The present Academic Work intends to tell to the importance of the Christian family in the creation and formation of its children, in the northeast quarter of Amaralina. Telling the problems of the quarter. Recognizing that the family as the first institution where the human being this inserted one, it has the possibility to educate and to form this child. for those people who profess the Christian faith is of utmost importance according to attempt against for the education of its children principles of the Word of God. You vary families had opened hand to educate its children with the ethical and moral principles that are taught in the Churches Catlicas and Evanglicas and that they must guide the human being. However a group of people exists whom they had opted in continuing to educate its children with the principles taught for Jesus Christ. These people are in the Churches Catlicas and north-eastern Evanglicas of Amaralina.
1 – ORIGIN OF the FAMILY the Bible, discloses clearly that God is the creator of the man and the woman. Although it exists some groups that believe another theory, it stops the Christians this question is defined, therefore they believe that God is the creator of all the things. ' ' created God the man to its image: to the image of it created it to God; man and woman criou' ' (Genesis.1: 27) God beyond creating the man and the woman, explicit It that it is necessary to leave father and mother, thus to form a family. ' ' Therefore the man will leave its father and its mother, and will become attached itself it its woman, and will be both one carne' ' (Genesis 2:24), one gives credit that this is the versicle of the word of God who discloses the origin of the family. He is possible also to perceive that, to be to form a family, the participation of two elements becomes necessary keys: the Man and the Woman.
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