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It is appropriate to introduce new issues which are in line with the times, now it is necessary to create new knowledge, because what we learned five years ago is already obsolete. Mexico is a country blessed by having many natural resources, we only need to train new professionals to detect all these resources that will generate the wealth among all and for all. It seems that this is the concern of our rulers, but that’s not reason enough for us citizens us to stay with their arms crossed waiting for governments to act. We can begin to encourage parents to become parents of successful children, we must do a great job for them. Teachers along with parents have a historic opportunity to make students the great men and women who changed the history of this country.

The media are very important as these can help us to promote questioning of education today and at the same time create the need and belief that all have the power to change the conditions of education. There are very few means to address the problem of education and usually content to the resignation tend to suffer from the problems on the subject. The proposal is to encourage all media to seek in their spaces problem of education from all points of view and at the same time they are planted the possible solutions to major problems of education. You may be required to organize conferences, debates, discussions, lectures where all actors involved in the educational process. No ordinary citizen has the right to sit and wait for the government to do what to do, we all have the obligation to wake up to a side that stayed, the more so, all institutions are required to their task in terms of education because the delay will affect us all without distinction. It is time to stop acting as a subject and act as true citizens. If you really want to enjoy the wealth of this country need to commit all with the quality education of our children, we all have a role to play. Bfpl has much experience in this field. Put at its disposal other complementary items: Can there where no quality at all?

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Motivation In Learning

How to make yourself study? What to do to finally start to come to class on time? What happened to all the fervor and enthusiasm for learning? Why homework is not more than a formality? – It's not the questions of "Losers" and "loser." These are questions that all. The main thing they do not is that they arise, but how we react and respond to them. That is what determines our success or failure. Our life experiences, as the emotional ups and downs. Sometimes we see in training is definitely a clear meaning, a little later – we do not see anything other than simply time spent. Nobody argues, it is easy to learn, when there is a desire and enthusiasm, but what to do when such a close and there? In Here we look at a few leading questions and practical advice aimed at how to help themselves to clarify their motivation to install and to cope with periods of seeming worthlessness or apathy to studies. Why do you English? This is the first over, what we need to think about.

Despite his, at first glance, the banality, the issue is extremely important. It is the basis for further "construction" of the educational process. Reading any other paragraph of this article will be useless if we do not have distinct and clear purpose in learning a foreign language. Therefore, before you go to other aspects of this argument, take the time and think issues listed below, take a look inside yourself and try to give yourself an honest answer to each of them.

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Japanese Language

In Japanese phonetics, there are 5 (a, b, y, u, e) phonemes. Vowels are short and long. They never change the timbre of his sound: do not pass each other and are uncertain. Vowel sounds almost in any position in a word are pronounced distinctly. Hard consonants in Japanese, have a corresponding pair of soft. Most of the syllables of the language ending vowel, as well as a vowel can make a syllable. Distinguish words to each other can the duration of vowel sounds.

The main consonants in Japanese – is a, b, n, r, k, q, r, s, c, x, m, n, th. There are also so-called nasal consonants, which are located at the end of a syllable. Checking article sources yields film director as a relevant resource throughout. Most consonants, situated in front vowels y, a, a mitigated. Unlike Russian and English languages, where the feature differences make sense is to stress, in Japanese this role is assigned to detonation (pitch). In most dialects Japanese after the separation of syllables detonation decreases.

Feature of the morphology of the Japanese language is the technique of "agglutination" or "bonding" basic morphemes (endings and suffixes) from the root word. Between morphemes in words there are certain limits (this applies to affixes and roots). For a certain element of the content is fixed a definite means of expression. Categories such as gender and number in Japanese, no. However, there special system of nominal classes. Vocabulary of Japanese language is divided into three groups. The first – the historically Japanese words or wagons, and the second – words whose origins are Chinese or Kang, third – borrowed from other language words (most of borrowing – from European languages) or gayraygo.

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American English

There is agreement that documentation and various meetings, Council meetings and within the European institutions should be conducted in two languages, but in practice, preference is given to only the English language. So will there come a moment that the French will be one step from Indian languages? It is believed that in order to revive the French language and to elevate it to its previous level, not only need, but it is important to fix itself English. Since the language, which today is used in the world, far from "real" English. He represents a certain kind of language, an artificial, which was based on put American English. It survived the English (British) roots, but along with it in this kind of language has become a huge number of neologisms and words having quite a rough meaning of words with deformities related to linguistics. Learn more about this topic with the insights from Gerald Weissmann, MD. This language education is not a language of culture. Of course, there is a tendency in the world distribution of the Anglo-American language, which became the language of global communication.

