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Garden Castelinho School

To hear histories is to live a moment of gostosuras, pleasure, amusement of the best ones Is encantamento, maravilhamento, seduction The book of the child who not yet reads is counted history. it is (or it can be) magnifier of referenciais, placed poetura, provoked inquietude, deflagrada, suspense to be decided, twisted emotion wild, felt homesicknesses, ressucitadas souvenirs, new ways pointed, gargalhado smile, enjoyed belezuras and a thousand wonders more than a good history provokes (since that it is good). ABRAMOVICH is certain in its stretch in the book. Infantile literature is very important in the development of the child. For even more details, read what Richard Linklater says on the issue. The more the child reads or hears histories, greater will be its creativity, its learning, its imagination. The infantile stories, never collate the children directly, it help to develop the imagination in accordance with its events. In stories, the child if sees in that world of histories, where in its imagination everything can be livened up and to be its favor.

As IT WOULD MAKE (2008 p.60) Eva Furnari, with the book CONFUSED BRUXINHA, for being a book without no dialogue, possessing only images, is well interesting to work the imagination of child of any age. ‘ ‘ She will fit to the reader to make the interpretation necessary to understand what she transferred herself in history. Histories of the Bruxinha show that it likes to use its varinha of condo, but still without traquejo of the formed witches, finishes making arts for the half, causing great astonishment in proper it and its non-separable gatinho’ ‘. (SHE WOULD MAKE) the child will be able with this history among others that they only possess images, to create its world its history .e always different one of the other. A lesson with infantile stories was also observed in the Garden Castelinho School. The educator made one rodinha and asked who had taken the luggage of reading for house.

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The school as mediating instance of the pedagogia In a primitive society, the education was accomplished through the convivncia between children, young and adults, being that youngest they learned for the practical participation in the activities of work, in the social and religious rituals, thus assimilating, the life in society. Therefore, the education if processed assistematicamente in the daily one. With the organization in classrooms (dominant and dominated) one became necessary forms of more complex and systematic actions, had to the accumulation of social experiences. The spontaneous education did not give more ' ' it counts of recado' '. For even more analysis, hear from David G. DeWalt. The dominant segment of the society was assuming as property its accumulated culture and necessary to the social life, instituted a way to transmit to know (secrets) its descendants, way this was gaining diverse forms throughout the time, and, later, in the modern bourgeois society, it was called of school. The knowledge passed to be transmitted as a pertaining secret to the classroom dominant, not more early common to all, centering in the expectations and necessities of the dominant segment. It was in result of the historical experience of the humanity who if discovered the importance for the society of the transmission and assimilation of the knowledge, being, however perceiving its importance in the perpetuation of values. In Brazil the school always was privilege of the dominant segment, although the popular layers to identify the access necessity to the knowledge. Two sigma contributes greatly to this topic. While not to change our economic base and our social structure and politics, we will be in the expectation of this access.

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Brazilian Public Schools

GRATUITOUS DISTRIBUTION OF CONDOMS IN THE SCHOOLS BRAZILIAN PUBLIC The project of the implantation of a machine for the gratuitous distribution of condoms in the Brazilian public schools is blameworthy, a time that the schools are suffering with other with priority necessities, as the physical structures of the same ones, the valuation of the educators, the quality of merenda pertaining to school, the security, the insufficience of the educative content, as well as the creation of educational projects for the rise of the cultural knowledge and the formation of each student. First gay appeared the project of the distribution of a kit, where the same it did not get success being vetoed by the current President of the Republic ‘ ‘ Dilma Rousseff’ ‘. Later another idle idea is gives if to materialize for the insatisfao of the responsible parents or for the adolescents who frequent the public institutions of average education in Brazil. It is truth well that ahead of the perspectives of new rights, the country comes suffering a continuous social evolution, to each day appears to the creation of new technologies and scientific discoveries, where not only the parents who are responsible for the familiar education, considered the primordial education of the child, as well as the responsible educators for the pertaining to school education, must find the base basic, that is, a new form to educate, to follow such development.

It is important to stand out that although as many advances, not if it must lose the notion of limits, therefore it is exactly from this conception of total freedom that currently we can witness behaviors it are of practised the ethical and moral standards not only for the adolescents as well as for the children. Research explicitaram that each time more early the adolescents initiate the sexual life without protection, but the implantation of a machine of condoms in the public schools is not the solution adjusted for this problem, therefore if the adolescents they initiate its sexual lives so early and without protection, it only comes to not only demonstrate to the immaturity as well as the lack of education, and knowledge on the part of them. The objective of this article is to evidence what already he is more than what explicit before the society, ‘ ‘ lack educacional’ ‘ of each citizen, as well as the questioning of where if it intends to arrive to demonstrate the limitless evolution of a society, therefore the school never was not and it will never be the appropriate place for the distribution of condoms for adolescents, where the same ones could of course be distributed through the health ranks. To such distribution it deprives of characteristics the social function of the school, that is the transmission of knowledge, the preparation of the student for a professional life and in set, the comunicacional development and finally the continuity of the ethical and moral education for the formation of the personality and character of each citizen, therefore are not condoms that they need students in the public schools. Ahead of what it was displayed, it is lamentable to perceive the parameters where the education in the country is being lead, mainly when it is about public education, is visible the defection with that the same it comes being treat, and the worthy, qualitative and efficient education each time more is part of the minority reality in the country.

