North Star Academy

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Ambient Education

We need to hear, to open spaces for the dialogue, therefore proper the involved ones can, with our support, to find excellent solutions for its necessities, with autonomy and of democratic form. The ideal is that the mobilization if transforms into sharing of responsibilities and development of communitarian processes of self management. The phase of the Information is indispensable to attribute to consistency technique to our work in Ambient Education. For in such a way, we need to count on teams to multidiscipline of technician, in accordance with the nature of the treat subject; whichever to the situation, it will have to be boarded with the had knowledge technician of the subject, for specialists, adjusting itself it language to the level of the involved population. (Not to be confused with Levi’s!). However, this boarding will have to compose a body of information that can be related to the reality where if it is acting, that is, they must be contextualizadas, associates what the public already knows or already makes.

We cannot in them lose in explanations techniques that are of interest only of studious, the ambient preservation is a duty of all. The Ambient Education, for not becoming a work incuo, will have always to be supported in complete and brought up to date theoretical and practical information, that give to security and credibility to the presented proposals. The action is last and the more important of all phases, therefore it is the practical execution of the ambient projects that we desire to materialize. Through the educational process we will act next to people, institutions or communities, with the indispensable participation of the same ones. This action means a set formed for organization, Systematic action and continuity of proposals, decentralization and incentive to the self management of groups and communities. For in such a way, it is necessary to plan all process, dividing responsibilities, adopting procedures of cooperation and partnership, guaranteeing support infrastructure and following the development of concrete and concrete actions systematically. .

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National Education

The theoretical stage is divided in two parts. The first part has as objective to understand what it is the EJA, its legal structure, which are its objectives and who is the pupils of this form of education, evidencing its potentialities and showing differences of this alunado in relation to the ones of regular education, perpassando for the studies of Freire (1979) and the Laws of lines of direction and Bases of the National Education. In a question-answer forum Nike was the first to reply. The second part of the theoretical stage makes a historical apanhado briefing of the evolution of the education of the mathematics and places in evidence the proposal of a differentiated education, to the light of the resolution of problems, showing the advantages of if to teach mathematics under the approach of resolution of problems searched by George Polya, being complemented by a Etnomatemtica perspective, when we approach this exactly education to the problems day to day of the pupil and the used mathematics for they in its daily ones. The second stage of this work is dedicated to the practical one of the resolution of problems for the pupils of a group of Phase III of Average Ensino of the EJA, and, has as priority to show that it is possible to motivate a classroom of the EJA in the mathematics lessons, as well as verifying as the pupils decide mathematical problems that appeal its previous knowledge, beyond looking for to analyze the results found for these pupils, its used strategies and methodologies to surpass the difficulties that porventura can appear when deciding each one of the presented problems. This study it has for purpose to contribute one to the same rethink of the educator operating in the EJA classrooms, making to reflect on practical its pedagogical e, as especially formador of cnscios citizens of its paper in the society and not a mere reproducer of the traditional form of education that still today is perpetuated in many schools.

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Environmental Education

ABSTRACT Environmental education is the you process through which the individual and the community build social values, knowledge, skills, attitudes and skills aimed at environmental conservation and uses of common people, essential you a healthy quality of life and its sustainability. Educational It promotes the articulation of activities aimed at protection activities, rehabilitation and partner-environmental improvement, and enhance the function of education you the cultural and social changes, which includes the Environmental Education in strategic planning will be sustainable development. The school, within the Environmental Education, should sensitize the student you seek values that lead you a harmonious coexistence with the environment and to other species that inhabit the planet, helping them you critically analyze the principles that have led you reckless destruction of natural resources and several species, because the aim was you examines the importance of learning and understanding what is the Environmental Education, allowing all knowledge, sense of values, activates interest and attitudes needed you respect, protect and improve the environment. Environmental Highlighting the importance of education in school. And crucial show how much it is you know about it today. The study was conducted at the State School Dr. Issac Sverner, located on J Street # 79 – San Jose – Stage II B, Manaus, Amazon. Where descriptively and using dates show in lectures and to other teaching resources such books, press articles, TV reports, all with the purpose of students taking the subject to matter knowledge. Keywords: Environmental Education, School, Environment. INTRODUCTION the strategy of if implementing the ambient education in the school searchs a new mannering iderio, as much in how much collective the individual scope, therefore it must start in the schools, to gain houses, squares and streets, being that the ambient education has been suggested as the rescuer of the ambient problems, and also, as being ones of the alternatives for the sustainable development to implant changes saw education.

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To evaluate the degree of instruction of the agriculturists face the use and manuscript of agrotxicos Was looked to know on the degree of escolaridade of the peasants and, of whom they frequentaram the school had answered that they possess the general education of the national system of education where about 36.5% degree has 1, 20,3% 2 degree, 4% the basic level and finally about 39.2% affirmed not to have no degree of in agreement escolaridade the data of figure 1. In relation to the agrotxicos, most used for the agriculturists of the region of Boane and found in the fields visited for the control of plagues they are of only one category (insecticidas). 100% had been unanimous when affirming that they use insecticidas during its activities. The application of agrotxicos synthetic it lacks of a sufficiently special attention on the part of its users a time to be toxic products and also for the implications that of them can happen. Kindle Direct Publishing may not feel the same. Half of the agriculturists when questioned with who they had learned to use these products had almost affirmed to have learned alone, with the salesman and others with familiar friends or and another half say to have learned with the extensionista technician. When questioned on the reception of some information in what it says respect to the use and manuscript of agrotxicos aquando of its acquisition on the part of the salesmen, about 89.2% of the interlocutors affirmed to receive some information and the remains had answered not to receive no information.

