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Classroom Teaching

lia Dantas Saints Marilene Julia Dos Santos Vanessa Dos Santos Pedagogas formed in the So Lus College of France.); (mari_se@;) Work elaborated under the orientation of the Prof. Msc. Andra Hermnia de Aguiar Oliveira INTRODUCTION the present article has as intention to investigate the interference of the affective relations in the environment of the classroom, of that it forms the values are transmitted in these relations and the learning that they make possible in this universe. The way as the parents treats its children reflects in the affectivity in classroom, therefore of the position of the family the first social paper results consequentemente that the child plays, and, its style of life. A healthful affective relation, in educative environments, provides a climate more favorable to the learning, thus contributing, so that the exchange of values is a natural fact in this process. Therefore, it was intended to study the affectivity as value in classroom, verifying of that way the relation professor-pupil can help in the infantile development, as well as its influence in the education process – learning.

1 THEORETICAL RECITAL According to Piletti (2004), on our society, the relations are based on the obedience for the authoritarianism, thus he has been in the family and the field politician. On the basis of Puebla (1997, P. 20). ' ' We live a crucial historical moment, where still we can collaborate for the creativity, the responsible participation and the cooperation in the construction of a harmonious community, based in Love, energy of growth and transformation, respect, truth, straightness and justia.' ' In the current days, many people conceive the process of teach-learning of static form: of a side, the professor teaches, transmits information; of another side the pupil, listening, is strengthenn to learn e, in the possible measure do, remains obedient and passive (PILETTI, 2004).

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International Conference Education

Then as it can be seen, the plan tells on a series of measures that must be adopted so that the school can form independent citizens. But that autonomy is this? An education of quality is not only made from beautiful words and of an enormous quantity of educational referenciais, but also it depends on a bigger financial investment in the educational sector on the part of the government, therefore what the document cites as being an advance in relation to the investment in the education, it represents half of what the developed countries exactly invest in this sector in relation to the GIP. Consideraes Final We conclude that to remember the liberal ideology, the State, the societies and the capitalist system; to question if this system this the service of all citizens and if watch over for the welfare and growth of all, is points important to arrive itself at the question of the current conditions of the education. In an incompatible system where dominant and dominated it has interresses, as in Brazil, the education it is imposed different, therefore it is evident that the State serves to the interests of the capital. So propagated ‘ ‘ equality of oportunidade’ ‘ it runs away from the popular ideas that in swim obtain to be equaled to that they belong to the high society, the detainers of the capital. as we saw in the proper PDE, does not have nothing that those measures can make to solve the problem of the inaquality in our country.

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Choosing English School

Ireland is one of the most picturesque countries in the European economic community. It’s a thriving nation, with important traditions that are rooted in a rich historic past. And in this fascinating country, Galway is positioned as a prominent tourist destination, being a rather small town, where the visitor is the ideal place to relax. Without a doubt, this is one excellent reason to search for schools English Galway, and a course of improvement in this important language. One of the issues that interests most parents seeking English courses overseas youth is finding a quiet place, where students can take full advantage of your stay in a place of natural beauty, but that is serene and that safeguard personal safety. Then, Galway is the place ideal, as that is one of the more subdued places in the British Isles. In fact, it is the overall impression of many of the visitors who, rather than look like a big city, has a room of people, carrying a much more relaxed pace of life, where visitors and residents find place for leisure, recreation and cultural activities. Located on the edge of Galway Bay, the streets have a medieval atmosphere ideal for exploring and enjoy both during the workweek, where the pace is much more serene, and during weekends when laying down spontaneous street markets to delight visitors and local residents. The city has an important historic, highlighting the churches from the 14th century, and in the Museum of the city it is possible to appreciate Mesolithic objects of prehistory of mankind. The Crystal crafts is one of the main activities of the region, and here is where you create true works of art in this material.

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North American

The ambientalista conception attributes to the environment a great power in the human development. The man develops its characteristics in function of the conditions gifts in the way where if he finds. To this conception of – the name of empirismo. The great defender of the ambientalista position, in psychology, is the North American, B.F. Skinner. For it and its followers, the paper of the environment is much more important of what the biological maturation. Thus being, the stimulatons gifts in one determined situation, lead to the appearance of certain behaviors.

