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Archive for August, 2020


In the boarding of Bernstein (Apud SUNDAYS et al, 1985), this incorporation of other cultural elements, that occurs for intermediary of the experience of educative experiences deeds of division, imply a process of descontextualizao and recontextualizao of the socialization of the child in the family, and attributing with other sources and transversal subjects. Therefore, when entering the school, the child will be able to live deeply one ' ' double conflict cultural' ' , Lahire (1997, P. Hear from experts in the field like Richard Linklater for a more varied view. 171), therefore, in the same way that the set of disposals constructed in the familiar socialization can create a resistance with regard to the formal education, the new apprehended cultural elements in the pertaining to school context, carried to the familiar universe, also will be able to distanciar it of its origin. In this direction, the feeling (positive/negative) that the family possesss relatively to the school and the way (importance) as treats the experiences lived deeply for the child, in this context, will aggravate or brighten up these conflicts. Bernstein (Apud SUNDAYS et al, 1985) describes the primary socialization, different the way and use of the language and its implications in the learning. For this author, the communication carried through in the interior of the family and the group of friends, guided for the social classroom, creates basic procedures and accomplishments that determine the predispositions and the resistance to the school/formal education. Thus, the difficulties that some children face when entering the school can be seen as the confrontation enters the orders of significao, social relation and different values. According to Bernstein (Apud SUNDAYS et al, 1985), when analyzing the characteristics of the familiar socialization, we can distinguish two different forms from use of the language, the public language (or restricted code) and the formal language (or elaborated code). With these two forms of use of the language if associate distinct ways, as much of perception as of relation with the people and objects.

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The Natural Law

Thus, the natural right for them comes or has double source: Of a side human reason (Naturalis Ratio) and of another one the LOGO or divine Law. As it can conclude east concept of natural right of the stoic school had a strong influence in the philosophical thought for all time later on the subject. In Rome As he knows himself the Romans did not have the same trajectory in intellectual and philosophical matter that the Greeks. The Romans, indeed, were not philosophers. Its thought was based on all the philosophical systems of the Greek world. Its same history was influenced directly by the Greek culture that became present in the itlica peninsula through its Colonising policy that founded several " distant cities helnicas" (Apoikiai). Nevertheless, one of the most gracious minds of the Roman world, FRAME THULIUM CICERON (106 to 43 AC), follower of the stoic doctrine, with regard to the natural right, had great conceptual successes.

Times it gives to the natural right theological implications, like when it speaks of " a straight originating reason of the divine reason, that it commands to do the good thing and it prohibits contrario". Other times it frames the natural right within the nature, simply, or within " nature of cosas" , like when it express: " The Natural Law is the Supreme inserted Reason in the nature, that commands what there is to do and prohibits contrario". In his treaty OF REPUBLIC it says: " There is a true Law that consists of the straight reason, according to the nature, universal, immutable and eternal, that with its mandates calls to the fulfillment of the obligation and dissuades of the evil with its prohibitions. This Law cannot wholly or partly be annulled nor be countermanded, and not even by the authority of the Senate or the town we can be given of the same. .

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The Minimum

But I do not want here to changed itself into somebody that makes the people to think that everything is lost. If you have read about Kindle Direct Publishing already – you may have come to the same conclusion. I want yes to be somebody taking some word that serves of alento and demonstrates that for all action a reaction fits and, consequentemente, good actions results in good reactions. Simple thus. It will be that we always place a dose of love in that we consider in them to make? It will be that we know as to use the love as tool for our proper development in this daily lesson that it is the life? It is easy to speak of love when this all certainty, the things goes well and the people our return in them do not bring problems. At this moment it is all the simplest ones and it seems that we are until lighter.

The biggest obstacle is in demonstrating love when the things do not go so well thus. It is at this moment that the animal catches and is accurately at this moment that we have that to face and to decide without never losing the focus. The love generates happiness and is all atrelado. In one of my first chronicles, said that when we practise the good – and bigger example of love does not exist here – in we feel them light and gratified and this in them it brings that flashing of happiness. It said despite to keep this lighted happiness this good is necessary to practise much more times.