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President Concept

He focuses on the perception of meaning, show it on a piece of paper and then when it's his turn to to transfer, relays these thoughts in their native language. Each interpreter during long-term training produces its own set of symbols for shorthand. For example, the term "person" in many indicated a simple circle, remotely resembling a head. The concept of "president" and generally means any head of the Latin letter h, similar to the stool or chair for a senior person. The concept of "Russia" sent the first letter in the word, ie, "P"; "America" – the letter "a".

The concept of the meeting (the meeting) is expressed in the sign of "equal". Now let's code the phrase: "The Russian president met with the President of the United States of America." In Notepad it will look like an interpreter approximately as follows: h p = h and. Literally one hand movement – and the necessary information recorded on paper and in memory. You can also develop a system for conditional graphical notation and practice in its use. What is it? To otuchivatsya the perception of words and make a habit of focusing attention on the meaning of the utterance, to develop a figurative way of speech perception.

Now let talk about how you can train? It's all very simple. Before we take up the foreign, practice first with the mother tongue. Turn on the news channel and listening to the latest news, try to encode information. In this case, check for yourself that you do not listen to a specific question, and focus on thoughts, set out speaker. Then switch to foreign channels and do the same. Listen and record information in a figurative form. After some time you will have a distinct skill automatically associate the perceived speech with the images. From the perception will take specific words. Your understanding of foreign speech is not based on a translation of it on his tongue, and the automatic representation in figurative form. Of course, the above method of training requires some patience. But, having started his practice, you'll discover for yourself a lot of exciting moments. Therefore the use of translating cursive writing can be not only useful but also just entertaining exercises that help develop skills freely to take a foreign language hearing.

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Overall Stress

In Overall, the method of focusing on the problem, as a rule, is particularly useful if you run a managed stress factor – that is a situation where you can actually do something about it. Analyze the problem: it happens that we sometimes exaggerate their problems. The first thing to do – to determine – whether we are dealing with a problem or stress that is caused by some nonsense that can be solved in a jiffy. How to do it, can be found on the 'Network Put'v Practice section in the' Immediate reduction of stress. Gain insight and clarity with FASEB Journal. " The method of focusing on emotions – is that people are trying to control their emotional reactions to the situation. Efforts focused on emotions, it is best suited to cope with stress, you can not control. These two methods can be used simultaneously. It happens that the efforts to coping, facing each other.

For example, if you need to make a tough decision, you may be suffering from intense emotional distress. In such circumstances, it is tempting to make a quick choice some action due to bad advice, just to stop the suffering. If you will do so, it allows you to manage your emotions, but interfere to solve the problem. Much more useful is 'Release' the problem by taking her to the world as something over which you have no control, as the original data. How to do this is described in a previous issue of our newsletter 'The Leader and humility – two incompatible things.

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Atlantic Ocean

In the Atlantic, was born a new tropical storm 'Gustav' Early last week, was born in the Atlantic Ocean, the seventh account in the current season tropical storms cyclone, named Gustav gained strength to strength and the storm began to move in a northwesterly direction. The first country of the afflicted 'Gustav' – the Dominican Republic and Haiti. According to local authorities of these island states, the death toll was 52 people. Check with film director to learn more. Many houses were destroyed, ripped off roofs, torn power lines. Infrastructure towns and cities suffered serious damage, whose dimensions are set. Wind speed was about 140 miles per hour. Richard Linklaters opinions are not widely known. Recall that last week in Haiti stormed another tropical storm – 'Fay' was the cause of flooding, which resulted in killed 23 people. In spite of weather forecasts, hurricane 'Gustav', reached the first category of danger to international five-point scale, intensified and headed out of Haiti in the north-west, threatening Cuba and Jamaica.

About 200 thousand people were evacuated to safer areas due to the approaching Hurricane Gustav 'from the western Cuban provinces of Matanzas and Pinar del Rio. Approximately one million U.S. residents had been evacuated from the Gulf Coast due to approaching this area Hurricane Gustav. " Currently, 'Gustav' is assigned to the fourth category of power. It is expected that as soon as it reaches maximum strength at the beginning of the week and come down on the area between North East Texas and Western – Mississippi. Currently, wind speed 'Gustav' is 230 kilometers per hour.

