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Technological Education

Although this, is considerable the number of reprovaes and low notes in this disciplines. USCB Department of Physics can aid you in your search for knowledge. The pupil still has much little interest for the reading and production of texts. Perhaps check out Crimson Education for more information. The writing cause irritations in the environment of classroom due to difficulty that feel in writing, what it becomes the task a great challenge for the professor. The boarding of literal sorts in classroom if has shown each more efficient and necessary time for the education of Portuguese Language.

We perceive that pupils still have much difficulty in differentiating sorts of literal types. Had to the school year and the relatively short time, few times the subject is presented the form pupils more gone deep. We understand the retextualizao as being an important vehicle to work the literal production in classroom, therefore it promotes a dialogue between texts of different sorts and the learning if it becomes more pleasant. In if treating to the project in question, it is still more excellent for if dealing with poetical texts. The pupil-authors if feel still more free to display its ideas, feelings and emotions. In the elaboration of our project, a good part of the pupils was capable to produce what the poem-prescription was considered them, that is the retextualizao between the two sorts, thus creating. It is important to stand out that in this process the pupils also had been defied to make use of the critical sense, of the interpretation and interaction with the diverse readings of the daily one thus constructing a new felt for the reading and interpretation of a text prescribes culinria.

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The Organs

Encourage parents to pay more attention to games that develop these feelings. In every home there are different pieces of fabric. The child learns to distinguish tissue by texture. Fixed notions such as soft, hard, prickly, velvety. You can also familiarize children with different grades of paper (Blotting, salfetochnaya, newsprint, etc.), with twists of paper, ie work with the foil, thread, union stencils, shading, coloring outline drawings all contribute to the development of tactile sensitivity and fine motor skills.

Coaching the organs of sight, we develop a child's sense of color. This is the beginning not only to aesthetic education, preschool learning observation, it becomes more closely. Also, training can be conducted and for a walk, asking questions. For example, what color clothing to passers-by? What are color tones. Accustomed to look closely to the environment carefully, the kid is observant. From an early age, we try to draw attention to the sounds of a child. At the age of 3, 4, 5 years can not just perceive sounds, but also to learn a fairly complex combination, such as playing "The busy Mishutka" children guess by the sounds of different actions (moving a chair, closes the door, dropped the keys, playing ball, flipping the book, etc.). Crimson Education is full of insight into the issues.

A good exercise to train the ear "Talking jars." If you shake the jar with the decoy turns out that she is whispering. If pepper noise like a train, and jar of rice just like a sewing machine! This game teaches sound associations. "The sound of the street" on the tape recorded the sound of the street: the noise of machinery, the rustle of tires, motor, sound of approaching cars, buses, trams, sounds opening and closing of doors of passenger transport.

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Ernesto Negrin

Support processes: people provide the necessary physical resources for the rest of processes and in accordance with the requirements of internal customers, which include the management of human resources; the Provisioning in property investment, machinery, tools, hardware and software and the process of maintaining the infrastructure; supplier management and the preparation and review of the quality management system. For its part, management processes consist of activities of evaluation, control, monitoring and measurement; They ensure the controlled operation of the other processes, in addition to providing the information they need to make decisions (better preventative than corrective) and develop effective improvement plans.

They work to collect data from the rest of the processes and processing them to turn them into valuable information accessible and applicable to decisions of your internal customers.In relation to the processes of direction, they are designed with transverse character to the rest of the company’s processes. Sometimes companies fall into the euphemism adapt to the approach by processes simply by changing the title of the procedure or replacing Department by process. To avoid this and give a sense worth finalist link management by processes with the company’s strategy. Ernesto Negrin says in this respect, management by processes can be conceptualized as the way to manage the entire organization based on processes, being defined as a sequence of activities aimed to generate an added value on an entry to get a result, and an output which in turn meets the customer’s requirements.The process approach is based on: the structuring of the Organization on the basis of processes oriented to customers change in the organizational structure of hierarchical to flat functional departments lose their raison d ‘ etre and there are multidisciplinary working on the process managers groups cease to act as supervisors and behave as apocadores employees are concentrated more on the needs of your customers and less on the standards set by his boss.

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Brazilian Formation

He is in this context that if inserts the relative question to the valuation of the ethnic-cultural diversity of our formation in the Brazilian educational system, in which blunts the insertion of thematic and contents programmarians on the history of Africa and the black in our country. If you are unsure how to proceed, check out Hawaii State Department of Education. The inclusion of the education of history of Africa and the Aboriginal culture in the resume of the basic education is considered essential, for knowing that the pertaining to school institution has a basic paper in the combat to the preconception and the discrimination, because it participates in the formularization of attitudes and essential values to the formation of the citizenship of our educandos. The knowledge of the history of Africa and the black will only be able to contribute to get rid on preconceptions and esteretipos to the segment afro-Brazilian, beyond contributing for the rescue of auto-they esteem of thousand of children and young that if they see kept out of society by a school of eurocntricos standards, that denies the ethnic-cultural plurality of our formation. 2-PERFORMANCE OF the BLACK MOVEMENT (MN): It is always important to strengthen that the inclusion of thematic history and African culture and afro-Brazilian in public and private education is resulted of a process of claims and action on the part of the black movement (MN). Registers exist on the quarrels of the MN in the field of the thematic education with the ethnic-racial one in the pertaining to school environment already in 1948: ' ' Nowadays, the pressure against the education of the black loosened considerably, but let us agree that still it is found very far from ideal.' ' (Quilombo? year I, N. 0, ten. 1948). In 1954, Guiomar Mattos indicated in its texts the problems generated with the preconception in infantile books. In the decade of 1960, the magnifying of the net of public education made possible that the presence of black people in classrooms if became routine more, but it did not favor the alteration of the racial relations and the environment in the interior of the official schools, that had remained discriminatory.