According to ambientalistas, the individuals search to increase the pleasure and to diminish pain; therefore, manipulating the elements gifts in the environment, it is possible to control the behavior. Therefore, they attribute ambientalista conception to it, a vision of the individual while to be extremely reactive to the action of the way. Changes in the behavior can be provoked in some ways. One of them demands an analysis of the resulted consequncias or that the same produces in the environment. positive consequncias are called reinforcing and provoke an increase in the frequency with that the behavior appears.

Already the refusals, receive the name from punishment and lead to a reduction in the frequency with that certain behaviors occur. When a behavior is not adjusted and if it considers desirable to total eliminate it of the repertoire of behavior of an individual, uses the said procedure of extinguishing. For this, she is necessary to remove of the environment the consequncias keep that it. Other theoreticians had affirmed that the human behavior also is modified in function of the comment of as other people act, who if become models to be copied. When the behaviors of the models are strengthened, it extends yourself to imitate it them, and if punished, it looks itself to prevent them. In the ambientalista vision, the attention of a person is, therefore, function of the learnings that carried through throughout the life, in contact with the stimulatons that had strengthened or punished its behaviors. Being thus, it can to say that the behavior is always the result of associations established between stimulaton and consequncia. When a behavior will be associated the certain stimulaton, this tends to appear when gifts will be stimulatons similar. To this phenomenon of – the name of generalization. The child learns to perceive similarities between stimulatons and to generalize behaviors, but also she learns the inverse one, that is, to discriminate stimulatons from its differences. For the ambientalistas, the learning is understood as the process by which the behavior is modified in accordance with the result of the experience. It is important that if also light in consideration the physiological and psychological state of the organism. In accordance with this conception, the emphasis is in propitiating new learnings, through the manipulation of the stimulatons that precede and succeed the behavior. For in such a way, an analysis of the form is necessary as the individuals act in its environment, identifying stimulatons that they provoke appearance of the behavior-target and the consequncias keeps that it. Reference: DAVIS, Claude; OLIVEIRA, Zilma. Psychology in the education.

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By Which Oil Of Olive Ecological That Contributes To Our Diet

The production of organic olive oil is based under a production free of any chemical or non-organic contribution about the tree to improve the production of the same. In order to receive this property field must be free of these products for a minimum period of 5 years. Olives freshly collected from the field at an early date to maturity are milled on the same day to avoid loss of water and oxidation of fatty oils of olives, and get an oil golden-green of the highest quality. In Andalusia, the Andalusian Committee for organic farming (CAAE) is the Agency for the development of agriculture and certified organic farming. This mechanism is responsible for controlling the quality of preparation of the organic olive oil.

To thus meet the demanding European regulations (Regulation EEC 2092/91), where farmers subjected to a regime of inspection and control by the service of certification to independently and objectively, examines and certifies all the requirements for its production and processing. Today any of olives that produce extra virgin olive oils that are on the market that do not have the distinction of oil organic, they take several treatments based on chemical and non-organic products. Thus we can find from: poison to kill weeds in summer. Poison to kill the weeds in autumn. Copper and sulfates to avoid that the fruit be bitten by insects. Iron to improve production.

Phosphate, nitrogen, etc. to add nutrients to the Earth. Amino acids, azufres, etc. And thus to a wide variety of products according to the chemicals do not affect the oil since they are for the tree and the fruit never received these nutrients. In addition there is a period of cures to avoid this last. In my opinion: the number of malignant diseases, the number of tumors, rare diseases hitherto unseen, genetic mutations, etc., come due to the incorporation of the products chemicals in our products of first necessity our food! We also wonder generally why I will buy an olive oil which is worth 1 or 2 euros more per liter when they are the same. Considering that a person spends between about 5 to 10 litres of olive oil at the year do considers that is expensive improve your health and the of your family by so only 10 per year of more? Eat organic extra virgin olive oil, avoid phosphates and nitrogens, azufres, copper, poisons in their salads. Eat organic extra virgin olive oil because your body will thank you.

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Strategic Planning

I actually became easier to listen without interrupting, interesting to know what people want next to me in the moment, at what points to look for, to feel it, and most importantly – to give. Strongly contributes to internal positive approach the fundamental principle of 'Sinton': 'We do not have weaknesses, we have a particular, no difficulties – there are problems, creative problem to be solved. " I do not want to reveal all the 'secrets' – just trust me, use this matrix in any area makes life brighter and easier to understand …. In addition to the basic course in 'Sinton' a rich range of programs for all occasions: basic training is the first step, further: 'The world of emotions, a management', 'Successful people: achievement', 'Tough game: the philosophy of life choices',' Kingdom: School civilized leadership ', and yet so many other programs for adults and children. The main audience of the training center – young people under 35. The faces of all: that the workers center, that students' friendly, open-and his eyes smart. Emotional situation – you do not want to leave.

