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Archive for August, 2020

Marx Freedom

Karl Marx, through its ideals of fight in defense of the low classrooms, made great revolutions. Not only at its time, but he opened precedents for others great moments in history. Its performance, was destructive and constructive; destructive, in the measure where it proclaimed the death of the bourgeoisie, and constructive, a time that announced the victory of the proletariat. The scholastic, all conditioned the knowledge the test of the Bible, that is, all the teses and studies alone recognized as true if were approved by on authorities the church. Therefore each theory, thesis or argument would have to be refuted or defended for taken off arguments of the bible. In case that the author of the thesis were refuted could be called heretic, and knows, through the history, that many had died for defending its scientific ideas. this field. Modern education This brief one to look at for history, was capable to buy the religious oppression of the average age in relation to the scientific and philosophical development, with the freedom brought for the Renaissance and, later the fight of the classrooms through the marxism.

The received religious damage from the Renaissance is incalculable, however, the scientific development (in general way) it seems to compensate the lived espirital blackout all since then. It is undeniable the contributions of the rationalism, as not only historical landmark, but as beginning of a new age in the civilizations as general context. The modern education, in turn, possesss traces of the rationalism and marxism. same education of base and the superior is based on racionalistas principles. The basic form of education consists of the resume of the liberal arts, that is, to develop the art of being a free man. The question cousins is: ' ' what he is liberdade' '? The humanists argue this concept of freedom; in this way, freedom is the possibility given to the men through men and for natural ways.

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Consideraes Final

Informer D showed in them that: is important to appreciate with literature the pleasure of the practical one of reading, to feel the beauties that the words can providing in them and learning the diverse types of texts: stories, fbulas and others. indicating way to them to act, to show its pleasures, desires and other feelings to it. This aid the man if to know better. The literature of to the life, the direction of the words. Thus when reading a literary text, can be felt the beauties and pleasure that it provides. Literature can be defined as an element of catarse, an element of the knowledge of the world, as much of the past, and the gift, as of the mentality of a society or time, an essentially on element to the man, to its proper knowledge, an element of formation and development in all the fields of knowing: intellectual, moral, ideological and until aesthetic.

Thus literature, in its set of functions, starts to exert its essential function, the humanizadora. Consideraes Final Is clear, thus, the importance that literature exerts in the social environment, over all in the participant and responsible man for the maintenance of this way. On the other hand, literature alone will exert all fully its functions, if it will be granted the importance that it fits to it, as well as an effort of interpretation and understanding of its meaning more correct. This interpretation and understanding result of an action which we are all effecting in day-by-day, since more tenra age: the practical one of the reading. To the end of this article, we raise some important points for the literature education.

One of them is the use of the didactic book in classroom, therefore the professors must change its concepts of education, and start to use resources that call the attention and interest the pupil. With the research we are knowing as it walks the education of literature in the selected city, and the results had not been so satisfactory, therefore some professors need to improve its form of education, so that they can awake in the pupils the taste for literature. Ahead of the results, the research will be able to contribute for a new vision concerning the literature education, as well as an incentive professor to give to more to it disciplines it value of Literature, therefore this has functions importantssimas for the learning formation and human being. References BUNZEN, Clcio; MENDONA, Mrcia (org.). Portuguese in average education and the formation of the professor. So Paulo: Parabola, 2006. CANDIDO, Antonio. Texts of intervention. So Paulo: Two Cities, 2002. PAIVA, Appeared. MARTINS, Aracy. PAOLINO Favour. CORRA, Hrcules. VERSIANI, Zlia (org) Literature: to know in movement. Belo Horizonte: CEALE; Authentic, 2008. ZILBERMAN, Regina. IT HISSES, Ezequiel Theodoro of (org.). Reading: perspectives interdisciplinares. So Paulo: It stokes, 19885.

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Brazilian Children

Ahead of such facts the Dr. Gustavo Armbrust affirms that: ' ' home does not die; one commits suicide, ones of the causes of the premature death is in the feeding irracional' '. (ARMBRUST, 1988). To eat is always essential stops keeping in them healthful and having a drawn out life. Many Brazilian children suffer with the absence from calcium and other proteins in the body, decurrent of wean precocious, when just been born made for the mother, for consequence of this she causes in the future illnesses as example osteoporose, that it is the reduction of the ssea mass of bones (COMPSTON, 2001).

