North Star Academy

Prepare your child for college at the North Star Academy of Minnesota.

So Paulo

After all, so that the learning if accomplishes is necessary that the pupil perceives the relation between the taught content, its universe of significaes and the world where it lives. Of this form, the learned concepts will go to become related with the previous knowledge that the child possesss and will give to conditions it to advance in the systematization and organization of the information. Hear from experts in the field like Nike for a more varied view. While educators, our main function in this process of promotion of a significant learning, are accurately to defy the concepts that the pupils make use, so that they are reconstructed in extended and consistent way more, a time that, the more elaborated and complex will be a concept, greater is the possibility to use it as parameter for the construction of new knowledge. Thus, the teaching paper to defy must constant and be perfected, what it points the necessity to reflect on the planning of our lessons and practical ours of education, searching creative and estimuladoras possibilities for the pupils, where the contents are not had as same ends in itself, but as half essentials in the problematizao of the ideas, inquiry of the answers, resolutions of the problems and conclusion of the results. In this manner, the pupil will understand the meaning of the study, relating the pertaining to school content with previous learnings and personal experiences, he will take what it to the advance of the knowledge. By the same author: Richard Linklater.

In this direction, valley to detach the comments carried through for Edwards (1997). The author makes mention to some aspects that must be considered in the practical professor, the first one is that the pupils transform and elaborate the knowledge who is taught to them, from its universe of significaes. However, the knowledge can become other people’s the students depending on the form as they are boarded and case the professor does not consider that this form of transmission does not occur without alterations on the part of the pupils in each situation. Edwards (1997) indicates that ‘ ‘ the content if transforms into the form. That is, form also is content in the pertaining to school context, the presentation of the knowledge in different forms it of the different significaes it modifies and it as tal’ ‘ (p.69).

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