Because I was interested to visit various training centers, business training, I decided to go for a consulting group, 'Hermes'. Background: the nature of their activities I do with straight sales. And then there's interested. I wanted to try. Choose your training, 'Telesales'. Education was held at Shakun Krutkov – business coach, consultant, Strategic Planning, Development distribution, retail, management, procurement. Output: A very interesting training turned out.

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Aragonese Dialect

Sardinia in L'Apge, in the autonomous regions of La Franco (Aragon) and El Karhu (Murcia). About 10 million people speak Catalan language. Leon dialect. To the west of autonomy of Castile and Leon (Leon, Zamora, Salamanca), many people today oppose the union of Castile and Leon, Castile against the rule in this community and for the complete separation these two areas. Leon said the people on Leonean language, and does not want to go in his communication to the Castilian. And today it is perhaps the only area where kept and used Leonean dialect.

Asturian Galician dialect and language. Asturiytsy – people living in the Principality of Asturias in the former, which was located in northern Spain. Asturian dialect rather original, it is mixed with the Galician language. This is a dialect that used in the region bordering Galicia. In itself, Galicia, which is located in the same place where in ancient times, is used purely galisiyky language. Basque language.

Basque Country – a region of the western Pyrenees – land between Spain and France – to the shores of the Bay of Biscay. The capital of this region – the city of Victoria-Gasteiz, with the name "Victoria" – Castilian origin, "Gasteiz" – Basque. The Basque language is unique, it differs from any language which is spoken in the world. For several millennia, it said the people of this region. The language used here and now. Aragonese dialect. The historical region of Aragon is located at north-east of Spain. Residents of this area – the Aragonese. Correct would be to assume that the language used here Aragonese, but it is not. While in the Middle Ages it was so. Now Aragonese language spoken only in Huesca and the Pyrenees. Kanariysky dialect. Canary Islands – an archipelago that is located near the west coast of Africa – live kanariytsy. Language, they speak mostly Castilian, but it has an admixture kanariyskogo dialect. It's like a subspecies of the Castilian language. Aran dialect. In the northwest of Catalonia is a small county – Aran. Here are the source of the river Garonne and the Valley of Aran is the highest valley Pyrenees. Most of it takes Catalan territory – this is the only area of Catalan, which is located in the Pyrenees. The rest of the Valley took arantsy, most of whom speak the language of Aran. Aran language – a kind of dialect okvitansky. He is in the Valley of Aran third official language after the Castilian and Catalan languages. So, dialects and variations of the Spanish language – is a subgroup which differ in vocabulary, phonetics and a bit of grammar. However, in all Spanish dialects use a common written standard, and only their colloquial variations differ in one way or another.

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The Management

For us, the interpersonal relations, for example, are co-promoters in a way of being in society, since all relation is educative when the humanity of the other degrades or promotes. In the institutions it is that, par excellence, the education gains life. In this manner, they characterize themselves as the place of the care, reason that she justifies to think them about the scope of a management where the relations if pautam for the ethical-aesthetic-afectiva disposal. (SOUSA; MIGUEL; RASP, 2010, P. 14. grifo of the author) The Management of the Care suggests a Biocntrica Education as form of valuation of the life human being, focando in an education that moves whose methodology would be the proper experience. A Biocntrica Education comes to stimulate the actions potencializando them. It weaves other differentiated conceptions and learnings.

The Biocntrica Education can provide to the institutions collective learnings of changes of its destinations, developing in the groups the practical direction and the meaning educative of the care. To learn together to take care of of the life can transform the conventional relations into moved meeting, and these do not excuse the ethics, articulated to the aesthetic field of a suggestive one that goes to guide the people so that they can abandon the tirnica sphere of decrees, making an existential choice for the trams of an education of the taste and sensitivity (RESTREPO, 1998, apud SOUSA; MIGUEL; RASP, 2010, P. 83) The environment of classroom, this physical space where they coexist human beings playing the roles of professor and students, as much can be glad, pleasant, ccomplishing and rewarding, how much it can be generating of anxiety, it estresse, unreliability or aversion. We can also consider that this set of good or bad factors, to a large extent, is decurrent of the personal relations that if establish between the proper students, or these and its professors.