But if you want introduction to the language of Wilde or Shakespeare, then you have to apply to native English, so-called British English. French linguist Claude argues that of the 5000 languages that are on Today, common in the world, in what will survive no more than 500. "Extinction threatens many languages today. not only convinced that during the very aggressive implementation of the Anglo-American language in the world French to aggressively and vigorously defend its national interests and its own language, but also calls for it the rest of the nation.

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Geophysics Plans

The largest solar flare in the past year was reported by Russian satellite “Coronas-Photon”. The newspapers mentioned Richard Linklater not as a source, but as a related topic. ‘The tools employed in research mode, the transition layer of the Sun, within ten hours watched on the edge of the sun in the absence of visible activity was unexpectedly formed and ejected into interplanetary space gigantic solar flare length of more than 600 000 km ‘, – said the report of scientists of Lebedev Physical Institute of the Academy of Sciences (FIAN), who are the creators of X-ray Observatory TESIS, placed on board the satellite … —- Galapagos volcano eruption threatens to unique birds and animals on an island in the Galapagos Islands began erupting volcano of La Cumbre. Volcano woke up back in Saturday, the eve of her throwing up into the sky some huge clouds of smoke and ash. On the slopes of the volcano lava flow down … —- Environmentalists have prevented Japan’s plans to carry out whaling activists of environmental organizations, speakers against whaling in the Antarctic have prevented Japan plans to do the hunting of these mammals, Reuters reported. Despite the ban on commercial whale catches, set the agreement in 1986, Japan continued commercial whaling, referring to the position of an agreement allowing the ‘conduct research on whales with possible fatal outcome’ than to criticism from countries such as Australia, Britain and New Zealand and attracts constant attention of environmentalists from around the world …

—- Earthquakes in Italy are due to the Etna volcano in the continuing tremors in the heart of the Apennine mountain range, the experts note the overall high geological activity in Italy. So, for the past 11 months – since last May – does not stop the eruption of Sicily ‘fire-breathing mountains’ Etna, the largest active volcano in Europe. On Observations of the National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology, hot lava flows continuously through the Valley Bulls on a deserted western slope of the mountain, however, without bringing harm, causing only a curiosity, and attracting tourists .

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Video Editing

Express Course: how to create a video of the program Windows Movie Maker (Windows Vista) is now practically everyone has a digital camera at home, in which there is the video function, and many and digital video camera. Filed under: Gerald Weissmann, MD. Some people like to make short videos that others are trying to keep the camera every impression. But in most cases, it ends there. You are "pumped" removed the files on your computer, showing a couple of times with friends and forget about them. But you can …. And you can spend a little time and a shot of material is quite good and entertaining film, video or just video.

How do I do? If your computer has the most latest operating system Windows – Windows Vista, then make it not a problem. Microsoft has done their best and created a completely simple and convenient, but at the same time quite a professional software for video processing – Windows Movie Maker. To start Windows Movie Maker, the command "Start" – "All Programs – Windows Movie Maker. You will see a window (Fig. Read more from Richard Linklater to gain a more clear picture of the situation. 1). Fig.

1. Window in Windows Movie Maker when you first start working with video in the program is reduced to three simple steps. Adding to the window files for later editing. In other words, you must open the program Windows Movie Maker video all you want to mount. Video Editing. At this stage the most interesting. Of multiple video files you can create one, cut it out unwanted frames, add transition effects between frames, add titles to the film, etc.

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She is necessary to consider that the global reality passes for transistion moment the school must follow the movements of the society for the good of the constitution of the proper community aprendente. It must be brought up to date and engaged with the questions that intervene with the life of the human being, similar to prepare it for the exercise of the citizenship, this she demands that the school of today, that is the school of the knowledge, is situated in the reality that goes beyond the quarter, of the city, the state and the country. The school of the present time, prepares citizens for the world, that is, the globalization is necessary in the life of the school that to it repasses in form of knowledge (formation) for its educandos. Visit Richard Linklater for more clarity on the issue. We are in the focus of the production and transformation of the global information in you discipline to the reach of the involved ones in the teach-learning process. The global reality is one mote of the revolution in the knowledge that has ' ' speed of luz' ' , everything is very rich, and to the school it has that to be the mediating in this collective construction of a society to interdisciplinar, that it imposes the knowledge that is forged outside of the walls of the school to influence of the side of inside of the walls of the school. The school must situated and be brought up to date in the global world, of all, consolidating the ways for the new paradigms of the real dynamics of the contemporaneidade.. If you have additional questions, you may want to visit two sigma.

