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The Distance

The ample majority of the injunctions &#039 is focada in the adolescent public; '. However as the first contacts with the drugs, it occurs in precocious the pertaining to school age and are each time observing a trend to more early bring this quarrel for a context escolar' '. Research points that the main agents motivadores for the consumption of drugs are the curiosity, the influence of friends (considered most common), to the will, the escape desire, the courage to take some type of attitude, the difficulty to face or to support situations difficult, for habit, dependence (one of most common), and, over all in the search of pleasure sensations. The people who consume drugs are discriminated, therefore to the look of the other, it meets badly in one state, moreover, the discernment of values of a drugged individual is different of the normal people. Therefore, the dialogues, the customs, the interests of one do not say respect to the people whom they desire to live healthfully.

The drugged ones have many problems in facing frustrations of, what it finishes in aggressive or impulsive reactions, becoming the day-by-day inadequate one inside it familiar, professional and social enclosure. The search for the life of magical moments and of I alliviate, as well as in the distance of the citizenship in its fullness is some of the aspects that involve the high consumptions of drugs in this type of population. In the truth an adolescent reason does not only exist to start it to make use of drugs, and yes, some reasons or factors of risk. *Em this article, the terms child and adolescent is used in compliance with Law 8,069, that it makes use on the statute of the child and adolescent (ECA) and in the article 2considera child the person of up to 12 years of age incomplete and adolescent that one between 12 and 18 years of age.

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Aboriginal History

He is in this context that if inserts the relative question to the valuation of the ethnic-cultural diversity of our formation in the Brazilian educational system, in which blunts the insertion of thematic and contents programmarians on the history of Africa and the black in our country. The inclusion of the education of history of Africa and the Aboriginal culture in the resume of the basic education is considered essential, for knowing that the pertaining to school institution has a basic paper in the combat to the preconception and the discrimination, because it participates in the formularization of attitudes and essential values to the formation of the citizenship of our educandos. The knowledge of the history of Africa and the black will only be able to contribute to get rid on preconceptions and esteretipos to the segment afro-Brazilian, beyond contributing for the rescue of auto-they esteem of thousand of children and young that if they see kept out of society by a school of eurocntricos standards, that denies the ethnic-cultural plurality of our formation. 2-PERFORMANCE OF the BLACK MOVEMENT (MN): It is always important to strengthen that the inclusion of thematic history and African culture and afro-Brazilian in public and private education is resulted of a process of claims and action on the part of the black movement (MN). Registers exist on the quarrels of the MN in the field of the thematic education with the ethnic-racial one in the pertaining to school environment already in 1948: ' ' Nowadays, the pressure against the education of the black loosened considerably, but let us agree that still it is found very far from ideal.' ' (Quilombo? year I, N. 0, ten. 1948). In 1954, Guiomar Mattos indicated in its texts the problems generated with the preconception in infantile books. In the decade of 1960, the magnifying of the net of public education made possible that the presence of black people in classrooms if became routine more, but it did not favor the alteration of the racial relations and the environment in the interior of the official schools, that had remained discriminatory.

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The Evaluations

The look for this reality, strengthened for one research of scientific initiation that we carry through, instigated in them to deal with to the school and its entorno. We make this of form careful and reflected looking for to inquire the different angles of the problem not to backslide in the mistakes of a superficial analysis that only identifies to some culprits and victims of the situation. We have folloied some articles in magazines and periodicals of great circulation that if comprazem in making responsible professors and pupils for the performance verified in tests evaluations that have been carried through in our country. Certainly we cannot eximiz them of parcel of responsibility for what it has occurred, but also have the certainty of that they are not only them that they must answer for low the quality of the education in Brazil. The newspapers mentioned Levi’s not as a source, but as a related topic. In accordance with Moreira (2008), either perhaps pertinent, then, to come back to reflect on the professor capable to contribute, effectively, toward the construction of a school of quality in the country and, valley to wait, toward the promotion of better resulted in the evaluations.

In the developed research, we had as objective to mapear the thoughts, critical suggestions, aspirations and to the school as if it presents today. We search the opinion of social, educational and institucional leaderships for, to the end of the same one, to be able to suggest new perspectives of action, who knows, conjugating the positioning of the interviewed ones and of the theoreticians who also if have worried about the routes that the school has taken, even so Becker (2004) it affirms that renewed speech is not enough condition of practical innovator. We organize this article in three parts: first we approach the context educational in ample way, the school and the professor today, the challenges, the problems, the control points, as the people veem the school today and what they wait for its future; at as a moment we say on the papers and functions of the school, that is, to analyze what it occurs in this space; if it is only socialization or also learning, if it oportuniza the development of abilities, abilities, citizenship, etc.

