Meanwhile, the company “My furniture factory” should be widely known. Here, the customer receives made-to-measure furniture. No matter whether it is the walk-in closet or the sideboard in a more adventurous color to the cupboard in the mix of materials: the wishes of the customer are capitalized at the furniture factory. Now, the range has expanded even more. Visual4 was again involved and could adopt the technical base and strategic implementation of marketing for these customers.
New tables for all everyone needs a table. Just not everybody wants to have the table every second are also in his apartment has. Thanks to the furniture factory, it is possible to design the individual table. Now, there are not only dining tables with this provider, but also coffee, Office and desks, as well as those that do not directly fall into a category. The diversity is great, and thanks to the online Configurator it is possible to design quite simply the perfect individual table. On the Web page are several examples for Given tables, which can be customized with the Configurator on their desires. Visual4 helped significantly to implement this online Configurator.
When a Web page it arrives, to make them clear and user friendly. CRM and CMS are tagged, which is visual4 well familiar with and whose Prinzipien were implemented for the furniture manufacturer. Internet of start-up 2012 “My furniture factory” can come up with another special feature: In 2012 the company belonged to the prize-winners of the Internet start-ups. Not only that the business idea so far successfully could be implemented in practice, was also a top-class jury confirmed the viability of the business idea. The company founders have the own idea of a company, which produces the perfect wardrobe made-to-measure, converts and always takes into account the wishes of the customer. So was built piece by piece the today well known furniture manufacturer who can afford it, sustainability and quality Built-in wardrobe custom-made to, instead of quantity to earn money just by the factor. “Class instead of mass”, this saying applies here as with barely another company of the furniture industry. However, is the offer of the company to all people and not only to a selected clientele with a high income. Also Visual4 is responsible for the success of the Internet start-up. The Web site of the furniture factory was implemented in Web design, technology and marketing in cooperation with Visual4. Also the company name designed so that quality and tradition are equated with this. The complete solution of the Internet appearance of the furniture factory was in the hands of Visual4.
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