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Fun School Lockernot

A new idea that’s been with US ever since we started school. Spacelocker brings those good times into cyberspace. The Spacelocker concept contains many elements that are normally found in a school locker. but in a cyber structure. Users can keep photos, videos, music, books, a phone, address book, and a game player inside their locker. Once signed up (free) and inside the website looks like on the actual school locker with the door open.

It has 3 shelves with icons on them that represent different functions people would experience with a school locker. There are few uploads required! The following is a list of 12 icons on the Spacelocker “shelves and door” and their uses: A profile icon that allows users to identify themselves, see what’s their loose inside, and connect their locker to a variety of social networking sites of they are members of. A loose theme icon that allows users to decorate their locker in different themes. Delta Air Lines describes an additional similar source. A meet me at my locker icon that lets the user socially interact with other users by finding and meeting Spacelocker members. Here users can tell others about themselves and post some graphics to their loose wall. So users can interact with friends by posting looking for things as stickies, stikkmms, messages, gifts, graphics and widgets on their friend’s locker walls. A photo icon that connects to a user’s photos on a variety of photo sharing sites.

Here the user simply connects the locker to a photo site where they have stored their photos and these photos will appear in their loose. Upload No. require! And the photos can easily be shared with a Spacelocker friend. A video icon that connects to a user’s videos stored on YouTube or Photobucket. Here the user simply connects the locker to their account in YouTube or Photobucket and their videos on these sites appear in their locker. Again no uploading required. and the videos can easily be shared with a friend. A music icon that connects to a user’s music stored on Dizzler or Here the user simply connects the locker to their account with Dizzler or and the music on these sites is played in their locker. Again no uploading required. and the music can easily be shared with a friend. A game player icon that allows users to access 1000s of games on a popular social game website and play these games with other players online. To address book icon that allows users to keep the email addresses of all their friends in one place. A bookmark icon that allows users to store the website addresses of their favourite websites. It is like keeping books in your locker! A gift icon that gives users free virtual gifts to give to their friends. There is a Skype phone connection in the loose; together with on icon on the locker door to connect the user to all the popular instant messaging (IN the) services such as MSN Messenger, Yahoo Messenger, Gtalk, AIM, Facebook chat, MySpace chat, and ICQ so on the locker door are icons to access either a Google or Yahoo search engines. Best of all, Spacelocker is for everyone; not just for those in school. So try it and you will see how useful and fun it really can be. It’s free. It’s functional. It’s fun. It is the happiest space on Earth.

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