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Rubens Alves If

But in this in case that, it is primordial that the accountant already knows history, so that he does not make the reading of the same one, cold form and without attractive, but it counts that it as if was talking with the child and the personages, creating an allure for that hears. Today already book editions exist that come with in such a way vary active form of participation and envolvement of the reader as of the listener. Books full of sonorous and exactly visual stimulatons of proper history are. To teach small a lands on water books is not easy, therefore an enchantment exists that histories always transmit. You unite, history by itself, the personages together with the imaginary one of each one of leads in them to other places, to other sensations, what it also happens with the child. from these pleasant sensations, the desire of always wanting more.

As it says Rubens Alves If was to teach to a child the beauty of music would not start with partitions, notes and guidelines. We would hear together the melodies gostosas and it would count to it on the instruments that make music. , There magic with the beauty of music, same it would ask for to me that it taught the mystery to it of those written black small balls on five lines. Because the black small balls and the five lines are only tools for the production of the beauty that has of if reading a good text, and with this to make of the reading as if touched that music that more we like are as soon as learn to love reading. The experience of the beauty has to come before. The mediator this always in search to know which the best form to get optimum result with its pupils.

But he does not have an only way to arrive itself at this result and yes ideas, estimated and information that react he practises it of the mediator. Thus the basic objective of the professors is to make with that the children more advance in direction to an intellectual development each sophisticated time. For in such a way, it must have its service the knowledge and the capacity of comment, elements that must walk in the process of the child. Some mediators have in its teses that the children do not have gifts. He has only future. In sarau he starts with the idea of awaking the interest of the reading before the children and with this the possibility of the children if to develop as future citizens who one day will be able to place its thoughts tona. with this aid in conquering the reading in the children we will be able to affirm that we will have a good result. But, and gift? Our children need to be prepared for today so that let us can live tomorrow well. An saying exists that says: ' ' The child in the way still teaches that must walk and when he will be old will not turn aside from it ' '. (Prov. ) Basing on these words we today need to motivate the child to have pleasure in the reading and this since small, to inculcar in its mind the preciosidade that is to like to read, to hear histories, reproduziz them, to dramatizar them, to live deeply them.

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English Courses

English courses for adults – a service rather common in the education market today. English courses for adults offers almost every language center, department of foreign languages in education institutions. These English courses for adults are always in high demand. However, rarely putting a goal to learn English, considering other alternatives for training. Courses English for adults seem to be the best option for everyone learning.

But is it really? We will try to consider this issue in more detail. English courses for adults are not cheap. In this class conducted in group form. Often the person who wished to learn English, first choose English courses for adults and pay tuition. He thereby creates a motivation for chtobyzanimatsya gaining new knowledge and skills. English courses for adults are paid, so they must attend, otherwise the money spent in vain, to engage in a little tongue in order not to feel sorry for was the money spent and time. But is not rational to be very motivated to establish themselves and gain knowledge is much more intense and active, rather than pay someone who will just monitor you and strongly encourage the learning process? English courses for adults, as mentioned above, are not cheap. Typically, the cost is calculated from the number of training hours provided the curriculum. Only need to take into account that group lessons are designed to last a minimum of 5-6 persons, and the efforts of teachers were not designed to someone individually, but all at once.

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This is not guilt only of the Internet, but it has in it a determinative factor for the proliferation of the economy to vocabular. On the other hand, the abbreviation facilitates the communication of the interlocutors in terms of amount of information, eager to express what it feels in order to summarize its day-by-day or to consider something more in the field of virtual relationship. In this direction, it has little sensitivity on the part of who if express, seno the amount of subject that must be ingested by the interlocutors. Clearly that of this form we find many problems of communication, especially to know the intention of who speaks, but is a less true and more apparent trend to be. sensitivity to write the words in the aspect of the grammatical, essential rules for the selective tests, in this context, also is really is of the one practical most functional one, compelling all to study each time more the functioning of as to write the words correctly. this is bothering, therefore many times are not part of the communicative universe that many had had in the universe on-line. Considering that the abbreviations, as we saw, are basic and functional part of it speaks, the social context where they are used make in them to believe that new words could be formed e, why not, systemize in a possible ortogrfico agreement, in the well next future. Today, many do not know nor that the word ' ' estrupo' ' it is official, for example.

