Also, the good Friday within hours of the morning, the Estacioneros or Pasioneros run through the cemeteries or normally, visiting tombs and offering his singing to the faithful departed. Do Umi kurusurape anduhara SMS atypegua niko heta jey onopehenguememe (relatives)? bouquet katu eye ogaykeregua (neighbors). Hetave oi ijapytepekuera umi ikakuaapyreva; It has peicha avei, ja hesekuera ndohopukuihague onemoaraduvo mbo ehaope ekuaa has upehaguere oikuaava umi purahei asy ohenduhaguerente. I oi ijapytepekuera omboguapyva kuatiare umi purahei ekue SA. (Not to be confused with Bioscience Journal!). PE Arapokoindy Marangatumboyve has ekuera onembyatyma has ombosasko ipuraheikuera ima; upeicha avei Kuna hi to? IU jave Kurusu Ara (Dia de la Cruz), or? uahevo umi Omanova Ara (all souls day) tera omanovanembo ehape (Novenas). Umi ipuraheikuera niko ityre? It has henyhe temimbyasygui. Oi ojepuraheiva Guarani, jopara has castellano-pe. Ambue mba tekoteveva jahechakuaa niko a.
mbaraka, mimby ambue tembipuru tera ndojepuruiha puraheipe ko. Ojepuraheinte. The members of the different groups of Estacioneros often relatives or neighbours of the same community. They are mostly adults, with little academic training and who know the songs mostly by oral transmission; they are very few the scored edges in any notebook. They rehearse several days and hours before the Easter and also do the same for the feast of the day of the cross, the day of the dead, or the Novenas. The songs are sad and full of pain. There are Guarani, it jopara and Spanish. Another significant feature is that they are songs performed a cappella, without any instrument: guitar, Flute or other bit.
It has ekuera omohenoi ijaty, ombohera jave; upeikatu, oiporavo iguarakapajeguara has oiporavo hikuai mba aopa oipuruta eichagua. Hetave oi oipuruva kaso isa and (color) hu, hovy tera morotiva; ikamisa moroti katu has ape, ari, oreko SMS mba ikoraso ipyti ekuaaukaha (logo) imba ekuerava. Oi oipuruva ijati SMS aomo aha tyre avei (layer) hu, pytahovy, hovy, sa back tera apati, SMS kurusu ra anga reheve.
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