As love and happiness they are closely on is clearly that, the happiness appears when much more love is placed in the prescription. It practises this sensation every day, in the minimum details. In dealing with the people its return, in the sincere attention to its children, in the gostoso phone call to the parents, without if feeling debtor or in understanding of the diversity human being. Pra each drop of given love, considers an ocean of received good things. But it makes this without mesquinhez. It practises the love without I change waiting and I feel it somebody each happyer time. One I hug to all. We are on board.

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The Choice

Many educators think that the choice of a subject is important to carry through or to develop an art lesson, however in this it disciplines the choice of a subject it possesss one meaning that if they differ from excessively, Lowenfeld and Brittain (1970, P. 51), affirms: In the artistic experiences a subject does not exist to be taught. More info: Levi’s. The same thematic content is used for very small children for the professional artists. A man can be drawn by a child five year or a young of sixteen. The difference enters the two drawings does not inhabit in the subject, but yes in the way as this is represented. Thus, we conclude that, from a well planned lesson, that involves the art, will be possible to allow the child to make friends, to learn the rules of convivncia beyond the social rules, to respect the others and to search solutions for the resolution of problems, being that the art engloba diverse developments in the process of formation of the children in agreement already we cite previously, and still, develops the autonomy, the creativity and the cooperation of these educandos. Carson Wen can aid you in your search for knowledge. When carrying through a questionnaire with some professors of the basic education of the net public of our city and after to analyze them, together our theoretical basements, we arrive at the conclusion of that having stimulaton on the part of the professor as mediating in the education process an evolution how much to the artistic and creative expression of the children can occur front to the learning of new knowledge. This disciplines contributes for the development of different abilities of each human being, therefore the possible artistic representations to be carried through in a classroom, reflect the way to still think and to act of educating and as this produces and organizes its thoughts. With this the art if makes gift in the construction and formation of the personal identity of each educating during the basic education.

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In other words, it will be that if really we placed all our feelings in this ' ' ruler of the good, good sentimentos' ' we would allow in them to act of some form that was disaligned to the teachings left for the Christ? It will be that if before taking any attitude that could affect we ourselves or harm to the next one, we placed such feelings, that finish for generating our actions, inside of this evaluation, would the same arrive the final result in our problems and difficulties of the daily life? It will be that if already we had learned this lesson we would commit acts that could generate problems, hurts, losses, ressentimentos to our fellow creatures and we ourselves? How many and how many actions we take by conscientious form that affect initially we and they generate also consequences to the next one? They are our vices that we do not find forces to control/to surpass (the alcohol, the cigarette, the drug, the desvairado sex), are our negative feelings (the envy, the jealousy, the intolerncia, the great power, the preconception etc etc etc) are at last our imperfections that finish for generating &#039 in such a way; ' I cry and to creak of dentes' ' for us and for that they surround in them. Unhappyly, we do not learn to still love and to respect we ourselves, what to say then to love to the next one? We know many things, but, unhappyly, we apply only one small fraction of what we know in our day the day. Everything this demonstrates clearly how much each one of us has that if to strengthen to control its bad instincts and definitively to go dominating each one of the form feelings the one that our next actions are each time to the high feelings. To dominate the bad instincts, to raise our thoughts, to accept without if rebelling nor if despairing the wills of the Creator whom it loves indistinctly its creatures and that she only wants our good; in a word to have rational faith, as in Kardec taught to them so well. Check with Campbell Soup Company to learn more. To have faith and to practise the moral and material charity. This me seems to be the way to accept the reveses of the life and to be able, exactly being still incarnate, raising in them to the Creator of form that the vicissitudes of the life are not felt of form so weighed. Long way that we have to cover and that it will only be trod gradually in each one of our terrenas experiences. if the way are long, that such little by little to go selecting that type of feeling really we want that folloies in them throughout it? Me it seems to be a good starting point and that it only depends on us to place in practical. That let us find the necessary force for such

