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Eduardo Abadia More

In this regard, the trend observed is that the Central franchise are betting on open establishments in property, since at present there are 611 own premises more running than there were at the end of 2009, while franchised outlets have fallen in 1.306 comparing both periods. For Xavier Vallhonrat, the cause of this reality must be sought in the fact that banks still do not do their job which is to grant credits, and before this problematic franchises opt continue to grow by opening own premises. Number of employees as regards jobs which generates the franchise in Spain, at the end of 2010 the system employed 231.603 people, 3,472 less (1.5%) in 2009. Of this figure, 70.602 worked on premises own (3.163 higher than in 2009) and the 161.001 remaining on franchises (6.635 less than at the end of fiscal 2009). In the view of Eduardo Abadia, Manager of the AEF, a decline of just 1.5 per cent in the number of employees, taking into account that the number of unemployed increases month after month in our country, clearly demonstrates that the franchise continues to attract entrepreneurs, investors and people seeking self in these difficult times. Autonomous communities of 934 chains that integrate the franchise system in Spain, the autonomous community that brings together a larger number of core franchise continues to be Madrid, with 303 (6 more than in 2009), followed by Catalonia, with 248 (3 more), the Valencian Community, with 104 (5 more), and Andalusia, with 90 (the same number as in 2009). Between Madrid (32.4%), Catalonia (26.5%) and Valencia (11.1%) account for 70% of the total number of Ensigns of this business model. In turn, the region Madrid is that recorded a higher turnover of the whole of their plants, reaching 11.410,8 million euros (155,4 million more than in 2009), by 6.387,9 million of Catalonia (253 million more), and by 1.781,7 million in Andalusia (218,3 million less than in 2009). Note to journalists: for further information, the management of interviews or graphic material shipping, do not hesitate to contact our Press Office.

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