North Star Academy

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Look In The Mirror

Take a moment to get yourself. Now, be honest with me here? If I could be your own boss, how would you rate your own performance in the last three months? Would you get a raise, a day of rest as a gift, or if a major security type and muscular kindly escort you to the parking lot? To be an effective salesperson and a progressive human being for that matter, you have to take a breath and look in the mirror. What are you doing that is working and what can be done to improve? See what you are actually doing in all their busy days running from meeting to meeting, answer calls, or one trillion emails. Do you remember your goals, your mission? Have you sat down and taken the time to write your goals and mission? I read somewhere once that there must be a "business assessment" every month to take note of your progress and see if you still need to strengthen their act. I made a similar format to the evaluation form used in one of my previous work.

I tried it on myself for a few months and it really helps to refocus and remember what his overall vision was in the first place. It also provides its strengths and weaknesses to the forefront! Try it yourself and the pace at the end of the month to see how you did. Here is an example of how. List the responsibilities and objectives, and its rate of each.

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