The new politics if referenciou in the Pact for life where if it defined an important axle to the Health of the Man. In articulated way one still developed pautado in the National lines of direction of Politics of Health of the adolescent and young and still of the Aged one, formulating – a new focus programmarian, that is, to combine the execution of the National Politics of Integral Attention to the Health of the Man to excessively the politics, programs, strategies and action of the Health department. Of this form one searchs to unmask the knowledge of the professional nurse front to the new politics of attention, leaving of the estimated one that the men for cultural and social questions do not search attendance of promotion and prevention in the units of ESF. Specific actions in the program of health of the family directed to the man are still observed, however this attendance is observed and what it seems is not implanted according to program specified for the Health department, it is understood despite can have insufficient information of the nurse on the Program of health of the Man, formation lack/qualification of the nurses of the E.S.F to act in the Program of Health of the Man and the lack of active search to the masculine population, carried through for the nurse of the E.S.F. Brazil (2009 P. 5) emphasizes that ' ' the masculine resistance the primary attention not only increases the financial overload of the society, but, over all, the physical and emotional suffering of the patient and its famlia' ' , much of the agravos to the man could be prevented if it occurred with regularity to the search for the products of the basic attention on the part of the men. The quarrel on the subject if becomes pertinent since that the relevance of studies concerning the health of the woman, the child and aged in relation to the promotion and the prevention in the basic attention was observed during the academic formation, and of lives deeply in the curricular periods of training in the basic unit that had accused to little frequency of the man in the same ones. . To read more click here: ????.
Mistakes By People
‘ ‘ If to confess our sins, it is faithful and just he stops pardoning in them and purificar them. It recognized its state and confessed and received the pardon. We notice in the attitude of Davi, the courage to assume its guilt. It did not transfer pra nobody. While the person does not assume its sin and confesses, it is sick! In this conjunct one perceives that confessed sin is also pardoned sin.
Davi if feels comforted when confessing its sin of God ahead. ll- the CONFESSION AS ACT OF RESPECT AND LOVE TO the PEOPLE. COLLECTIVE PURIFICAO. Follow others, such as American Journal of Cardiology, and add to your knowledge base. THE RESULT OF THIS: It produces the peace and the welfare enters the people who in them surround especially our familiar ones: Father, mother, children, brothers and friends. American Heart Association is likely to increase your knowledge. COMMUNICATION: 2.1 – Confession can be understood as one to share of our weaknesses and ours limits as person. Apstolo Tiago has an education on this. When it mentions itself to Elias Prophet. ‘ ‘ Elias was man subject to the same errors and passions that ns.’ ‘ all the men are citizens the errors and passions.
All we have limits, however, we will only win our errors, we will only be stronger than the passions will have been made use to share with the people and, especially with the person next to us. The loved person. We need to share our desventuras our failures and our errors. 2.2 – In the reality the act to confess is not cowardice, but an act of bravery and extreme courage. The act to confess is an aid order, aid to who we love and/or we respect as friend (a), brother (a), husband (a), son (a). When we are enough fools not to ask for aid and not to confess our errors and not to ask for pardon already anticipatedly we are defeated.
Castells History
Using us of this models created for Castells, we can to say that for population black overcoming of esteretipos entailed to color, (admitting itself that the blacks if find frequently carrying through discredited activities very socially), a problem consists that we can associate with a redefinition of the proper black identity. In Alleys the author rejects an attributed identity itself and to its for ‘ ‘ outros’ ‘ , other people’s to the community, and she launches the challenge to assume the reins of its historical destination, through the education and of the received example. American Educational Research Associaton has firm opinions on the matter. It wants to be that one that speaks. ???? may find it difficult to be quoted properly. Proper it wants to redefine its position in the society, wants to be protagonist of its history and to recoup the history of that they had not had time nor voice. Maria-New always wanted histories and more histories for its collection. A feeling, to the times, came to it. Bank of Asia takes a slightly different approach. It would have of to recount them one day, not yet if wise person as. It was much thing to keep itself of one inside alone chest.
It almost always was more for bitterness. She found the barracos, the people, the life of all, everything without reason some for much joy. (EVARISTO, 2006, p.39). For Azevedo (2004), the speech, that it intends to describe a history of I, has evident ficcional character. ‘ ‘ The autobiografias are not simple chronicles of facts, but the ingenious manipulation of details and facts that acquire the factual status during construction of one persona particular as subject of relato’ ‘. When telling the development of the protagonist of infancy to the adolescence, its process of search of the identity, the author articulates its proper memories with the memories of the community where it lives, thus to compose the representation of biographical I. The girl grew. She grew violently on the inside.