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Toucambert Reading

Thus the first descriptions date of the end of century XIX. The upheaval was attributed to the technique of learning of the reading, but it cannot be reduced the pedagogical errors simply. It does not have as to speak of dislexia until 7 or 7 years and way, therefore the reading process varies of individual for individual, depending on factors as age, maturation, sex, hereditary succession, type of language, instruction, practical, motivation among others. Toucambert, 1994, explain that, in the voluntary reading, the meaning of a written text is mainly dependent of the information of the memory of the reader, and ha what if must the information of the text associates the sonorous information. (Route, P. 152, 2006). Freire, in 1995, tells that the reading is capable to take off conclusions using more than what the information collected in the text, that is, capacity of raising hypotheses, conceiving new ideas and solutions, from the experience of the reading (Route.

2006, p.152). In a person with dislexia confusions of graphemes are observed whose phonetic correspondence is next (to it, s-z, u-l), or whose form if are similar (p-q, d-b), inversions (or-ro, I believed-cir), omissions (beard, tree-arve), or still additions and substitutions. In the level of the phrase, difficulty exists to learn the separation of the elements and the rhythm. The understanding of the read text in general is better of what if it could assume for the decipher, but rare apprehends it totality of the written information. The imbalance goes growing with the age of the child, as the increase of the requirements of the school and the incapacities of reading; thus, the pertaining to school difficulties initially centered in the reading soon become global in the treatment absence. FACTORS ASSOCIATES Exist certain associations with the dislexia whose frequency deserves prominence, but cannot be seen as the only etiolgica origin of the upheaval.

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The Defence

The space of painting or drawing, a limited edges or frame, a kind of field activities artist, and ‘order’ they need to successfully and as appropriate to the task, the work looked like an organic, beautiful and convincing. In a well layed-out picture of all elements and details fit and are linked, so Okay, and cleverly, as they say, ‘nor subtract nor add ‘ Solve the track – this means not only finding the right mix of magnitude images for the front and the general plan (‘background’), but also to achieve a harmonious interaction all components of the picture as the main and secondary of its facilities. Imagine that before you picture, say, ‘The Defence of Sevastopol’ A. . Cloth considerable size, colorful, imaginative, fascinating. The location of the frame horizontal, elongated so that the width is more than twice the height.

This explains why the opposing forces, painted, arranged horizontally. On the left side is ‘Light’ pieces of seafarers with the right ‘dark’ figures of the Nazis. Severity of conflict underscore the bayonets, which are also aimed horizontally. Compositional structure is largely determined yet and the presence of both dynamic and static elements. Going on the attack of the war, or dive the aircraft depicted in the motion, and the figure of a fallen soldier or, for example, the ruins of houses – at rest.

Relationship between the figures, elements and parts of the picture, as befits a composition, carefully designed by the artist. Battle plot – this is primarily a struggle, a fight, but the picture there is a unity of parts and fragments. However, the viewer’s attention focuses on the protagonist – Figure of a sailor with a bunch of grenades, which certainly is a compositional center of the picture. Artist apply to your work-contrast spectral palette. Vivid imagery of the canvas largely determine the dark-red glow in the upper part of the picture, the yellow-pink stones and cobalt blue waves of the sea. Dramatic moment stresses blue-green, almost black uniforms, light cream sailor shape and dark blue jack, soaring on a background of clubs smoke. Now a few words about the stages of formation of composition in visual art. Before we get started, try to visualize, imagine a line or the contours of a future image. This kind of plan, a framework for action to help implement the plan. To begin to determine what the most appropriate location of the leaf, horizontal or vertical.

If you are running ‘from nature’ can be ‘direct’ in object frame viewfinder, cut from cardboard or thumbs and index fingers, folded ‘rectangle’. Very helpful before major work to perform one or more small sketches in black and white and in color. Remember that in the picture track mainly consists of bars and lines, and painting all the color is determined, the relationship of different color patches. To develop a ‘spectacular’ skills, good times begin work immediately with , bypassing the so-called ‘pencil’ stage. Good exercise can be filled, and more precisely the organization of paper space by some abstract elements – the strokes, lines or scenic spots. Do not be afraid to experiment!

And finally, the last one. As you can see the role of composition in the arts is enormous. The value of the layout in the learning process underestimated, too, no. Do not forget about it Whatever you create – a monumental canvas, or merely melenky sketch. Good luck and success in work!

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