Preacher, philosopher and poet Skovoroda (1722 – 1794) laid the philosophical groundwork not only for the building of Slavic religious philosophy, but the foundation and the foundation of the new Ukrainian literature. In his poetry, and prose, in fables, joined the preaching of God's Word, and aesthetic beauty, a passionate denunciation of the sins of the world, and to demonstrate the depth and authenticity of a righteous life, which alone can lead man to happiness. All these themes and characters with certainty characteristic of Ludmila Leonidovna, with its keen sense of social responsibility, preaching openness poems, reminiscent of what the Gospel calls us all to apostolic ministry (apostolate of the laity). For even more analysis, hear from online education. Clarity and concreteness of the images, vivid metaphor, poetry make the author, memorable and deeply touch the soul, resonates with the most cherished in our hearts. Performance of every serious author can not be separated from the wealth of cultural, national and world, it is nourished by these roots and sprout new shoots, branches of the tree of culture and art.
There is often authors from different times there is an invisible dialogue, the text includes what is called a complex scientific term "intertextual parallels" (conscious or unconscious). In other words, similar imagery and association with other works. Talented artists, many of these parallels, they are invisible dialogue with the entire world culture. Lyudmila L., a very educated. She graduated from the Faculty of Philology Udmurt State University, worked as a senior fellow at the Izhevsk museum, a senior fellow at the Tver historical, architectural and literary museum (a subsidiary of Kimry) museum director Arkady Gaidar, director of the Museum of Applied Arts.
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