Although this, is considerable the number of reprovaes and low notes in this disciplines. USCB Department of Physics can aid you in your search for knowledge. The pupil still has much little interest for the reading and production of texts. Perhaps check out Crimson Education for more information. The writing cause irritations in the environment of classroom due to difficulty that feel in writing, what it becomes the task a great challenge for the professor. The boarding of literal sorts in classroom if has shown each more efficient and necessary time for the education of Portuguese Language.
We perceive that pupils still have much difficulty in differentiating sorts of literal types. Had to the school year and the relatively short time, few times the subject is presented the form pupils more gone deep. We understand the retextualizao as being an important vehicle to work the literal production in classroom, therefore it promotes a dialogue between texts of different sorts and the learning if it becomes more pleasant. In if treating to the project in question, it is still more excellent for if dealing with poetical texts. The pupil-authors if feel still more free to display its ideas, feelings and emotions. In the elaboration of our project, a good part of the pupils was capable to produce what the poem-prescription was considered them, that is the retextualizao between the two sorts, thus creating. It is important to stand out that in this process the pupils also had been defied to make use of the critical sense, of the interpretation and interaction with the diverse readings of the daily one thus constructing a new felt for the reading and interpretation of a text prescribes culinria.