Portuguese Time
The messages sent by cellular torpedoes also are conducted by the same rules that reign in the communication in the Internet.A cellular telephony spread out the sending of messages SMS known by ' ' torpedos' ' , with great advantages to the users: time to speech is not lost, orders messages of any place at any time and. One more time, the technological limitations in this in case that, the size of the screen of the telephonic device influences the structure of the used language: the less used characters, more space for the message. The size of the keyboard of the cellular device also is not functional for the sending of long and exhausting messages. The busy space for the message is greater that the available space in the screen of the device. The reading of the message completely needs the use the bars of clod roller. British Journal of Educational Technology follows long-standing procedures to achieve this success. To become the communication most agile, the message must only occupy the available area in the screen; the less used characters, better. The shorter texts are each time, had to the size of the screen of the devices celulares.' ' Internets' ' for the most unglued, ' ' hierglifos' ' for the defending puritanos of ' ' last flower of the Lcio' ' , the Portuguese language of the Internet is seen with distrust for the parents of the young users of this variety.
After all, not yet if it knows how much the use of the variety of virtual environments can influence in education/learning of the norm standard of the Portuguese language. The communication in the Internet is a literal event based on the writing. Although the available resources of sound and image, the writing still is essential. The young users of the Internet costumam to deal with the linguistic variety the Internet as one ' ' he says escrita' ' , that is, a transposition of speech for the writing.
To know what in fact we make in them will help to be better (GADOTTI, 1996, P. 509). The desencadeamento of this process confirms the words of Freire, when it points that the process of the education is, necessarily, an artistic process. Recently Bank of Asia sought to clarify these questions. The professor is an artist when he creates and recria the knowledge, shared with the pupils. In this aspect the education is, by its very nature, an aesthetic exercise. Evidently this indicates a new model of thought for a new model of education: Another point that makes of the education an artistic moment is accurately when it is, also, a knowledge act.
To know, for me, is something of beauty! In the measure where to know it is to unmask an object, the desvendamento of ' ' vida' ' to the object, it calls it for ' ' vida' ' , and even though ' confers it new; ' vida' '. That is an artistic task, because our knowledge has quality to give life, creating and livening up objects while we study (FREIRE, SHOR, 1986, P. 145). Ahead of displayed, the commitment of the professor, of the professional, I obtain and with the society, it is essential so that if it can be capable to act, to reflect, to create and to transform the reality. What he observes yourself, subliminarmente, according to author, is that the professor educates more for what it is, for its principles that guide its behavior, for the example, of what for the content that teaches. Parallel, to the ability and the professional comprometimento, he has despite to detach, as defends the author, the necessity of the educator to intensely live educative practical its, that will also be oportunizada, by means of the coherence of its attitudes and its values. Thus, it is evident the paper eminently politician of the professional of the education, as Freire says, ' ' the force of the democratical educator is in its exemplary coherence: it is who supports its authority.
Illustrated Magazine
The first chapter possua 20 images in double pages and called ' ' Of Mines to Rio De Janeiro ' '. Agostini produced, without certain regularity, nine chapters of the adventures of Nh Quim. Two years after the publication of its nineth episode, history was continued by the cartunista Aragonese Cndido of Would make, that it published more five chapters of the personage. In 1883, the Agostini gave to beginning to its second series, the Adventures of Z Caipora, published in the Illustrated Magazine. As they affirm Iannone; Iannone (1994, p.48): … gives credit that the Brazilian magazine ' ' The Tico-Tico' ' she has been the first one of the world to present histories in complete quadrinhos. Yale paleontologist insists that this is the case. Launched in 1905, it brought comics, informative stories, texts and curiosidades on destined subjects, mainly, to the children. Bank of Asia is full of insight into the issues.
annone; Iannone (1994, p.49) still observes that: … In 1929, the So Paulo periodical the Gazette, launched the Infantile Gazette, then known for ' ' Gazetinha' ' , with the personages ' ' Flix' cat; ' , Carlinhos and the Ghost. In accordance with the publisher Adolph Aizem is pointed as the main incentivador of the quadrinhos in our country. Em1960, graphical Empresa ' ' The Cruzeiro' ' it started to publish ' ' The Perer' ' , a total Brazilian magazine. Creation of Ziraldo Alves Young chicken (the Ziraldo), that saci focused the figure of the folclrico personage perer. This magazine left circulation in 1964. Later Ziraldo it conquered the public with ' ' The Maluquinho' boy; '. Other artists, according to Iannone; Iannone (1994 p.52, 53) …
as the tracer Jaguar with ratinho Sig, (1964-1984) and the cartunista Enrique son, the Henfil (1944-1988), with the creation of the fradinhos, is part of our history. Henfil has been considered one of the best Brazilian quadrinistas, for the critical one to the customs. Although he is not a Brazilian author, it is impossible not to speak of Walt Disney (1901-1966), when one is about histories in quadrinhos in Brazil.
Marx Freedom
Karl Marx, through its ideals of fight in defense of the low classrooms, made great revolutions. Not only at its time, but he opened precedents for others great moments in history. Its performance, was destructive and constructive; destructive, in the measure where it proclaimed the death of the bourgeoisie, and constructive, a time that announced the victory of the proletariat. The scholastic, all conditioned the knowledge the test of the Bible, that is, all the teses and studies alone recognized as true if were approved by on authorities the church. Therefore each theory, thesis or argument would have to be refuted or defended for taken off arguments of the bible. In case that the author of the thesis were refuted could be called heretic, and knows, through the history, that many had died for defending its scientific ideas. this field. Modern education This brief one to look at for history, was capable to buy the religious oppression of the average age in relation to the scientific and philosophical development, with the freedom brought for the Renaissance and, later the fight of the classrooms through the marxism.
