He recalled that in the case of the project Alumysa Yes was hired at the Catholic University of Chile, as a parallel study that were carrying out public services, being timely and urgent today perform said pine. Expressed in this regard that who presented the document are always absolutely available to go to expose the Regional Government are our doubts, what our position is and the vision that we have of our region and our territory. Luperciano Munoz shares the apprehensions of leader on the low autonomy that have services, since we know that they depend on political power, so it is very important as it was done with other environmental impact studies have a report of an independent body and that will give you more peace of mind to everyone. About deadlines, since it is speculated that in may a resolution of environmental qualification could issue, stated that we are always on time, if it has not been requested or made before hopefully now it done, because we believe, and we have the right to doubt, that public services, and in particular in this Government that last year, dropped our guard against this study, observations are minimal and the truth is that for us it is important to have this audit because it gives us peace of mind and independence. The right to request to the authority is a warranty set forth in article 19 N 14 of the Constitution politics of the Republic of Chile, which may be exercised on any matter of public or private interest without another limitation to proceed in terms of environmentally friendly and convenient.
The University
Humanity knows that if it invests in labor it becomes skilled workmanship, labor for development and finally allowing University self reflection to raise that capital on permanent growth ensure implementation and immersion of the Academy in society lets look at eyes of hope the delay in University development and the role of university teachers in allying with the public and private sectors in a basic agreement with the World Bank and this is to education having the highest rate of return in economic development. The University and insofar as the development of the Chair must implement as a principle education for economic development. Coverage only if there are quality College and university teaching an imposing challenge which can only be tackled in partnership with the public and private sectors achieve investment of resources for research and penetrate into society through coverage with quality and training of masters and doctors face a challenge. It is improper that the coverage, central axis of the education of a nation that seeks to deprive of a basic right to anybody that boasts of being Colombian, because this right is guaranteed by the Constitution of 91, comes allowing the increase in coverage to bring the low-quality raise solutions without pretending that it is new perhaps only paraphrasing others about what is needed: 1. the support of computer science bibliographic material as well as computerized with didactic colophons, devices has become common tools in the universities of quality 2. Universities undertake wing articulation of the research with the Constitution of learners and pedagogical preparation in community systems. 3 Delineate devices for teaching in the use of new technologies: that the student and the teacher change their everyday representations for which make daily in the Academy, amplified his powers and skills, create worth and adapt to the communicational representation of the current world. 4. Quality education represents knowledge, values around responsibility in production and generation of knowledge the dowry of a methodical, critical faculty and spirit Creator.
The Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University
For this purpose it is necessary that in schools is part of the school curriculum training in spiritual values. Although it should be noted that the order to carry out this is not as simple as it leads to a change of educational paradigm, which implies throughout a transformation in the educational system and the policies that govern us to official and private schools. However, we think that in accordance with the reality that we live is the paradigm that would help that man will achieve a deeper level of consciousness, that will allow you to live fully with it and the world. The Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University, (1995) proposes the spiritual values that are described in the statement of values, which manifested the principles and philosophy that reflected the Universal aspects of moral and spiritual values as a basis for living and are as follows: love love is the principle that creates and sustains human relationships. Spiritual love leads us to silence, and silence has the power to unite, to guide and to liberate people. Love is consciousness that is at once selfless and satisfies his own being. Love comes from the truth, i.e., of wisdom.
The basis of true love between people is spiritual. See the other as a spiritual being, such as soul, is to see the spiritual reality of the other. You can transform the world through loving insight, a loving attitude and loving actions. Spiritual love is fundamental to create a world mejor-el world of truth. The constant objective of cooperation cooperation is mutual benefit in human interrelations; cooperation is governed by the principle of mutual respect. Cooperate is everyone’s responsibility, a fundamental preparation is necessary to create a mechanism of internal support through which people are able to maintain equanimity and balance. Happiness the knowledge and application of spiritual truths provide the true source of happiness.
Future Of National Universities
The idea that trafficking will become Word is not a bad idea and the word that this not turn into action is a bad word. Chesterton national universities in the country, the case of Venezuela, are currently facing serious problems, ranging from their meagre budgets, capital to operate, as well as their shortcomings in their academic levels, especially the third and fourth, where his academic excellence has significantly declined. All this leads to reflect on where really going the universities, especially given a scenario, where the current Government has decided to establish the socialism of the 21st century, and where the population, was not prepared for it, much less their universities. We note with concern that seems to State are concerned not about the future of universities, the role that they must play, especially in a turbulent scenario in political, economic that it faces. On the contrary, increasingly of deteriorates the relation between this and the universities, and they are not looming programs in which there really is integration toward goals that promote culture, as well as having consistent professionals to what reality demands in the current global scenarios. Seen as every day, relationships will crack, restricts the development of universities that operate with meagre budgets, where the interest is lost for those who can play a role of proactive teacher, given to the poor salary offered them, wages not in accordance with the inflationary reality of the moment. Keep debts by years, which increasingly deteriorate, whereas the inflationary role presented, earned benefits that are not paid immediately, paros, constant protests that with all its law embark on universities in pro to be attended by a Government that must ensure its operativity. To all this is added, the need that the University authorities of the different universities, especially public ones, commit more in pro take step to actions, academic programs that rescue his excellence.
