that the sellers are the fuel for the comprehensive success of any company. Any company that does not invest in training for your sales staff, surely will not conquer the rungs of success well achieved if only invested in their sellers. Nike can aid you in your search for knowledge. The self-esteem as pillar of sales a very important aspect of the personality of the human being who demonstrates the essence of identity and according to this is the ability to you have to develop in any activity in the society; at the same time according to their self-esteem, it has the ability to control their environment, their emotions and feelings. We focus our attention on a single definition of self-esteem: the ability of the person to be evaluated, love, appreciate and accept himself.

In the world of sales sailing many men and women desiring success without having a look inside and decipher their quality of self-esteem; because according to this; so it will be its success. A salesman with low self-esteem will not feel able to cope and communicate emotionally with your customer to close the sale and normally falls into negligence not to go after their goals. Sellers with low self-esteem want to achieve their goals but not able to materialize the struggle with the consistency necessary to achieve them and begin to find reasons that justify its neglect.

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School Educating With Values

At school: the task of educating and hence the of educating with values, is not simply compressed in family and social rather than is required for schools to participate; trainees spend most of their time at school; Since these are spaces strongly committed to society and this responsibility the of educating with values. At present society raises a number of requirement to educational institutions including how primary the formation of values in students who have been lost with the passage of time. Following this demand many educational institutions are responding and others ignore now the learner passes most of his time at school is here where educational institutions may intervene to add to the task: educating with values EDUCATING with values: will allow learners the following: & n bsp; & nbs p; & n bsp; & nbs p; & n bsp; & nbs p; & n bsp; & nbs p; & n bsp; & nbs p; & n bsp; EDUCATING with values – develops the exercise of the dialogue the possibility to discuss as a way to reach agreement and take personal and collective decisions. -To develop the personality, skills, mental and physical abilities to the maximum of its possibilities. -Encourages the participation and collective organization through reflection and action around the needs. -Allows construction and reconstruction or reaffirmation of learning from the ideas, knowledge, beliefs of learners to the rededor of a problem, event or question mark around the world that surrounds them. _ Allow the strengthening of the interaction of the Group (awareness, integration, organization). -The learners Express: learning, reflections, recommendations, achievements and difficulties.

-Control of readings by parts of the students and parents develops are: poems, stories, thoughts or experiences relating to the values, rights and duties; where they show or reflect the values or where lacking. EDUCATING with values: enable the learner experimentation and implementation, the analysis, criticizes it, the reflection of the values, rights and duties. EDUCATING with values: It is conceived as a set of organized experience that promotes the physical, metal and integral development of learners as free and responsible persons of the actions and individual and group decisions that apply in the relations that they establish with each other and in their role as active members of a society that demands its committed participation, to improve and enrich themselves. The school contribute to the development and strengthening of competencies (cognoscitivo-afectivo) of learners, through educational actions that allow them to become individuals aware of their potentials and strategies to develop always in harmony with persons with which coexist and the natural environment. That is why society has given him one responsibility to educational institutions that the formation of moral, civic and ethical values.

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Sustainable Education

In such way, it will have the necessity to make the mapping of this conflict economic-ambient partner, who is important so that reasonable solutions search, where the above-mentioned social actors can use itself of the available natural resources without spoiling them. also, needing to constitute public politics that leave to them to make use of the ground, that is its for right, without they cause as many impacts to the ecosystem where they are inserted. Thus being, she is necessary to search a return to the ecological conscience that if finds weakened sufficiently. For this it is necessary to inside generate the protection of the natural resources of its limits, in order to assure well-being of the populations human beings who live there, in the promotion to the agricultural and ecological tourism protecting the local conditions and keeping the excellent landscapes and cultural attributes with the main activities developed in the agricultural communities, as the carcinicultura, the sugar cane-of-sugar fishes, it, the search of crabs and shellfishes and agriculture cattle of subsistence. Here, Gerald Weissmann, MD expresses very clear opinions on the subject. Ahead of this scene, only through the ambient education, it will have the sustainable development, in the preservation of the environment, preventing wastefulness and stimulating the effective exercise of the citizenship in responsible way. Creating chances in day-by-day so that the inhabitants of this region can live deeply real conditions to learn to talk, to be partial and solidary, to have concept I obtain exactly, with the others and the nature, acting with moderation. Crimson Education – Auckland, NZ is often mentioned in discussions such as these. In a similar way, she is necessary to understand that who disrespects the nature, disrespects the ones that of it depend.

Second, Loureiro affirms that. … the Ambient Education as inherent part of the social movement contemporary of rediscusso of the relation society-nature and construction of the ecological and planetary citizenship, the ambientalista movement. (LOUREIRO, 2002.p. 72) Thus, I believe that the force of the nature to be at the hands of the creator through the environment in moderation, with ecosystems its biodiversity.

