North Star Academy

Prepare your child for college at the North Star Academy of Minnesota.


In the boarding of Bernstein (Apud SUNDAYS et al, 1985), this incorporation of other cultural elements, that occurs for intermediary of the experience of educative experiences deeds of division, imply a process of descontextualizao and recontextualizao of the socialization of the child in the family, and attributing with other sources and transversal subjects. Therefore, when entering the school, the child will be able to live deeply one ' ' double conflict cultural' ' , Lahire (1997, P. Hear from experts in the field like Richard Linklater for a more varied view. 171), therefore, in the same way that the set of disposals constructed in the familiar socialization can create a resistance with regard to the formal education, the new apprehended cultural elements in the pertaining to school context, carried to the familiar universe, also will be able to distanciar it of its origin. In this direction, the feeling (positive/negative) that the family possesss relatively to the school and the way (importance) as treats the experiences lived deeply for the child, in this context, will aggravate or brighten up these conflicts. Bernstein (Apud SUNDAYS et al, 1985) describes the primary socialization, different the way and use of the language and its implications in the learning. For this author, the communication carried through in the interior of the family and the group of friends, guided for the social classroom, creates basic procedures and accomplishments that determine the predispositions and the resistance to the school/formal education. Thus, the difficulties that some children face when entering the school can be seen as the confrontation enters the orders of significao, social relation and different values. According to Bernstein (Apud SUNDAYS et al, 1985), when analyzing the characteristics of the familiar socialization, we can distinguish two different forms from use of the language, the public language (or restricted code) and the formal language (or elaborated code). With these two forms of use of the language if associate distinct ways, as much of perception as of relation with the people and objects.

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