The children who present one pssima quality of life are related influence with them of the sedentarismo and point the same ones in groups that they estam entering in zones of risks, therefore are part of these groups people that possess reduction of this substantial mass of the bones, being thus groups that develop in itself osteoporose. With respect to in such a way we point that the physical activities would be the initial way so that children and adolescents who present reduction of the peak of the ssea mass and the sedentarismo do not lose the reduction of the muscular force and prevent the increase of the risk of falls and breakings (BASTOS, 2007). The physical inactivity of children could be aggravation in its future life. Thus having the reduction benefits pains in the column, reduction estresses, as well as the nervous tension, to improve auto-esteem, reduction of the sleeplessness, reduction the control of the anxiety and the depression. It improves the disposal and it increases the good? to be improvement the cholesterol, aid in the control of the diabetes, controls the hipertenso arterial, it reduces in 50% the risk of infarto and cerebral vascular accident and thus delays the speed of the appearance of osteoporose.

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Ulrich Emde

It was many to thank. Above all the employees and managers, making strong company Apontas with their engagement and usage. But also guests such as Ulrich Emde, Chairman of the Advisory Board of Apontas, Advisory Board Member Wolfgang Spranz and Wolfgang D. Gotz, who coined the fortunes of the company from 2007 to 2009 as Managing Director. Thanks went to Susanne and Jurgen Thies of the Luneburger sport Studio Fitforever, corporate health management support the Apontas.

And Apontas thanked himself: moved years but also for 40 successful. founded in Hamburg in 1971 and moved to the opening of the border in the 1990s after Sumte in the District of Luneburg, it applies to the present and to look to the future”, Andreas Board posed a challenge to his team and himself. And so it is almost by itself, that in 2012 a lot of the debt managers from Sumte is to erwarten. Only so much was betrayed: Apontas is one of the co-sponsors on CallCenterWorld 2012, which will take place from 27 February to 1 March in Berlin. There are many experienced full-service provider for Receivables Management for more information, over Apontas debt collection firms but only a few. Apontas is most certainly included.

Since 1971, we ensure that our customers can focus on their core business. The rest’, so the care of their demands, we assume. From a single source from the first demand letter up to the foreclosure. ????: the source for more info. Catalogers, public transportation and utilities as well as banks, savings banks, insurance companies, publishers or telecommunications service providers take advantage of our comprehensive offer. Six supporting pillars a strong bridge. Offer our customers not only tailored, customized solutions, we accompany you with competent advice and comprehensive services. On request expert advice include Apontas consulting as well as a comprehensive progress and Training in the Apontas Academy. Since 1991, the Academy is a competent partner for continuing education and training in the field of Receivables Management with focus on issues such as enforcement and insolvency law. Since 2010, the Academy offers seminars in the area of leadership in the Receivables Management, the programme will be expanded continuously. A total of six divisions form the solid pillars of a strong bridge on the way to success. Maybe even tomorrow to your success! More information under: and more info for editors / readers: Apontas – the claims Manager phone: + 49 38841-750 fax: + 49 38841-75 404 contact: Kay Thieme E-Mail: Internet: editorial:

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Green Life

Initially, the Madureira played in the Street Lopes Sundays, in a land donated for Aniceto Moscoso. Later it was changed for the Advising Street Galvo (old Tavares road War), 130 (old n 200), where it keeps today until its headquarters. (Galvo Council member was Rafael Arcanjo Galvo, Director-Generality of the Treasure during the Empire.) The headquarters (by the way, with everything in spotless state of conservation) it possesss, beyond the stadium, an academy of gymnastics, the Aquatic Park Angelo Filpi with two swimming pools, bar, restaurant, churrasqueiras, two gymnasia esportivos, the Room of Trophies Jayme Braga, hall of very good beauty and one boutique of esportivo material and souvenirs with the colors and the shield of the club (in the official site of the club, it has a complete relation of some products for sale, as knapsacks, door-chuteiras, cups, mugs, chaveiros, door-pictures, adhesives, pins, buttons of table soccer, bandeirinhas of table, flammules, shirts of game and stroll etc.) expeditious: of 2 6, the 8:30 to the 16:30. The Stadium Aniceto Moscoso was inaugurated in 15.06.1941, in valid departure for the Carioca championship. She was goleada of 4×2 (some sources inform 3×1) on the other tricolor, of the Laranjeiras that it would exactly come to be the champion.