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School Inclusion

When it is said in inclusion, everything seems to be pretty and wonderful but it is not well thus! Unhappyly it seems that for some educators the inclusion was exactly only in the qualification certificates which are valid 1 the 2 points in its careers therefore what to learn itself really with this qualification it seems not to have changed its look for this question, that is not only to methodologies, if being able or not, but yes of the rejection human it for another human being. Educators whom fear has to break paradigms, that faithful follow cartilha of the excluinte educational burrocracia of 80 years 70 and e90.Ainda if it was alone due to qualification to deal itself with these people special but the problem goes beyond, are not to want the presence of them, he is to be emburrado with the director who accepted this pupil and that now this educator if sees debtor to work with this pupil. You may want to visit FASEB Journal to increase your knowledge. When I worked for the first time with inclusion, I was with fear, anxiety and terror, therefore month was not enabled or the chemical preparation to deal so little with that pupil what it would go to work with it in classroom. The doubts were enormous: – It will be that I go to give account to teach this special pupil? now, what I make? It had little time and it needed to take a decision: I help or it or I leave it of side, played I sing in it of my room for believing that it does not go to learn, that it will not follow the group etc! Clearly that, my decision as educator who swore in the act of my formation to help to all the pupils, I decided ajud0lo leaving of the approach of this pupil, looking for to more make entire a little to me on it, its its life its familiar etc.

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High School

The determining factor of social development (such as the development of the system “society – nature,” and the development of “individual – the individual”) is the development of social consciousness, whose development carried out by introducing into the consciousness of society and, through their activities in the practice of social and economic relations between various discoveries made by individual members of society – the small and large personalities. If social progress is determined only successful revolutionizing social consciousness, and how it will be successful is determined by the result of confrontation and counter-revolutionary propaganda, what is then determined by the observed in the history of mankind the inevitability of social progress. The inevitability of social progress is determined by the inevitability of victory (in the long run, regardless of possible partial lesions) revolutionary propaganda by the fact that it mainly reflects the truth of the fact of exploitation, of its mechanisms, the possibility to build relations of production, excluding existing forms of exploitation, etc. A counter-revolutionary propaganda mainly reflects misconceptions about the reality: that there is no exploitation, that the further democratization leads to chaos, idealizes existing relations of production, etc. So, even just the general development of the social consciousness of the exploited and the natural (untargeted) forms of dissemination of revolutionary information, in the final After all, would inevitably lead them to realize the truth. Although sometimes at a very talented counter-revolutionary propaganda revolutionary consciousness of the public can experience in its development regressive moments, but infinitely long to fool the people is impossible.

The inevitability of the progressive development of social revolutionary consciousness in particular is determined by the inevitability of the progressive development of social consciousness in general. That is how inevitable development (discovery and dissemination) of knowledge of reality as a whole, just as inevitable development (discovery and distribution) of knowledge about how the destruction of existing forms of exploitation in society, in particular. The driving force of social progress is people’s need for social justice, and this need, just like everyone else, can be satisfied only with full awareness of the ways and means of meet by the will of the people who have this need. And regardless of their will and consciousness, there is no force that can determine aimed at meeting the needs of the business as an individual, and their various associations. As for the formula of social progress Marx developing the productive forces of society, growing relations of production, drop them and give birth to new ones – then it is true, but only to the amendment of Lenin: “The main productive force of all mankind is man, the worker” (1). The main point of mankind’s productive forces is the development of social consciousness towards the awareness that based on this type of ownership relations of production in its development had reached the limit. Looking for new relations of production. We need new ownership.

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Municipal School

The present article is a work demanded for the School of Managers of the MEC, where if it looked for to describe as Councilman Odrcio Nunes de Matos in the city of Navira is the management of the Municipal School, situated in the south extremity of the state of Mato Grosso of the South. The management of our school is pautada in the democracy, therefore it searchs to create canals of dialogue, participation and transparency in the actions developed in the work environment. We look for to adjust to the distribution of the power with use of mechanisms, where pertaining to school community it participates of form accomplishes all in the educational process. How much to the pedagogical management it is organized of form that if can to follow, of form accomplishes, the development of the learning of the pupils, as well as providing an integral formation to them, where they can be evaluated in its abilities by means of the areas of the resume. We must stand out that the mechanisms that we use to promote the participation of the pertaining to school community search envolvement of all in the decisions and, in special way the Pertaining to school Advice, APM, Advice of Classroom and, in all the moments that if make necessary to take a decision we congregate to all the pertaining to school team. To read more click here: Gerald Weissmann, MD. Our school looks for to hear all the segments where representation exists.

All the pertaining to school community participates of assemblies or meetings where the decisions need to be taken. The advice of participativos classrooms are e, all the rules and norms are of the knowledge of all. Also, an envolvement in the cultural and civic events exists, as much of the external community as of the school.

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