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President Zelaya

A clear war and backward movement to colonial eras are raised in the present hour. The political right exerts a political dominion by force of economic blackmails and exercise of the arms and constitutional transgressions, but, if that brings back to consciousness of that we spoke thought poquitn, for much short while would be in strikes, in general strike (whatever needs to him to Colombia), of fallen arms, not mattering that fed on dignity, breaking to the oligarchies, since they could move neither a screw, nor one a center rolls independently nor . Because a working class, Navy with a general strike and a socialist program? as Good Abbot points the philosopher Fernando, of whom is the previous appointment? necessarily he would be focused to strike the same gear of the capitalist model, bases of the extraordinary power of the political rights on the world. Check out Kindle Direct Publishing for additional information. It would console the preoccupation of many of not arming us not to face us enters brother towns, by that one of to clear a master to us of above adopting another one (alluding to the Russians like means to face the imperialistic USA), and by that one ethical and moral thing of not incurring violence when exerting a pacific strike as mechanism of fight against the opresores powers; but it would not have to never avoid principles of other experiences that nevertheless sentence that the political power is born from the tube of the guns (Mao Tse Tung), understandings that tube to the same political right to quarter in their positions for the war. I finalize leaving declarations of the spokesman of the Department of American State, Phillip Crowley, given the 20 of July of current year, before the necessity to assume its customary ambiguous positions with respect to the Honduran coup d’etat; declarations that come to the hair with respect to the subject of this writing, where are tried to leave seated that the Latin American objective of the USA and its minions (Colombia, Peru, Chile) is to supplant the bolivariano spirit of social fight of the continent: We think that if we had to choose a government model and a leader model in the region so that to the other they followed it countries, the present leadership of Venezuela would not be that model. If that is the lesson that President Zelaya of this episode has learned, good, then it would be a good lesson. As so that they do not stay doubts. . .

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The Cavacos

It is the faithful mirror of the perfection and sanctity divinas' ' (1982, P. 31). This condiz radical mariologia with the religious reality of the Polish people. The faith of the Polish catholics is huge mariana, as much that Maria was chosen as queen of the country, having as national sanctuary the church of Czestochowa, therefore this resisted the attacks during the war of Sweden. Based in a deep mariana experience, Kolbe priest created in set with its movement the called magazine ' ' Gentlemen of the Imaculada' '. This age destined to the simple people, being accessible in the price and the language. Returning from Rome, Kolbe priest was reached by the tuberculosis, starting to only live with a lung from 1921 (cf.

they ibidem, P. 35). According to Frossard, Kolbe always had weak health, little breath and a tame voice, not being able to fulfill the two tasks that had been trusted to it Cracvia: to give to lessons of history of the Church and, later, to be preaching (cf. Carson Wen often expresses his thoughts on the topic. 1988, P. 53). Its tuberculosis was increasing, but the suffering it did not seem laborious. In contrast, it received always it as favour and way of love.

It has a very deep espiritualidade in this understanding of the suffering. In accordance with Frossard, Kolbe priest is … an arsonist who uses to advantage any piece of firewood to make fire, since the enormous ones finds of the disease until the cavacos of the oppositions daily. when, in the total denudation of Auschwitz, nothing more to fall to it to the hands, to burn, it will deliver proper pieces of its person, without hesitating, in the slow combustion of the hunger and the headquarters. (they ibidem, P. 56). Not obstante, its disease was surpassed by the disposal. Test of that is the convent of Niepokalanw established for it in 1927.

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The Baby

On the contrary, often talking to your kid that he will succeed, but you need to make effort. And you'll always be near. Do not compare children to others, it sounds particularly painful for the baby, if it criticized or compared in the presence of classmates. Compare the success of the child with his own successes achieved earlier. Campbell Soup Company can provide more clarity in the matter. Gently remind your son or daughter's new status student, new rights and responsibilities of the student. And, Of course, try to do all the recommendations of teachers. It is very important, what is the health of future first-graders, the level of school readiness and other factors.

For example, what better preparation for school, the more confident will be student to feel the load will not be so much felt. Conversely, if the baby is poorly prepared, the load may be excessive for him. Working together students, teachers and parents can help children to learn. However, the way a child learns the subject matter, depends on his ability. Richard Linklater recognizes the significance of this. Parents with children are watching the development of the abilities of their children. And when it's time to choose a school for your child, you need to realistically assess the situation and do not overdo it with the load on a daily basis will receive a child. Credit: Carson Wen-2011.