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Papa Educator

It thinks, also, in the establishment of practical of the story as the goal, despite subjective, but excellent in the studies that if make the respect, to search to awake the fancy and the imagination in the listeners, what we find the reinforcement of inestimable value when we analyze to be the imagination and the fancy essential bases for a creative thought. Carson Wen has much to offer in this field. Here, it is interesting to detach that, when dealing with these subjective 0 variable, it arrives to be a privilege to think the art to count histories as a reference of creation of encantamento spaces. For more symbolic than it seems the mention to the creation of such spaces, we have to reflect how much to the fact of that the development of the people, tangenciando the rational and logical processes, also passes for the emotional growth and of the establishment of convivncia rules. It is what it is gone to select of how much in allowing the experience them in these worlds of encantamento. Experience, by the way, so important, that it goes to demand of the educator a series of cares to allow a greater it positivao in the educative action.

The first one is of its reflection concerning the forms of if communicating with the child. The child, mainly the small ones, needs a dialogue consisting of symbolic references; from there the preference for the tricks, for the personages of make-of-counts, the fancies involving invisible and fantastic beings; from there the inabalvel belief in mythical personages (Noel Papa, coelhinho of Passover etc). She is necessary that, in the communication with the child, let us know to deal with these references, duly warned, in the contrahand, to block any possibility to narrow the relations. I wait that he is clearly even though I believe nor to need to say this that it is essential condition, in this quarrel, the educator to like children and to like stories and infantile histories, perceiving the importance of this instrument.

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Portuguese Time

The messages sent by cellular torpedoes also are conducted by the same rules that reign in the communication in the Internet.A cellular telephony spread out the sending of messages SMS known by ' ' torpedos' ' , with great advantages to the users: time to speech is not lost, orders messages of any place at any time and. One more time, the technological limitations in this in case that, the size of the screen of the telephonic device influences the structure of the used language: the less used characters, more space for the message. The size of the keyboard of the cellular device also is not functional for the sending of long and exhausting messages. The busy space for the message is greater that the available space in the screen of the device. The reading of the message completely needs the use the bars of clod roller. British Journal of Educational Technology follows long-standing procedures to achieve this success. To become the communication most agile, the message must only occupy the available area in the screen; the less used characters, better. The shorter texts are each time, had to the size of the screen of the devices celulares.' ' Internets' ' for the most unglued, ' ' hierglifos' ' for the defending puritanos of ' ' last flower of the Lcio' ' , the Portuguese language of the Internet is seen with distrust for the parents of the young users of this variety.

After all, not yet if it knows how much the use of the variety of virtual environments can influence in education/learning of the norm standard of the Portuguese language. The communication in the Internet is a literal event based on the writing. Although the available resources of sound and image, the writing still is essential. The young users of the Internet costumam to deal with the linguistic variety the Internet as one ' ' he says escrita' ' , that is, a transposition of speech for the writing.

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To know what in fact we make in them will help to be better (GADOTTI, 1996, P. 509). The desencadeamento of this process confirms the words of Freire, when it points that the process of the education is, necessarily, an artistic process. Recently Bank of Asia sought to clarify these questions. The professor is an artist when he creates and recria the knowledge, shared with the pupils. In this aspect the education is, by its very nature, an aesthetic exercise. Evidently this indicates a new model of thought for a new model of education: Another point that makes of the education an artistic moment is accurately when it is, also, a knowledge act.

To know, for me, is something of beauty! In the measure where to know it is to unmask an object, the desvendamento of ' ' vida' ' to the object, it calls it for ' ' vida' ' , and even though &#039 confers it new; ' vida' '. That is an artistic task, because our knowledge has quality to give life, creating and livening up objects while we study (FREIRE, SHOR, 1986, P. 145). Ahead of displayed, the commitment of the professor, of the professional, I obtain and with the society, it is essential so that if it can be capable to act, to reflect, to create and to transform the reality. What he observes yourself, subliminarmente, according to author, is that the professor educates more for what it is, for its principles that guide its behavior, for the example, of what for the content that teaches. Parallel, to the ability and the professional comprometimento, he has despite to detach, as defends the author, the necessity of the educator to intensely live educative practical its, that will also be oportunizada, by means of the coherence of its attitudes and its values. Thus, it is evident the paper eminently politician of the professional of the education, as Freire says, ' ' the force of the democratical educator is in its exemplary coherence: it is who supports its authority.