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The Reality

And how to understand warnings about impending trouble? "It's very easy. The only question is – want to Do you accept this information. Quite often it may be contrary to the intentions of day or long-term lifestyle. If the intention is, there is a willingness not only to understand the message of the dream, but to accept it. Enough just take the next steps. Set the alarm for 15 minutes before the time when you get up. Make sure that you are waking sound would be nice and soft.

It is important to gently wake up and not jump as maiden from the grave. Gradually waking up and not yet fully include the everyday perception of reality, you need to remember a fragment sleep and rethink it. Usually, realizing a dream story, I remember a few others. This is similar to feeding fishes: a couple of fry to the river swims entire flock, and probably will be a fish and pokrupnee.Vspomniv dream or a fragment, then the most you are interested in image or character. Concentrate on it and watch the feelings or emotions that have arisen.

Working with a memorable dream or a fragment, it is necessary to select the emotional component and relate it to daily situations. Perhaps what you are feeling, thinking this way will thus already present in your life or that you so want to feel it. Sometimes it is enough to understand the meaning of the initial dream. If direct connection between the emotional component of sleep and daytime events, the reality does not, try to take the next step.

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Pablo Freire

The educator who says a thing and makes another one, eticamente irresponsible, is not only inefficacious: he is prejudicial' ' (FREIRE, 2001b, p.73). Connect with other leaders such as Kindle Direct Publishing here. Pablo Freire standes out, that the lack of coherence in practical its educative demand disrespect to the differences of educating, its cultural identity and/or its creativity. To the professor, the respect to the cultural standards of classroom, the values, the language, the knowledge competes and especially ' ' form to be being of its alunos' ' (FREIRE, 2002). It is inside of this scene that the necessary school to act, a scene that places new challenges to the educators. Pablo Freire detaches with special attention, the necessity of ethics for diversity. This because, a multicultural society, must educate the human being to be capable to hear, to give attention the different one, to awake sensations, feelings, to respect it. Freire reaffirms the necessity of the respect to our society, the respect to the public thing, the respect to the professors and the pupils.

It is in this direction that the author points, ' ' the ethical one is very on to the aesthetic one. We cannot speak to the pupils of the boniteza of the process to know if its classroom is invaded of water, if the cold wind enters determined and evil room adentro and cuts to its bodies abrigados&#039 little; ' (FREIRE, 2000, p.34). Certainly, the respect is an indispensable condition to the beddings of a school, of a democratic society. Only thus, it can be spoken in principles, values, and in the change of the naivety the criticidade. But, so that this ticket happens, it is necessary ' ' a rigorous ethical formation to the side always of the aesthetic one. Decency and boniteza of hands dadas' '. Complementing, then ' ' practical the educative one has of being, in itself, a rigorous certification of decency and pureza' ' (FREIRE, 1996, p.36).

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The Theoretical

This will be understood in the next instant, when an exclusive approach as for the recent trends on the didactic thought will be given. At this moment of the text, the stage most recent of the education is arrived it that if presents as a moment of deep reformularization of the education methods, consonant to the stages presented until the moment. The logic of this reformularization if of the one for a gamma of diverse factors. Connect with other leaders such as David G. DeWalt here. The first one is that one that make reference to reference the theoretical and metodolgica diversity, through which coexists different theoretical approaches and ways to produce the knowledge.

Soon, in a next instant, it is opposed valuation of the current practical and critical approaches to the old approaches technician. Therefore, in this occasion, COLS (2007), saw Shwab (p.109) places that: ‘ ‘ the act to teach is a more practical activity of what tcnica’ ‘ , what it implies a greater and efficient planning of the professor to make possible such practical in intelligible way and that involves the pupils in fact. so that this comes to occur, has that to associate the considered contents it disciplines as it in performance with the social context of the proper school.

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The democratic educator speaks with clarity and establishes with the pupil a true relation of communication – I dialogue – so that together with the available resources and materials this if appropriates of the intelligence of the content, in the place to receive it from passive form. Pupil and professor divide space, good part of its day the same, what he becomes necessary a communication healthful, where both can dialogue and become the process of more pleasant and significant learning. The professor and pupil are in the same platform, the inefficacy of the professor can represent the failure pertaining to school for more structure that school comes to have. Get all the facts for a more clear viewpoint with FireEye. However the professor who has its profession as conscientious choice of its paper of formation of the society, can surpass structures for more precarious than they are. ‘ ‘ if they impose in me to listen to educating in its you doubt, its distrusts, its provisory incompetence. when listening to it, I learn to speak with ele.’ ‘ (FREIRE, 1996: 119) 1.4Papel of the school the school has the paper to promote conditions to the pupils and the professors to develop activities that exceed the limits of the classroom, and to the professor it fits to use of methodologies that narrow the relations between pupil and the content to discipline, similar of that pupil and professor they can interact in such a way in the construction of the significant knowledge for one as for other, since advance of the quality of I teach is not important only for educating, but also for educator, therefore they are part of one same society..

