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This is not guilt only of the Internet, but it has in it a determinative factor for the proliferation of the economy to vocabular. On the other hand, the abbreviation facilitates the communication of the interlocutors in terms of amount of information, eager to express what it feels in order to summarize its day-by-day or to consider something more in the field of virtual relationship. In this direction, it has little sensitivity on the part of who if express, seno the amount of subject that must be ingested by the interlocutors. Clearly that of this form we find many problems of communication, especially to know the intention of who speaks, but is a less true and more apparent trend to be. sensitivity to write the words in the aspect of the grammatical, essential rules for the selective tests, in this context, also is really is of the one practical most functional one, compelling all to study each time more the functioning of as to write the words correctly. this is bothering, therefore many times are not part of the communicative universe that many had had in the universe on-line. Considering that the abbreviations, as we saw, are basic and functional part of it speaks, the social context where they are used make in them to believe that new words could be formed e, why not, systemize in a possible ortogrfico agreement, in the well next future. Today, many do not know nor that the word ' ' estrupo' ' it is official, for example.

Therefore it is, ' ' estrupo' ' already it exists! The conditioning of the writing depends on its essence of direction, that says is it. Who knows in one day pretty is not ' ' liberadas' ' words as ' ' probrema' ' , ' ' chicrete' ' , or same all the words that have the sound of ' ' z' ' accurately they are written with the letter ' ' Z' ' , as well as that they possess the sound of ' ' x' ' they are written only with the letter ' ' x' ' , and ' ' abreviaes' ' , focus of our reflection is clearly inserted here, also in any official document. If proper Jose Saramago, who received the prize Nobel from Portuguese literature, made texts without punctuation, alleging an evolution in the form of lingustica expression, why not to consider these new trends of the language privileging more the idea that they can express of what the writing in itself, without a practical direction. The controversy also continues, the debate, but it is inevitable that to shorten it is an art of speaks. That the writing one day respects it. Wallas Cabral de Souza is Linguista for the USP and writer. Author of the book Now I learn Grammar, Interpretation and Writing. It was dedicated in developing new ways to inside understand the Grammar normative of one lingustica, practical and accessible conception.

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