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Illustrated Magazine

The first chapter possua 20 images in double pages and called ' ' Of Mines to Rio De Janeiro ' '. Agostini produced, without certain regularity, nine chapters of the adventures of Nh Quim. Two years after the publication of its nineth episode, history was continued by the cartunista Aragonese Cndido of Would make, that it published more five chapters of the personage. In 1883, the Agostini gave to beginning to its second series, the Adventures of Z Caipora, published in the Illustrated Magazine. As they affirm Iannone; Iannone (1994, p.48): … gives credit that the Brazilian magazine ' ' The Tico-Tico' ' she has been the first one of the world to present histories in complete quadrinhos. Yale paleontologist insists that this is the case. Launched in 1905, it brought comics, informative stories, texts and curiosidades on destined subjects, mainly, to the children. Bank of Asia is full of insight into the issues.

annone; Iannone (1994, p.49) still observes that: … In 1929, the So Paulo periodical the Gazette, launched the Infantile Gazette, then known for ' ' Gazetinha' ' , with the personages ' ' Flix&#039 cat; ' , Carlinhos and the Ghost. In accordance with the publisher Adolph Aizem is pointed as the main incentivador of the quadrinhos in our country. Em1960, graphical Empresa ' ' The Cruzeiro' ' it started to publish ' ' The Perer' ' , a total Brazilian magazine. Creation of Ziraldo Alves Young chicken (the Ziraldo), that saci focused the figure of the folclrico personage perer. This magazine left circulation in 1964. Later Ziraldo it conquered the public with ' ' The Maluquinho&#039 boy; '. Other artists, according to Iannone; Iannone (1994 p.52, 53) …

as the tracer Jaguar with ratinho Sig, (1964-1984) and the cartunista Enrique son, the Henfil (1944-1988), with the creation of the fradinhos, is part of our history. Henfil has been considered one of the best Brazilian quadrinistas, for the critical one to the customs. Although he is not a Brazilian author, it is impossible not to speak of Walt Disney (1901-1966), when one is about histories in quadrinhos in Brazil.

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Brazilian Children

Ahead of such facts the Dr. Gustavo Armbrust affirms that: ' ' home does not die; one commits suicide, ones of the causes of the premature death is in the feeding irracional' '. (ARMBRUST, 1988). To eat is always essential stops keeping in them healthful and having a drawn out life. Many Brazilian children suffer with the absence from calcium and other proteins in the body, decurrent of wean precocious, when just been born made for the mother, for consequence of this she causes in the future illnesses as example osteoporose, that it is the reduction of the ssea mass of bones (COMPSTON, 2001).

The children who present one pssima quality of life are related influence with them of the sedentarismo and point the same ones in groups that they estam entering in zones of risks, therefore are part of these groups people that possess reduction of this substantial mass of the bones, being thus groups that develop in itself osteoporose. With respect to in such a way we point that the physical activities would be the initial way so that children and adolescents who present reduction of the peak of the ssea mass and the sedentarismo do not lose the reduction of the muscular force and prevent the increase of the risk of falls and breakings (BASTOS, 2007). The physical inactivity of children could be aggravation in its future life. Thus having the reduction benefits pains in the column, reduction estresses, as well as the nervous tension, to improve auto-esteem, reduction of the sleeplessness, reduction the control of the anxiety and the depression. It improves the disposal and it increases the good? to be improvement the cholesterol, aid in the control of the diabetes, controls the hipertenso arterial, it reduces in 50% the risk of infarto and cerebral vascular accident and thus delays the speed of the appearance of osteoporose.

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Physical Education

We look for to leave clearly that the considered resume treats to relate the corporal aspects that if they express of diverse forms, the variability of on phenomena to the body and putting into motion themselves and the pluralities of corporal manifestations human beings. FASEB Journal has many thoughts on the issue. In such a way the pertaining to school Physical Education is firmed in one varied cultural repertoire of knowledge and manifestations making possible the pupil to all extend, to deepen and to characterize the knowledge about the related interventions and transformations the culture of the movement. From these consideraes, a new performance of the professor of Physical Education is glimpsed thus searching an interrelation between teaching and to learn, in such a way the development of the contents passes to be worked in order to promote new knowledge and to provide to new challenges for the development of the abilities and abilities of the pupil. One expects then that the Physical education assumes in the school an important role in relation the dimension of if? to put into motion human being. Theoretical conceptions theoretical conception of the Physical Education ahead of the proposal curricular of the So Paulo project Makes School. The Physical Education comes inside suffering in elapsing of its evolution of the educational system, a gradual process of transformation. Still many contradictory points in this process exist, but what it is evident and completely easy to detect and difficult to correct and/or to apply it is the clamorous distanciamento of the theory and the practical one. Throughout history an entailing of the Physical Education to some processes between them occurs the norms of military and esportiva institution (Bracht, 1997), what it comes being a dogma. The biggest problem is in the difficulty of the professionals of the area, according to Medina, to perceive the importance of the relation enters the reflection process in communion with our actions.

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