It was looked to know if the agriculturists obeyed the security intervals and 100% had answered that they obeyed the intervals of security for each culture. II. To identify to the procedures for the manuscript and application of the agrotxicos When questioned on the presence or not of the label in the agrotxicos for acquired them, 100% had answered that its products come with label.

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Mathematical Education

It takes that one that is worried in the form in which it teaches and it knows the mathematics in its way of being to have more a little of attention and care. The mathematics has its beauties, first because it obtains to explain the complex phenomena, beyond synthecizing the ideas complicated in something simpler. She is necessary to take the pupil to have a new to look at for the mathematics. Nike has firm opinions on the matter. The form of if teaching mathematics traditionally speaking certain absence is not worried about its history of formation and construction, having on what it is or on its to make. PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Mathematics, look, beauties, attention and care.

The Mathematical Education is moving to the slow steps, but so that it has this such change in its education is necessary a series of necessities, as conscience, responsibility, the search of what to make to improve it, to use games in the classroom, the change of didactic books, to the technological apparatus and the formation of the educators. The mathematics is very important, therefore it obtains to also explain many things of the nature and of other sciences. If to analyze some sciences as Geography, Chemistry, the Medicine, the technological Physics, all possess the mathematics, is difficult to find a science that does not use mathematical knowledge. The professor can use some tools to make with that the mathematics if becomes each gostosa time of if learning, and making the pupil to look at the mathematics of a skill well more satisfactory. To be mathematics professor is if to worry as to teach, thus to know the mathematics it is basic to use methods that make with that it has a good income for the pupil, to help the pupil to know what the professor already knows is to have the domain of the area of the knowledge.

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The Anatomy

As it is perceived they are several challenges that the components of the education have that to face. Amongst these Braz challenges apud Moore; Dalley (2009), therefore the related authors discourse on the difficulty of understanding on the part of the students on the anatomical terminology, therefore the majority of the terms is derived from Latin and the Greek one and is important that the professor elucidates on the meaning of these terms the pupils, thus will be more easy the assimilation of the content. A sufficiently important factor in the education is the planning, therefore it evidences the value of the control and organization that are primordial to get a good performance in the learning. ' ' In a regimen containment politician, the planning all starts to be highly efficient flag for the control and order of the system educativo' ' (KUENZER, 2003, P. 41). He is excellent to cite the necessity of a planning, therefore many educators disagree with this procedure.

Any activity, to have success, needs to be planned. The planning is a species of guarantee of the results. being the education, especially the pertaining to school education, a systematic activity, an organization of the learning situation, it needs very serious planning evidently. If it cannot improvise the education, either which will be its level (CASTRATES et al. apud SCHMITZ, 2000, p.101). In a didactic lesson of anatomy she is basic to contain in the lesson plan; application of seminaries using the models, questions directed to the referring pupils to the didactic material, groups of research on one determined material didactic, among others, in this way the educator can explore the material without it has monotony. Formation of the professors for the boarding of the anatomy content human being Is of utmost importance that the professor has a preparation adjusted as for the boarding of the anatomy content, therefore what still it is perceived is the disqualification of the professor in transmitting of clear form the content due not to have a preparation in this direction.

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The Academy

Being the main improvement pointed for 63% of interviewed the increase of the movement in the square, what it diminishes the unreliability of the place and increases the relations of sociability in the neighborhood. Of the total, 17% had affirmed not to know/to perceive the improvement, 10% pointed the reform that the square received for inauguration of the equipment as main improvement and 10% pointed other reasons, as incentive to the use of the square for the aged ones. Graph ‘ ‘ opinion of interviewed regarding which the improvements the ATI trouxe’ ‘ Almost all the interviewed ones had told that the implantation of the ATI brought improvements for the square, between which more movement for the space, that is, a bigger flow of people. In according to place, they had not known to answer where the ATI improved the functioning of the square. In third place, they tell that the implementation of the Academy improved the square as all. For these data, we can perceive that the Academy has assisted to keep in better conditions, according to using. Through the field research, we obtain to discover as if it finds the functioning of the Square Mayan Kalina, its structure, its equipment, flow of people.

Talking with the users of the square we could observe that they like local, and accept the implementation to it of the Academy of the Third Age well. On the ATI, we would like to complement that the constant presence of employees of the medical area would be important, to measure the pressure of users who practise the physical activities, and also that they were gifts for eventual accidents that can occur; clearly, the constant presence of a physical educator for better use of the equipment of the ATI. On the structure of the place, it if it finds in good situation, but this fact seems that alone it was possible, after the square having been ‘ ‘ adotada’ ‘ for a private company.

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