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Brazilian Formation

He is in this context that if inserts the relative question to the valuation of the ethnic-cultural diversity of our formation in the Brazilian educational system, in which blunts the insertion of thematic and contents programmarians on the history of Africa and the black in our country. If you are unsure how to proceed, check out Hawaii State Department of Education. The inclusion of the education of history of Africa and the Aboriginal culture in the resume of the basic education is considered essential, for knowing that the pertaining to school institution has a basic paper in the combat to the preconception and the discrimination, because it participates in the formularization of attitudes and essential values to the formation of the citizenship of our educandos. The knowledge of the history of Africa and the black will only be able to contribute to get rid on preconceptions and esteretipos to the segment afro-Brazilian, beyond contributing for the rescue of auto-they esteem of thousand of children and young that if they see kept out of society by a school of eurocntricos standards, that denies the ethnic-cultural plurality of our formation. 2-PERFORMANCE OF the BLACK MOVEMENT (MN): It is always important to strengthen that the inclusion of thematic history and African culture and afro-Brazilian in public and private education is resulted of a process of claims and action on the part of the black movement (MN). Registers exist on the quarrels of the MN in the field of the thematic education with the ethnic-racial one in the pertaining to school environment already in 1948: ' ' Nowadays, the pressure against the education of the black loosened considerably, but let us agree that still it is found very far from ideal.' ' (Quilombo? year I, N. 0, ten. 1948). In 1954, Guiomar Mattos indicated in its texts the problems generated with the preconception in infantile books. In the decade of 1960, the magnifying of the net of public education made possible that the presence of black people in classrooms if became routine more, but it did not favor the alteration of the racial relations and the environment in the interior of the official schools, that had remained discriminatory.

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