Another point would be the floreiras and gardens, which in determined points could be carried through since that with native plants or that they do not modify the characteristics of the place. model of parking argued in the project can come to cause impacts, mainly its implantation will be necessary the falling of trees of trees or descaracterizao of the area, therefore it is necessary before any intervention a study I specify in I lease. 8 FINAL CONSIDERAES the project of the ambient park of the step developed for the city hall of the city of Mafra are impracticable, as much for the sociocultural characteristics of the city the how much for its high cost and probable damages in its implantation to area to be conserved. All the points of the project of the ambient park of the step had been analyzed and argued, verifying positive and negative points of the same, which had been presented proposals of changes and improvements. It is standed out that with such improvements the park would be inside of the legal parameters and would become viable, providing improvement of the quality of life of the population, as well as knowledge and ambient conscience of all, over all guarantees the sustainable development in urban picture preservation of this significant parcel of the bush with araucria.
To the measure that the country if develops, that the population grows and that the social and economic condition of the people improves, it tends if to become each more operating time. She believes yourself that the hour is opportune for, impulse of this important task. To go immediately of meeting to the problem, exactly that it is foreseen for the future days (RASP, W.P, 1972)..
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