Therefore it is, ' ' estrupo' ' already it exists! The conditioning of the writing depends on its essence of direction, that says is it. Who knows in one day pretty is not ' ' liberadas' ' words as ' ' probrema' ' , ' ' chicrete' ' , or same all the words that have the sound of ' ' z' ' accurately they are written with the letter ' ' Z' ' , as well as that they possess the sound of ' ' x' ' they are written only with the letter ' ' x' ' , and ' ' abreviaes' ' , focus of our reflection is clearly inserted here, also in any official document. If proper Jose Saramago, who received the prize Nobel from Portuguese literature, made texts without punctuation, alleging an evolution in the form of lingustica expression, why not to consider these new trends of the language privileging more the idea that they can express of what the writing in itself, without a practical direction. The controversy also continues, the debate, but it is inevitable that to shorten it is an art of speaks. That the writing one day respects it. Wallas Cabral de Souza is Linguista for the USP and writer. Author of the book Now I learn Grammar, Interpretation and Writing. It was dedicated in developing new ways to inside understand the Grammar normative of one lingustica, practical and accessible conception.

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English Course In The United States For Young People

The English language has become, without doubt, a sort of lingua franca, i.e. speak English will allow communicate almost anywhere in the world. We can say, without exaggerating, that in the English language is the language of Commerce and science. Most of the commercial import and export transactions are carried out in English, and indeed, the terms related to the activity of international trade originating in this language. For these reasons, it is an excellent idea to forge a good learning of the English language from an early age, and for this, nothing better than an English course in the United States for young people. But, this exciting language not only in the United States is spoken.

Worldwide, more than 400 million people have English as their mother tongue, which is the official language in almost 55 countries. Historically speaking, English is generated in the Anglo-Saxon kingdoms of England. Subsequently, in 1066, the Norman invasion enriched and transformed this forever language by adding a great number of terms of romance origin. For this reason, learn English and learn German are so different processes. Another option for young people are the camps English Ireland. Ireland is a small but captivating country with a story that starts in the Mesolithic period, more than 5000 years. From the age of bronze that the Irish peoples have cultivated his own style and culture, leaving its mark in the form of stone monuments, true treasures of humanity until today. Currently, we will find a country that has suffered a huge economic growth, but still retains a provincial spirit, even in the most populated cities. Many immigrants have chosen Ireland as your new home, thanks to the growth of the last decade.

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Carl Rogers Classroom

A minimum of retention is demanded so that if it can recognize the existence of the process. Therefore infancy is, without a doubt, the phase that more is learned, however the learning can be given in any age. If the conception will be true of that at certain moment the vital functions start to describe, is true also that such fact to give itself also depending it on the disposals of the person, its interests, its necessities. After all, innumerable discoveries of science had occasioned in sufficiently advanced age of its researchers. The learning is, in such a way, a process continues throughout the life.

Ahead of as many carried through educational jumps and conquest throughout the historical trajectory, one has noticed the attentions attributed to the space of classroom since the decade of 60 ties the present time. Thus, so that the classroom comes to be one favorable environment the construction of the knowledge and equacionamento of the learning difficulties that porventura if to present are necessary that the engaged, creative, dynamic educator either, and that it respects the individualities of each educating, valuing the reality you live deeply and them of the same ones, so that, in a joint action and integrated, it can favor and stimulate to the cooperation, the dialogue, the democracy and the autonomy of the individual and the group, where the pleasure of this in the common classroom either all. When bigger he will be to the affinity between professors and pupils, more good will be the fluency of the process teach-learning, therefore more easily the pupils will understand the direction to study what he is being presented for the professor and will have the curiosity to search new information that can complement the lesson, taking it a moment of dynamic learning for both, pupil and professor. For Carl Rogers, ' ' the auto learning initiate who involves all in such a way the person of the apprentice its feelings how much its intelligence is more durable and impregnante' ' , (ROGERS, 1978).