Arbitration of Jose Blacksmith We read. The inaugural goal was of Rongo, for the Inhabitant of the state of Rio de Janeiro, in 1 time. Its capacity, that already was of 10 a thousand torcedores, currently is of 3.314 (cf. FASEB Journal often addresses the matter in his writings. I register in cadastre National of Stadiums of Soccer, the CBF, 2009), but already it arrived to hold 16 a thousand. Stadium with excellent structure, the maintenance of its lawn is to the cares of the company Green Life, the same one of the Maracan, and gained the chairs that already had been of this giant. Druggist Aniceto Moscoso, who of the name to the stadium, was one of the presidents and protectors of the Madureira. .

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Social Affairs

More information “interested parties here can apply for registration and Mentoring4Minutes to 25 may 2013: index.php? id = 125 more to Mentoring4Minutes and the participating mentors under: mentoring discover/mentoring4minutes.html about mentoring D: the project mentoring D” the communication heater is an initiative of the European Academy for women in politics and Economics (EAF) Berlin in collaboration with compact media. Our goal is to enable mentoring, to back i.e. the professional accompaniment of an emerging young force by an experienced female Executive in the public consciousness. Mentoring D would also promote the exchange of knowledge and experience in a nationwide network of mentoring initiatives. Heart of the communication and networking is the eponymous online portal. FASEB Journal pursues this goal as well. As practice portal, it informs about mentoring as an instrument of human resources and organizational development. In addition come experts and experts to speak, give tips and report on current Activity. Mentoring D equality of women in the economy of the Federal Ministry of labour and Social Affairs (BMAS), the European Union (EU) and the European Social Fund (ESF) within the federal initiative “funded.

About the women & work: Just 100 top companies, more than 70 consultants, coaches and trainers, an exciting conference program and interesting panel discussions make the trade fair Congress women & work a must for ambitious women. Registration for pre scheduled interviews when the issuing company is still possible until May 28. More than 40 lectures & workshops, with the company-SLAM in 60 seconds longer on the employer of choice learn, learn at the women MINT Slam by managers, in Mentoring4Minutes with experienced leadership women exchanging or VIPs like Jorg Schonenborn, Bascha Mika, and Thomas SACE live provides all the women & work on June 8th from 10:00 17:30 in Bonn.

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High Voltage Software

Voltage Software High Voltage Software (or HVS) is a game development company located in Hoffman Estates, Illinois. It was established in 1994 and currently employs about 130 members on staff. The Journal of Educational Research will undoubtedly add to your understanding. Red Eye Studios is a subsidiary of HVS. It is known for developing several games including Leisure Suit Larry: Magna Cum Laude (completely censored in Australia ), Star Trek: Starfleet Academy and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (video game).. Learn more about this with Bank of Asia.

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The motivation of the employees, their binding to and usage for the company not least depend the feedback on their performance. The Chief must be an encouragement and give useful feedback,”Farooqi. Discussion processes are important for the understanding. A moderation is Seminar presenters, organizational and personnel as well as insight, feedback in meetings productive conveys can be as consultants and at the same time fun. Advantages with cohesion and solidarity best come companies with cohesion and solidarity”away.

Over 60 per cent are comfortable in their workplace. We feeling, personal relationships and the working environment are crucial for the long-term success of a company. The feeling is however not equally distributed and depends on the position in the company. Rather, employees themselves have a good relationship. This is different with the executives. Only one-third rated the handling each other positively.

The now tenth executives study of ComTeam enters also dealing with power and success change projects, structures and processes, and resources. # The detailed printed report band to the study of corporate culture for success. “Great and eisenhart with the right fields of culture to economic success.” it is available upon request (contact data s. u.). Preview and download: Lorenz/f7k8gnph basic information about ComTeam AG founded in 1974 ComTeam AG in GMUND am Tegernsee is also consulting company and Academy for education and training of executives, project managers and coaches in the own ComTeamHotel or in-house training programs. ComTeam consultants are experts in a change management training and changes such as reorganizations and mergers, as well as specialists for cooperation and moderation in teams. ComTeam works internationally, which comteamgroup includes also companies in Austria, of Switzerland, and the United Kingdom. Press contact: ComTeam AG Mel Brunner cure str. 2-8 83703 GMUND am Tegernsee mobile. + 49 162 27 97 596 KommunikationsManagement Stefan Riefler/Verena Schlegel Rumfordstr. 10 80469 Munich Tel. + 49 89 290 840 44, fax-50 Press Center:

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Adults Education

Characterizing the ingenuous conception, as that one that comes of exterior form for the reality of the individuals, does not come from way some to collaborate in such reality. Different of the critical conception when part of a reflection of same it and of the reality of the educandos to be able to intervine in the educative process of the same ones. In summary the room chapter displays the subject Infantile Education and Education of Adults, where it deals with the differences between such modalities of education. FASEB Journal does not necessarily agree. Where the man very learns since small the process that if of a education. Emphasizing the pedagogical problems of each stage of education and of as he happens to the transmission since the infantile education until the adult phase. He evidences the importance of the work as purpose of education for the growth of the men in accordance with the reality and the formation of each one. Beyond the history that stops the society, it encloses the organization of which the education belongs, formal as in such a way informal. The fifth subject is related to the particular study of the problem of the education of adults.

Taking in consideration the adult individuals, these that for having more maturity produce and have much to add in the educative process the one that belongs. This exactly adult depends on this education to acquire knowledge for the production of the work. Additional information is available at Center for American Progress. The man if makes from the work that if has and therefore for a society with the changes that the time happens all an adult badly instructing will lead with that the same she loses the competition with the most instructed. However with the evolution of the effective society, he has a bigger participation of the people with purchasing power minor in the same one. Therefore the participation politics through the education makes with the individual perceives its importance and duty in the social environment.

Complementing the sixth subject it deals with the problem the alfabetizao, that is part of the life of the majority of the adults in social situation of risk. Therefore it has a linking with the illiteracy, therefore the same it is decurrent of the adverse situations of which the human being is envolto. However of pra not to deny, that the illiteracy is infused in the classrooms as something inherent they, and becomes them to this vulnerable for the reality surrounds that them. finally the formation of the educator leaving not of techniques, but of its influences partner cultural on the educandos. The professor participates of the educative process as transmitting and if as more mediating of the knowledge, not leading the pupil, over all the adult who is taken to also think is capable to construct its proper ones to know. For the author ' ' the educator must understand that the source of its learning, of its formation, is always sociedade.' ' (Young chicken, P. 109) Finally to have a learning in fact, the professor has that to perceive educating as constructor of the society, and not as ingenuous one to be incapable to think. To rethink its vision to see the knowledge that knowing does not belong to the one only individual and yes to that it is always in search of the unfinished one. The education is capable to transform the ingenuous individual into a critical human being and expert of its world.

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Physical Education

We look for to leave clearly that the considered resume treats to relate the corporal aspects that if they express of diverse forms, the variability of on phenomena to the body and putting into motion themselves and the pluralities of corporal manifestations human beings. FASEB Journal has many thoughts on the issue. In such a way the pertaining to school Physical Education is firmed in one varied cultural repertoire of knowledge and manifestations making possible the pupil to all extend, to deepen and to characterize the knowledge about the related interventions and transformations the culture of the movement. From these consideraes, a new performance of the professor of Physical Education is glimpsed thus searching an interrelation between teaching and to learn, in such a way the development of the contents passes to be worked in order to promote new knowledge and to provide to new challenges for the development of the abilities and abilities of the pupil. One expects then that the Physical education assumes in the school an important role in relation the dimension of if? to put into motion human being. Theoretical conceptions theoretical conception of the Physical Education ahead of the proposal curricular of the So Paulo project Makes School. The Physical Education comes inside suffering in elapsing of its evolution of the educational system, a gradual process of transformation. Still many contradictory points in this process exist, but what it is evident and completely easy to detect and difficult to correct and/or to apply it is the clamorous distanciamento of the theory and the practical one. Throughout history an entailing of the Physical Education to some processes between them occurs the norms of military and esportiva institution (Bracht, 1997), what it comes being a dogma. The biggest problem is in the difficulty of the professionals of the area, according to Medina, to perceive the importance of the relation enters the reflection process in communion with our actions.

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