Economic Education
This ambient project has as focus the insertion of the citizen as agent of preservation of the way. Of this form, it is necessary that it all knows or good part of the products and materials that can be reaproveitados in the nature. For in such a way, and as form to create a healthful environment she is necessary to unite practical ambient questions social that aim at the promotion the health, and a good quality of life for its inhabitants. However, had to the economic growth and also the wide production of industrialized products it had a sped up increase of materials that can be recycled. Being that, more persistence on the part of the government must be charged so that promotes directed public politics to the creation of laws that they aim at the comprometimento of the industries in using substances cousin that can be reused by the individual, a time that, many of these families live and survive of the catao and the sales of these materials. Thus, practical the ambient ones must take in account the resources gotten in the nature providing the balance man verses society. GENERAL OBJECTIVE To sensetize the community how much to the ambient question and the formation of the citizenship. SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES – To promote the insertion of the community how much to the importance of the project; – To produce works and materials for the communities, from objects left in the nature; – To favor the formation of the citizenship, from directed lectures and workshops the community; – To make possible the access the community of lectures and meetings that allow the qualification on the importance of the preservation of the environment.
World Universities
Three different proposals have been global universities of the UN which is the University of the people that has been in the first of their operations to 200 students mainly from china. The proposal of the OCWC open courseware consortium is a hundred universities around the world headed by carnegie mellon USAy in mexico represented by tec de monterrey the most side of the country they intend to free all rajem.com content of undergraduate and graduate online racing and free worldwide. Our proposal is the Obamauniversity to certify a million webmasters and then pass to the development of other races especially in the ingenieriade information technologies, we can only hope the approval of barack obama. These proposals are very interesting in itself same but as in reality and in that way are projected in the first months or years so that they can translate into a viable way to operate. We hope that all work for the good of millions of people who are eager to power study at University and that for economic reasons or time could do him, now in your computer is the possibility to finish a race all three proposals are totally different to the UN of course there’s a plan controlled by a single institution and that makes it possible to think that hayun master plan that will make the plan has time and budget to be able to materialize, in the event that for political reasons is deflected or a very important loss be truncated so serious. In the case of the proposed multiple OCWC is clear already is perseverante mass criticism that the project aborted not because sialgun partner as tec de monterrey nofuncione can incorporate many other universities both national anivel as world. Let us hope that all original author and source of the article be translated.
Brazil Child
The editor of the journal Archives de Psychologie, Claparede, interested in your items offered him the post of director of study of the Institute J.J. Rousseau of Geneva, where Piaget conducted his scientific work for several decades (Ardila, 1989). During the time that work at the Institute he met Valentine Chantenay who was his collaborated and that later would marry (Ardila, 1989). Between 1921 and 1925 public respectively five books on child psychology, which aroused great anger and criticism around the world; in these years also worked as a Professor of the University of Geneva and then step to work at the University of Neuchatel until the year of 1929 (Ardila, 1989). Part of his research on the genesis of the intelligence, consistency and causality, two of his daughters were object of study (Ardila, 1989).
After starting his studies on child development, Piaget occupied countless charges and won a variety of awards, among them are: the offer of Professor of experimental psychology at the University of Geneva, named director of the laboratory of Fournoy in the Faculty of Sciences, was the first President of Switzerland society of psychology, in addition to these charges was editor of magazines such as Archives of Psichologie and Revue Suisse de Psichologie (Ardila, 1989). Universities like Harvard (1936), the Sorbonne (1946) and Brussels (1949) conferred him doctorates Honoris Causa (Ardila, 1989). The University of Brazil awarded him the title of Professor Honoris Causa and one of its members (Ardila, 1989) did the New York Academy of Sciences. Finally in 1969 the American Psycholical Association gave maximum recognition of the award for distinguished scientific contributions (Ardila, 1989). Theory of the balance according to Labinowicz (1982) Piaget qualify the child thought into four major periods: preparatory periods, prelogicos (pre-operational Sensomotriz) the Sensomotriz period is present from birth to two years of age. For Piaget (1964) at this stage are positioned the newly born and infant, where the child comes into the world with all their senses and some reflections that determine their survival, such as crying and sucking, through breastfeeding and sucking learns to perceive between size and shape (Labinowicz, 1982).