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The Relevance Of The Ludicidade While Pedagogical Resource In The Education Of The Deaf Person

The RELEVANCE OF the LUDICIDADE WHILE PEDAGOGICAL RESOURCE IN the EDUCATION OF the DEAF PERSON Arenilda Lopes Da Silva Graduated Pedagogia for the Facultieses Is Marcos de Paulnia. Teacher of Infantile Education in the City of Paulinia. arenildalopes@ Summary: The studies told here focus the importance of the ludicidade, and its contribution for the learning and autonomy of the child-deaf person, allowing its socialization and interaction with the other. The child learns and develops its cognitivas structures when dealing with the playful one, therefore the freedom to imagine and to try, inherent to the universe of the trick it is a valuable instrument in the formation of the individual. By means of the playful activities, the child unprovided of words initiates its entailing with the world and in function of the enjoyed experiences, she starts to construct to its representations of itself and the other and the apreensvel reality in its context affective historical partner. To play and to play are leisure sources, but they are, simultaneously, sources of knowledge this double nature takes in them to consider playing integrant part of the educative activity. Words key: deaf child; ludicidade; learning.

Abstract: The studies reported here focused on the importance of playfulness, and its contribution you the learning and autonomy of the child-deaf, allowing to their socialization and interaction with to other. The child learns and develops to their cognitive structures you the deal with the playful, because the freedom imagines and to you experience, inherent in the universe of the play is valuable tool will be the formation of the individual. Key words: Deaf child; playfulness; learning. The question of the deafness In the antiquity, the education of Deaf people in accordance with varied the conception that if had of them. For the Greeks and Romans, in general lines, the deaf person was not considered human, he says therefore it was resulted of the thought.

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The Textbook

Does this mean that everyone all right? No! In fact, many simply Feel free to ask questions. But questions need! This gives the student space for reflection, a chance to question the accuracy of the words the teacher. Between students and teachers will be put in a useful and very constructive dialogue. Strong schoolchildren are able to form their own views on the matter under consideration, and the weak – better understand the material. Moreover, it is no secret that teachers themselves also make mistakes.

The most obvious of these are easy finds even the most inexperienced student in mathematics. And it will be very good if the students time corrected his teacher with a simple question: "Why?" Try to learn the material at the highest possible level mathematics, there are several levels of understanding of the material. We must strive to rise to as high as possible from them. Elementary. Expressed in the ability to solve problems by well-known model, a theory as it given in the textbook. Here it is enough just to solve some common tasks and firmly know what to write in academic .Prodvinuty. You can easily and without prompting the theoretical stuff? Solve non-standard tasks, as well as those that are marked in the textbook "asterisk" as sophisticated? This means that you have mastered the material at an advanced level. Elementary knowledge there is not enough, because when non-standard tasks, you will find that in Mathematics has a large number of complex and non-obvious momentov.Tvorchesky.

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IBM PC Courses

It should be noted that the modules of a large volume significantly reduces the motivation of training with particular importance in foreign language teaching has a soundtrack that can be implemented either through networking or through CD-ROM. Currently, modern information technologies offer unlimited opportunities for solving the problem of distance learning as well as possibly possession, processing and delivery of information over any distance, any volume and content. In such circumstances, to the forefront in organizing the distance education system leaves a methodological and substantive, his organization. When This takes into account not only the selection of content for learning, but also the structural organization of educational material. Virtual courses are generally open to all, although in some cases coming to them are presented certain requirements stipulated among other conditions for registration. You can engage in any place where there is a computer with Internet access. Start and end classes, each student chooses for himself, while Most teachers require daily visits to virtual classes. Too many people make the mistake of assuming that the training through the Internet, they will feel isolated.

To my surprise, they discover that virtual courses provide an opportunity to a diverse and intensive communication during group discussions and in carrying out joint projects. Technical problems among students are rare. Suitable for employment any computer on an IBM PC or Macintosh, equipped with a modem. On any matter relating to the technical side of training, you can contact the manager or administrator of the course. In addition, many courses have free customer service Support available by e-mail and by phone.