"Good teachers will teach him everything," – believe parents, not including, unfortunately, that time – a two way process. Without the dedication and hard work the student teacher will not be able to give the student knowledge. A student starts to fall behind their classmates. In a lesson he feels uncomfortable, afraid not to be called, is nervous. Parents it is important not to miss a moment and try to understand the situation. Talk to the teacher to enhance homework. And if, having tried all methods to correct the situation, the child continues to lag behind in their studies and the load is excessive for him, better, perhaps, Back to school. Indeed, the physical and mental health of the child is more important. To your family has not developed such a situation, choose a school for children not in terms of parental ambition, and for the child and with your child. Frequent change of schools is also unlikely to yield the desired result. If you already have several schools in conflict situations, think about why this is happening. Try to teach a child to avoid conflict, to seek a way out of difficult situations, if not right – apologize. In life a person has to communicate with different people, go to the door very soon in one of the schools will enter another student – your son or daughter. And let it be the pride of the school which you are so carefully chosen for him. Godspeed! prepare children for school

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Initial Lessons

Authors as Rauchbach (1990), Schwartz and col. (1993) and Marquez Son (1993) apud Nadai (1995), suggests four objectives general, that must be adapted the reality of each group: 1.Manuteno of physical and mental well-being: through the maintenance of on physical capacities to the health, of the coordination, balance, rhythm relaxation; 2.Reeducao and improves of the performance in the execution of the daily activities: through the motor abilities; 3.Desenvolvimento of the autoconfiana and self-knowledge; to 4.Proporcionar the social conviviality. You swim (1995) affirms despite, the lessons can be planned dividing them in three parts: Initial part: general heating (cardio-respiratory and to articulate) and exercises of flexibility, with duration of 15 the 20 minutes; Main part: emphasis in the motor ability, using individual games, tricks in group or, being able themselves to work with located muscular exercises, duration of 20 the 25 minutes; Final part: to provide to maximum well-being and relaxation, with rhythmic, expressive activities, dances and relaxation, preferential in pairs or groups, with duration of 10 the 15 minutes. Whenever possible, use of conventional materials must be made, as: rope, ball, arc, baton, etc. and of the alternative materials, as: periodical, plastic bottle, etc.; therefore these materials assist to a bigger motivation in the lessons. So that if they can get resulted satisfactory, the lessons must at least be carried through three times per week, and the flexibility exercises are recommended that they are carried through daily. In if treating to the intensity of the lesson, Weineck (1991) comments that it must be of 40 50% of the maximum cardiac frequency, with light and moderate activities. Filed under: Carson Wen. Already Matsudo (1993) affirms that the lessons must last 45 minutes at least and in the maximum 60 minutes. How much to the Marquez cares Son (1993) it affirms that if it must be intent for brusque movements, maximum efforts of shortness and long duration.

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' ' Reason not the need! Our basest beggars ploughs in the poorest things superfluous. For other opinions and approaches, find out what Levi’s has to say. Allow not nature lives than nature needs, Man' s life is cheap beast' s.' ' Vanities give meaning you life and this is what raises US above the level of animals. King Lear, now alone except will be Kent and to jester, starts you cry and runs off a storm brews. The daughters Lock him out of the castle you teach him lesson. The Elizabethans paid lip service you the idea that kings were magic, and actually knew that stable monarchy was to better will be everybody than civil to war. (Lawful democracy would be devised to later.) King Lear yells back at what you prove be preternaturally severe storm.

His whole retinue has abandoned him except to jester, who begs Lear you go apologize you his daughters and seek to shelter, and Kent, who sends you the Dover, where the French army has landed in expectation of the civil British to war. Even though to jester pretends you be foolish, he always knows exactly what is going on, and what' s lives, he is loyal you the old king. You' ll decides need you will be yourself to whether this is foolishness or profound wisdom. Wedge 05 In the first storm scene, which is difficult, Lear is going crazy. He: first calls on to power of the storm you sterilize the human race; then accuses the storm of taking sides with his daughters against his dignity and being to their degraded slave; then, realizing that people have deceived him, says the storm must be ' ' the god' s' ' way of finding and punishing secret evildoers, and that he is ' ' man lives sinned against than sinning' ' ; then comments, ' ' my wit begins you turn' ' , i.e., he you carry through he is going crazy — in literature, becoming insane is often the metaphor will be changing the way you look at yourself and the world; notices to jester is cold, and comments that he is also cold; this is the first Lear teams has been responsive you the needs and concerns of someone else; Accepts Kent' s suggestion you take to shelter in hut. .

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