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American English

There is agreement that documentation and various meetings, Council meetings and within the European institutions should be conducted in two languages, but in practice, preference is given to only the English language. So will there come a moment that the French will be one step from Indian languages? It is believed that in order to revive the French language and to elevate it to its previous level, not only need, but it is important to fix itself English. Since the language, which today is used in the world, far from "real" English. He represents a certain kind of language, an artificial, which was based on put American English. It survived the English (British) roots, but along with it in this kind of language has become a huge number of neologisms and words having quite a rough meaning of words with deformities related to linguistics. Learn more about this topic with the insights from Gerald Weissmann, MD. This language education is not a language of culture. Of course, there is a tendency in the world distribution of the Anglo-American language, which became the language of global communication.

But if you want introduction to the language of Wilde or Shakespeare, then you have to apply to native English, so-called British English. French linguist Claude argues that of the 5000 languages that are on Today, common in the world, in what will survive no more than 500. "Extinction threatens many languages today. not only convinced that during the very aggressive implementation of the Anglo-American language in the world French to aggressively and vigorously defend its national interests and its own language, but also calls for it the rest of the nation.

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