The received religious damage from the Renaissance is incalculable, however, the scientific development (in general way) it seems to compensate the lived espirital blackout all since then. It is undeniable the contributions of the rationalism, as not only historical landmark, but as beginning of a new age in the civilizations as general context. The modern education, in turn, possesss traces of the rationalism and marxism. same education of base and the superior is based on racionalistas principles. The basic form of education consists of the resume of the liberal arts, that is, to develop the art of being a free man. The question cousins is: ' ' what he is liberdade' '? The humanists argue this concept of freedom; in this way, freedom is the possibility given to the men through men and for natural ways.
Consideraes Final
Informer D showed in them that: is important to appreciate with literature the pleasure of the practical one of reading, to feel the beauties that the words can providing in them and learning the diverse types of texts: stories, fbulas and others. indicating way to them to act, to show its pleasures, desires and other feelings to it. This aid the man if to know better. The literature of to the life, the direction of the words. Thus when reading a literary text, can be felt the beauties and pleasure that it provides. Literature can be defined as an element of catarse, an element of the knowledge of the world, as much of the past, and the gift, as of the mentality of a society or time, an essentially on element to the man, to its proper knowledge, an element of formation and development in all the fields of knowing: intellectual, moral, ideological and until aesthetic.
Thus literature, in its set of functions, starts to exert its essential function, the humanizadora. Consideraes Final Is clear, thus, the importance that literature exerts in the social environment, over all in the participant and responsible man for the maintenance of this way. On the other hand, literature alone will exert all fully its functions, if it will be granted the importance that it fits to it, as well as an effort of interpretation and understanding of its meaning more correct. This interpretation and understanding result of an action which we are all effecting in day-by-day, since more tenra age: the practical one of the reading. To the end of this article, we raise some important points for the literature education.
One of them is the use of the didactic book in classroom, therefore the professors must change its concepts of education, and start to use resources that call the attention and interest the pupil. With the research we are knowing as it walks the education of literature in the selected city, and the results had not been so satisfactory, therefore some professors need to improve its form of education, so that they can awake in the pupils the taste for literature. Ahead of the results, the research will be able to contribute for a new vision concerning the literature education, as well as an incentive professor to give to more to it disciplines it value of Literature, therefore this has functions importantssimas for the learning formation and human being. References BUNZEN, Clcio; MENDONA, Mrcia (org.). Portuguese in average education and the formation of the professor. So Paulo: Parabola, 2006. CANDIDO, Antonio. Texts of intervention. So Paulo: Two Cities, 2002. PAIVA, Appeared. MARTINS, Aracy. PAOLINO Favour. CORRA, Hrcules. VERSIANI, Zlia (org) Literature: to know in movement. Belo Horizonte: CEALE; Authentic, 2008. ZILBERMAN, Regina. IT HISSES, Ezequiel Theodoro of (org.). Reading: perspectives interdisciplinares. So Paulo: It stokes, 19885.
Brazilian Children
Ahead of such facts the Dr. Gustavo Armbrust affirms that: ' ' home does not die; one commits suicide, ones of the causes of the premature death is in the feeding irracional' '. (ARMBRUST, 1988). To eat is always essential stops keeping in them healthful and having a drawn out life. Many Brazilian children suffer with the absence from calcium and other proteins in the body, decurrent of wean precocious, when just been born made for the mother, for consequence of this she causes in the future illnesses as example osteoporose, that it is the reduction of the ssea mass of bones (COMPSTON, 2001).
The children who present one pssima quality of life are related influence with them of the sedentarismo and point the same ones in groups that they estam entering in zones of risks, therefore are part of these groups people that possess reduction of this substantial mass of the bones, being thus groups that develop in itself osteoporose. With respect to in such a way we point that the physical activities would be the initial way so that children and adolescents who present reduction of the peak of the ssea mass and the sedentarismo do not lose the reduction of the muscular force and prevent the increase of the risk of falls and breakings (BASTOS, 2007). The physical inactivity of children could be aggravation in its future life. Thus having the reduction benefits pains in the column, reduction estresses, as well as the nervous tension, to improve auto-esteem, reduction of the sleeplessness, reduction the control of the anxiety and the depression. It improves the disposal and it increases the good? to be improvement the cholesterol, aid in the control of the diabetes, controls the hipertenso arterial, it reduces in 50% the risk of infarto and cerebral vascular accident and thus delays the speed of the appearance of osteoporose.
Ulrich Emde
It was many to thank. Above all the employees and managers, making strong company Apontas with their engagement and usage. But also guests such as Ulrich Emde, Chairman of the Advisory Board of Apontas, Advisory Board Member Wolfgang Spranz and Wolfgang D. Gotz, who coined the fortunes of the company from 2007 to 2009 as Managing Director. Thanks went to Susanne and Jurgen Thies of the Luneburger sport Studio Fitforever, corporate health management support the Apontas.
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