At school: the task of educating and hence the of educating with values, is not simply compressed in family and social rather than is required for schools to participate; trainees spend most of their time at school; Since these are spaces strongly committed to society and this responsibility the of educating with values. At present society raises a number of requirement to educational institutions including how primary the formation of values in students who have been lost with the passage of time. Following this demand many educational institutions are responding and others ignore now the learner passes most of his time at school is here where educational institutions may intervene to add to the task: educating with values EDUCATING with values: will allow learners the following: & n bsp; & nbs p; & n bsp; & nbs p; & n bsp; & nbs p; & n bsp; & nbs p; & n bsp; & nbs p; & n bsp; EDUCATING with values – develops the exercise of the dialogue the possibility to discuss as a way to reach agreement and take personal and collective decisions. -To develop the personality, skills, mental and physical abilities to the maximum of its possibilities. -Encourages the participation and collective organization through reflection and action around the needs. -Allows construction and reconstruction or reaffirmation of learning from the ideas, knowledge, beliefs of learners to the rededor of a problem, event or question mark around the world that surrounds them. _ Allow the strengthening of the interaction of the Group (awareness, integration, organization). -The learners Express: learning, reflections, recommendations, achievements and difficulties.
-Control of readings by parts of the students and parents develops are: poems, stories, thoughts or experiences relating to the values, rights and duties; where they show or reflect the values or where lacking. EDUCATING with values: enable the learner experimentation and implementation, the analysis, criticizes it, the reflection of the values, rights and duties. EDUCATING with values: It is conceived as a set of organized experience that promotes the physical, metal and integral development of learners as free and responsible persons of the actions and individual and group decisions that apply in the relations that they establish with each other and in their role as active members of a society that demands its committed participation, to improve and enrich themselves. The school contribute to the development and strengthening of competencies (cognoscitivo-afectivo) of learners, through educational actions that allow them to become individuals aware of their potentials and strategies to develop always in harmony with persons with which coexist and the natural environment. That is why society has given him one responsibility to educational institutions that the formation of moral, civic and ethical values.
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