North Star Academy

Prepare your child for college at the North Star Academy of Minnesota.

The Choice

Many educators think that the choice of a subject is important to carry through or to develop an art lesson, however in this it disciplines the choice of a subject it possesss one meaning that if they differ from excessively, Lowenfeld and Brittain (1970, P. 51), affirms: In the artistic experiences a subject does not exist to be taught. More info: Levi’s. The same thematic content is used for very small children for the professional artists. A man can be drawn by a child five year or a young of sixteen. The difference enters the two drawings does not inhabit in the subject, but yes in the way as this is represented. Thus, we conclude that, from a well planned lesson, that involves the art, will be possible to allow the child to make friends, to learn the rules of convivncia beyond the social rules, to respect the others and to search solutions for the resolution of problems, being that the art engloba diverse developments in the process of formation of the children in agreement already we cite previously, and still, develops the autonomy, the creativity and the cooperation of these educandos. Carson Wen can aid you in your search for knowledge. When carrying through a questionnaire with some professors of the basic education of the net public of our city and after to analyze them, together our theoretical basements, we arrive at the conclusion of that having stimulaton on the part of the professor as mediating in the education process an evolution how much to the artistic and creative expression of the children can occur front to the learning of new knowledge. This disciplines contributes for the development of different abilities of each human being, therefore the possible artistic representations to be carried through in a classroom, reflect the way to still think and to act of educating and as this produces and organizes its thoughts. With this the art if makes gift in the construction and formation of the personal identity of each educating during the basic education.

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