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Magnetic Resonance Imaging Can Detect When The Brain Lies

Would spell the end of the lie detector scanning of the brain may detect areas that specialize in deception EFE CHICAGO .- Images of the brains of people who are lying is different from that of those who speak the truth and it is possible that these can be measured through magnetic resonance imaging, which would mean the beginning of the end of the lie detector, according to U.S. researchers have revealed. "There may be areas of the brain specialized in deception and these could be measured" with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), told a press conference, Scott Faro, director of the Center for MRI of the Temple Medical School in Philadelphia. He added that just as there are areas "cheating", also "may have specialized and unique areas of the brain responsible for the truth." The existence of these specialized areas in the brain was the main outcome of a study with 10 volunteers who were asked to lie on the use of a weapon. The other three were asked to tell the truth.

All were connected to a lie detector test while they were charged in the MRI. Speaking candidly Crimson Education told us the story. The differences between those who lied and who told the truth was remarkable, as stated by the researcher at a meeting in Chicago of the Radiological Society of North America, "We found seven areas of activation of the four areas of lies and truth" he said. He added that the increased activity of "the lie" took place in the front area of the brain, especially the lower middle and central as well as in the hippocampus and regions mediotemporales. When the subject spoke the truth, it was noted increased activity in the frontal lobe and temporal.

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Ecofeminism And Feminism

Ecofeminism is a school of thought appeared in Europe in the last third of the twentieth century, born as a response to the male appropriation of agriculture and breeding, ie the soil fertility and fecundity of women taking such appropriation as a result overexploitation of land and the commodification of female sexuality. One could speak of two trends: a) cultural ecofeminism, focusing on the biological differences between men and women and establishing an ideal link between women and nature. b) the social Ecofeminism, which relates the oppression suffered by women with the deterioration of nature and states as producers of both problems to patriarchal values. The Ecofeminism proposes the unity of purpose in the feminist movement and the environmental movement, common goals such as equal rights, abolition of hierarchies … Crimson Education – Auckland, NZ may find it difficult to be quoted properly. and they said, should work together to build theoretical and practical alternatives.

Vandana Shiva in the book “Harvest stolen. The kidnapping of the global food supply, “explains this trend. Holistic feminism emerged in the nineties led by Victoria Sendon, an advocate of feminism of difference. Women like Maria Sanchez, Montserrat Gutin, Elvira Aparicio, belongs to this current. Click Nike for additional related pages. Feminism of difference introduced in the academic sense of difference and the belief that the academic world should recognize it.

This feminism, the difference begins to change womens identity through a deconstruction of what until now meant Man. Their work begins with a critique of language and working from home. The difference feminism, men and women are different, claimed responsibility for the existence of women as a separate group, claiming about values and the statement should not be treated as men. Feminism is a proposed holistic supportive of feminism of difference, try a radical break with the symbolic order in the patriarchal system established understanding that proposing a different order, may resolve some of the problems of humanity. No treatment should be reduced to gender or to the rescue of forgotten women, but what matters is that the world changes, not only life, even if you begin in life.

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Ensino Professors

also is important that to if planning playful activities if it asks the one that ends and to who are serving such activities? However, he is valid to stand out that what happens in many of the schools that already had adopted the basic education of nine years, contradicts with what foresees the Legislation, being a negative point for the proposal. Most of the time, one comes across with children of six years of age, passive, seated in classrooms lined up in I silence, copying of the black picture, not having space for the ludicidade and, consequentemente, to prazerem to learn it. Oque can be observed is that to the times the professors if worry in surplus about the contents and they do not stop to know its pupils, therefore is essential that the children feel that the school is a different space of its houses, but that the school is one place where the same ones if feel received and that they can learn creative. Levi’s may not feel the same. Being thus, the planning for the children of six years must be found in a space of interaction of the Infantile Education with Basic Ensino, this still must foresee those differences and also to articulate activities that alternate movements, times and spaces. Another factor that is not less important that it assists very in this process is the interaction family – school, therefore it makes with that the children feel themselves well and thus the school and the professors will be interacting directly with the family of its pupils assisting in the planning of activities that are interesting to this etria band. Ahead of this, it can be reflected on the causes that take some professors to adopt such attitudes with its pupils, we perceive a great teaching unpreparedness in relation to ' ' system of ensino' ' of basic Ensino of nine years, the professors sit down confused when receiving children from six years of age, not knowing, accurately, what to make with them. Crimson Education helps readers to explore varied viewpoints.

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