Public Employment
Safe work is the aim that all pursue. Many comes to head in public employment and start to prepare for exams that are, by definition hard. Adopt a process of selection through opposition requires an important academic and psychological preparation. In this process are accepted everything and they should present and prove all the knowledge that one has, as well as the skills or experience. Everything is valued to adjust the profile of the applicant to supply which publishes the community preparation tests and jobs that sometimes ask present in the tests is the heaviest task of the whole process. The agendas of which one review are broad and according to their material, difficult.
It is necessary to follow a rigorous pattern of study continued summaries and diagrams that allow us to retain and store information until the day of the exam. Some people face this alone but are increasingly those who trust in the hands of professionals and ask for help in academies of oppositions to exit gracefully from the call and reach the longed plaza. Invest in a specialized center is a good resource, since we played a place for life, and if we achieve our objective won’t have to suffer anymore by our site. Technicians and specialists of the centres these institutes help us confront these periods of intense study with tranquility and organization. They also teach classes on topics for which prepare abstracts and memorize is not so expensive and we can resolve problems that are presented to us. It stand up to this challenge with the help of an expert will make us more bearable and our chances of approving, and reach, so desired spot will be magnified.
National Assembly
our commitment with the central University of Venezuela obliges us to be active and vigilant against threats that today lives the Venezuelan education, to mobilize us along with all sectors that defend freedom, democratic education and university autonomy. On the other part, in a communication to the President of the Republic Hugo Rafael Chavez Frias, the University authorities Metropolitana (Unimet), communicate you that the contents of the aforementioned Act does not correspond to the tenets laid down in the Constitution in its article 109, which enshrines the University and its autonomy. and put at the disposal of the Executive, as well as the UCV, did all their experts in law for the detailed examination of the articles approved by the National Assembly, in order to prepare the report that article 214 of the Constitution requires the return of the Bill before its ratification reminds us of asovac.orgthe Academic Council of the Metropolitan University endorsed, through a statement, request that made on 29 December the University Council of the universidad central de Venezuela President Hugo Chavez to return to the National Assembly education University, sanctioned by the legislature Act on December 23, 2010 in the morning. The letter, signed by the rector Jose Ignacio Moreno and the academic Vice Chancellor benjamin Scharifker, among other authorities, also emphasizes the importance of the role that meet the universities in building the country, and puts the conclusions of a meeting held with the Ministry of higher education as a reference on 20 and 21 October 2010. The University of Carabobo for its part, in its Bulletin uc.edu.ve exposed to public opinion concerning the trampling of fundamental values in Venezuela indicates that the University is the House of lights; not only for herself, but, above all, to honor their commitment to the spirit and reason for societies. In function of this, the University of Carabobo fixed position with respect to the national time and their troubling situations; among other things, the law on higher education, adopted in first discussion in the National Assembly.
Management Education
God not imposed obligation to learn, without first having taken to those who know the oath of teaching to the ignorant. It has much left to say the role of educational management in the Venezuelan education, you notice a deterioration in its scope, commitment, leading to many institutions, especially universities which concerns us, pass through a stage very weak, where precisely the educational management this very controversial. A review of how the educational management is managing, what are his actions, what they are doing the authorities on the matter, as the educational process according to integrate to provide collaboration in the solution of the problems facing the country today, many communities, and above all to ensure the training of professionals who carry out their duties for the benefit of the country is really becoming an urgent needabout everything before a turbulent scenario in political, cultural, social, economic is facing. Elda Maria Rodriguez points out, that in Venezuela, specifically in the field of education, the management impact of new trends has not been internalized in its entirety by many institutions, including those related to the third stage of basic education, diversified Media and professional. The explanation of this situation could be linked to the fact that many managers at this level do not feel identified with the institutional purposes or with the needs and requirements of its managed; situations these that are immersed in a torpor of indifference and passivity to the members of the school community (Cardenas, 1998 and Odreman, 1997). The fact, that the respect of the theme, Indira Dordelly says, that the educational management is an essential tool for the achievement and effective functioning of the organisational structure therefore can be said, that the educational management is the process of organization and use of resources to achieve objectives preset through an efficient organization where educational Manager must lead his team towards the achievement of the objectives of the Organization but during a continuous motivation where stimulate inspect East and consistently reward the work developed at the same time execute the action and manage function, by such reason may say that there is no educational management when planning to be prescriptive, because of the rigidity of this type of planning nor is there educational management when the organization operates centralized even if your design is decentralizedThere is no educational management when you delegate or there is a lack of leadership.
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