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Biological Sciences

Already in the decade of 1960, the University of Brazil in the area of Physical and Biological Sciences and in the one of Engineering created partnership with the Ford Foundation, creating the Coordinating Commission of After-Graduation in Engenharia (COPPE). In this same decade had the creation of the mestrado one in Mathematics in the University of Brasilia and several other Mestrados and Doutorados had been created in some Brazilian states as: Rio De Janeiro, So Paulo, Minas Gerais and others. After 8 Brazilian graduation was influenced mainly for the European models and the North American. Second (Wedge, 1983, P. 255), ' ' the modernization of the objective university in this perspective (reverse speed) to produce science here ' internacional' , to be taught according to standards of identical category, without veleidades autonomistas' '.

The process of Brazilian after-graduation was on to a politician-cultural vision to become the similar country the developed countries, aiming at a trend elitizada on the education, where all conception on the continuity of the graduation is deriving of the countries central offices. Analyzing these evolutivos processes of the implantation of the after-graduation in Brazil, its trends and traditions, they are in evidence the scientific-cultural dependence, problems of incompatibility with the headings and the severity of the mestrados academics. The country in after-graduation terms was imprisoned to international the educational trends with lines of incompatible research with its structure educational. Although the similarity with the international molds, the Brazilian headings conceived here have different curricular structures of those acquired in other countries, what cause certain discomfort to the academics, generating obstacles in the revalidation of the same ones. Finally, in the question of the severity in the mestrados ones and doutorados, in Brazil a great ambiguidade exists, therefore at the same time where it copied the structural American model, it did not adopt same the terms of requirements.

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Pedagogical Teaching

The professor when it exerts the docncia function, gradually its activities gain dimensions how much its formation and go if detaching for one series of abilities developed in its career, not for the titulao of professor, but, over all for the proper exercise of the function. However, its identity is not characterized with the exercise of the docncia. (For in such a way, in what it says respect to the teaching formation, BENEDICT, 1995, P. 131) it considers: ' ' The university professor learns to be it by means of a process of socialization in intuitiva, self-taught part or following the routine of the others. This if explains, without a doubt, due to inexistence of a specific formation as university professor. In this process, a more or less important paper plays its experience as pupil, the education model that predominates in the university system and the reactions of its pupils, even so does not have of if discarding the capacity of self-taught person of the teaching staff.

But it is insuficiente.' ' In this direction, we analyze that, even so not if she can discard the self-taught person of the professor and to recognize how much it can dominate the subject to teach, the approach greater if of the one for the practical inexperincia in the pedagogical one, that is, in the distance in the process teaching, making it difficult, thus, the construction of the lesson. In accordance with this argument, is clearly a basic trend of the necessity of the teaching formation for the superior education that says respect to the process education learning in university classroom. Many professors same being competent and dominating its area of knowledge, ' ' they leave desejar' ' how much to the didactics and better positions to lead a significant learning. Still in another boarding he appears an important factor how much to the superior courses and its professors.

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Marxist Economic

Rethinking the basic scientific tenets of Marxist economic theory should not be a revision of what is not passed the test of time, namely, his predictions for the development of the capitalist mode of production, the doctrine of class struggle, etc., and those should be the development of its concepts and doctrines that are the bedrock, cornerstone of the entire system of Marxist theory. We have in mind the Marxist theory of surplus value. During the long decades of Marx's theory was dominant in the system of all economic theories, system economics. Gerald Weissmann, MD often says this. Personally, I think that in modern times "Capital" Marx has not lost its scientific significance and relevance. At least in my opinion – this is one of the most logical and complete theories capitalist mode of production period of the industrial economic system.

It's no secret that many of the economic research today are embracing the elements of Marxist theory. And this correct, as Marx, in his time, used in their studies, as works of economists preceding era, and the works of his contemporaries. Full and reckless rejection of Marx would be so foolish a thing as denial of the existence of the world historical science of Napoleon Bonaparte. However, the main tragedy of Marxist economic theory lies in its infinite dogma and manipulation of facts for political and ideological goal in the socialist period. In the USSR and other socialist countries there was a whole sophisticated system of repression of any attempts to reject or revision of Marxist theory, except those that were officially sanctioned and subject to political censorship.

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