In order to study the subject of books required. By itself, a virtual education system makes it possible to acquire additional knowledge for everyone, regardless of national, racial, sexual, social and other characteristics that might otherwise become a reason for discrimination (for some countries it is very important). Much greater role played by personal characteristics, preferences and quality, promote or do not contribute to the successful virtual learning. What is needed to study on virtual courses has been successful? First, the student must be willing to share with others professional and educational experience. The Internet helps overcome internal psychological barriers to active participation in discussions on visual contact, but at the same time, at first he does not feel audience. Therefore, the virtual environment must be friendly and open to constructive dialogue. Secondly, the skills needed assured handling of the keyboard and the ability to express their thoughts in writing. (In virtual space almost all communication is in writing.) And finally, thirdly, the student should not hesitate to report their problems. Otherwise, the teacher fails to intervene in the learning process and provide the necessary assistance, since most outward signs, which in normal circumstances he would understand that the student have any problems (confusion, anxiety, loss of interest subject, absenteeism, etc.) with virtual training are excluded. Bringing in the process of learning the freedom and flexibility, the Internet requires a responsible attitude towards it, the real internal motivation to employment and self-discipline in meeting deadlines and requirements for students.

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Eduardo Abadia More

In this regard, the trend observed is that the Central franchise are betting on open establishments in property, since at present there are 611 own premises more running than there were at the end of 2009, while franchised outlets have fallen in 1.306 comparing both periods. For Xavier Vallhonrat, the cause of this reality must be sought in the fact that banks still do not do their job which is to grant credits, and before this problematic franchises opt continue to grow by opening own premises. Number of employees as regards jobs which generates the franchise in Spain, at the end of 2010 the system employed 231.603 people, 3,472 less (1.5%) in 2009. Of this figure, 70.602 worked on premises own (3.163 higher than in 2009) and the 161.001 remaining on franchises (6.635 less than at the end of fiscal 2009). In the view of Eduardo Abadia, Manager of the AEF, a decline of just 1.5 per cent in the number of employees, taking into account that the number of unemployed increases month after month in our country, clearly demonstrates that the franchise continues to attract entrepreneurs, investors and people seeking self in these difficult times. Autonomous communities of 934 chains that integrate the franchise system in Spain, the autonomous community that brings together a larger number of core franchise continues to be Madrid, with 303 (6 more than in 2009), followed by Catalonia, with 248 (3 more), the Valencian Community, with 104 (5 more), and Andalusia, with 90 (the same number as in 2009). Between Madrid (32.4%), Catalonia (26.5%) and Valencia (11.1%) account for 70% of the total number of Ensigns of this business model. In turn, the region Madrid is that recorded a higher turnover of the whole of their plants, reaching 11.410,8 million euros (155,4 million more than in 2009), by 6.387,9 million of Catalonia (253 million more), and by 1.781,7 million in Andalusia (218,3 million less than in 2009). Note to journalists: for further information, the management of interviews or graphic material shipping, do not hesitate to contact our Press Office.

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Educators Dow Building

"Training for novice teachers to build an effective preschool obscheniyai interaction with parents." Educational psychologist I quarter. cat., K (M) BF 48 Garafetdinova Gulnara Fayazovna, educational psychologist K (M) BF 90 Vassiliev Lily P., Naberezhnye Chelny, Tatarstan One of the urgent problems of modern pre-school pedagogy is the aging of the existing teaching staff and lack of fresh infusion of youthful energy due to the arrival of young Specialists in nursery schools. Young professionals are in no hurry to get takuyuotvetstvennuyu, but low-paying jobs, and many can not stand sitting and a few months, leaving their seats and sometimes leave profession forever. One of the reasons that seriously complicate the already painful process of adaptation of a young teacher working with preschool children, the difficulties associated with the interaction and communication with parents. Lack of understanding of their role in the relationship with parents, insecurity, and inability to engage in dialogue, and sometimes complete lack of communication skills, a sincere desire to undermine the young professionals to devote himself to education and training young children and shape its image as a rejection of the teacher. In this regard, relevant, in our opinion, and just needed an interactive event with this category of novice teachers, aimed at filling knowledge and practical skills of communication and interaction with parents to promote and enhance self-confidence, unite colleagues from different nurseries. We offer you the script for Training Beginners pedagogovna appropriate topic. Duration of training: 1 hour 20 min. Material: badges for each private operator, pins, pens for each participant, A5 sheets of paper the number of participants, white board, marker, card with phrases for the game "training of intonation", 2 hats, a tape recorder, recording dance music for the game "Magic Hat", write quiet music for relaxation.

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