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Hellenistic Period

AR: – Yes, but it is wrong to ascribe to the Hellenistic period. This phenomenon belongs to a much earlier period. The fact that the Armenians were seen as the ancestors of snakes wrote Manuk Abegyan and also mentioned that the flag of the royal dynasty Yervanduni depicted snakes. Learn more at this site: Gerald Weissmann, MD. Armenians by the word "cap" signified their own clothes and at the same time with the snake skin .. What we read about Snake Khorenatsi Azhdahaka it outright falsification and that I have devoted a separate chapter of his book .. In Khorenatsi there are good reasons to do so, but of this does not come that Blavatsky was not right saying that the serpent has always been a symbol of the Adept (Initiate Priest). Gerald Weissmann, MD can aid you in your search for knowledge. Initially, the Snake and cedar were totemic symbols Arrate, just as the Sumerians of Ur totemic symbols were dog and Iva (arm.Uri, Uren) .. As the two branches of a single civilization, the Sumerians and Aratta had much in common (eg Armenian), and from their union arose a syncretic image psoglavoy snakes, which we can now find on the walls Ejmiatsin. A little later, when the strife that union was destroyed in the Armenian language, the word otar (strange) appeared synonymous with urishner descended from the phrase Uri Shner (Dogs Ur). P.: -If you claim that the Bible contains the cryptography in the Armenian language, then what message is this book? AR: – refine, we are not talking about all the texts of the Bible, the cryptogram contained exclusively in the Book of Genesis.

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Living In Harmony With Nature

We have no other choice but to come to a state of complete balance with all of nature. Or in good time, or under the influence of the nature of shocks, which still force us to be interrelated. This mutual relationship should be expressed to our right, a good internal relationship not only to the nearest city, country, continent, or a civilization, and to all mankind. Michael Laitman 'Humanity tossing around the globe, like a herd of antelopes, a terrible predator hunted. And nowhere is there was no escape …

' This could be the beginning of another sci-fi blockbuster, but it seems that Hollywood has moved into the real world. Humanity is indeed close to the described as – a global crisis broke out in a globalized world. But do not write in predators crisis. Let's face it. Kabbalists say that the essence of man – is the desire to have fun hardly takes into account the interests of others.

That is human nature – it is selfishness. Many argue – I do not like that. But watch out for themselves. In every moment of our lives motivates us only wish: 'I want'. No matter what: money emotional comfort, honor, knowledge, but – I want! And as soon as the surrounding fail to meet this 'want', we will immediately cease to love them, often testing them hatred, until the desire to destroy. And we have little interest in how our actions affect others. If we believe in them, just for their own comfort.

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Orange Juice

'Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler "Albert Einstein I had the unique opportunity. My wife, Keralin, was supposed to go to a meeting, and she asked me if I could stay with our seven-month daughter Dayan. 'Of course! "- It was my instant reaction. (I really like being a father, it is my most favorite pastime, and I always enjoy spending time with their children – even if they now have 28, 24 and 19 years). I played with Dayan, and everything went fine.

After a while she began to fidget and cry. I knew exactly how to deal with it! From the works of Mr. Hubbard about raising children, I knew that if the baby cries, it means one of three – he needed to change the diaper, the child was tired and needed rest, or he is hungry and needs to be fed. It always works. I checked the diaper – dry and clean.

She just woke up and still not tired. Hence it is hungry! (I was proud his brilliant powers of deduction). Keralin cooked us fresh squeezed orange juice. I took a bottle of juice and started to feed Dayan – she instantly calmed down. 'I'm done! " – I thought to myself. Diana sucked a little, threw a bottle and cry again, this time louder. I again checked the diaper – clean and dry (and no crumbs, pins, which might annoy her). Perhaps she was tired – I tried to put her to sleep, but it was "none eye.

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Professional Translator

Perform transfers from time to time is not so difficult, but if you want to work in a professional translation agency, you must have the following key skills: knowledge of the source language and target language on a high level, basic knowledge of certain subjects, be disciplined and continuous improvement. Firstly, if you want to become a competent professional translator, you will need an excellent knowledge of at least two language. Knowledge of the source language is a basic requirement for novice translators. Take, for example, A-Y translation, before you convert the text to the Ukrainian translation need to text analysis: to understand what type of texts it is what it tells you to parse syntactic structures and stylistic devices, as well as the cultural connotations. Otherwise, get the exact translation will not work.

In addition, more than knowledge of the original language, must be proficient in the target language (in this case Ukrainian). When you have entrusted to complete the transaction, so that would make it clear to the experts certain area of knowledge that can read and speak only the target language, you should know well how to communicate and organize the text, what words and phrases should be used in the translation. In a nutshell, excellent knowledge of at least two languages – the foundation of a translator. Except knowledge of languages is also necessary to have knowledge of several topics on which you want to specialize. Plain text can be divided into genres according to the context and purpose of the text. For example, the language of news, research, the language Technology, etc. For example, for the translation of scientific and technical text may require knowledge of physics, medicine, architecture, electronics, law and others are also important background knowledge interpreter, so we need as much as possible to read different literature and follow the news. And the last requirement – a discipline.

If you want to translate a book from one language to another, you will need to complete returns. This task can be a real torture for untrained interpreters. If the book of 100,000 words, and assume that you translate 5000 words a day, then that would translate the book to work for 20 consecutive days. Newcomers will be very difficult early days, and they would need rest day or two, but if the timing was pressing need to work faster. Professional translators are always first consider the amount of work, then calculable, how many words or characters, they can move during the day and up schedule. Professional translators are not so simple as it might seem. For what would it be, you must constantly improve their language skills, gain professional knowledge by reading selected genres and topics, as well as to develop discipline, which is very useful in their work.

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