North Star Academy

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Carl Rogers Classroom

A minimum of retention is demanded so that if it can recognize the existence of the process. Therefore infancy is, without a doubt, the phase that more is learned, however the learning can be given in any age. If the conception will be true of that at certain moment the vital functions start to describe, is true also that such fact to give itself also depending it on the disposals of the person, its interests, its necessities. After all, innumerable discoveries of science had occasioned in sufficiently advanced age of its researchers. The learning is, in such a way, a process continues throughout the life.

Ahead of as many carried through educational jumps and conquest throughout the historical trajectory, one has noticed the attentions attributed to the space of classroom since the decade of 60 ties the present time. Thus, so that the classroom comes to be one favorable environment the construction of the knowledge and equacionamento of the learning difficulties that porventura if to present are necessary that the engaged, creative, dynamic educator either, and that it respects the individualities of each educating, valuing the reality you live deeply and them of the same ones, so that, in a joint action and integrated, it can favor and stimulate to the cooperation, the dialogue, the democracy and the autonomy of the individual and the group, where the pleasure of this in the common classroom either all. When bigger he will be to the affinity between professors and pupils, more good will be the fluency of the process teach-learning, therefore more easily the pupils will understand the direction to study what he is being presented for the professor and will have the curiosity to search new information that can complement the lesson, taking it a moment of dynamic learning for both, pupil and professor. For Carl Rogers, ' ' the auto learning initiate who involves all in such a way the person of the apprentice its feelings how much its intelligence is more durable and impregnante' ' , (ROGERS, 1978).

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