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Le Goff

Axe affirms that: Verbal history has as estimated the production of a document. It is also a way to give voice to that, while subject of history, social actors of its time, they had not had access ace impression forms, of marks, are they which will be of its experiences of life (AXE, 1996, p.25). Still under this aspect, the explicit author who the orality can be used as a device of elements that structure coherently the transmission of knowledge, obviously, of different form of what it considers yourself legitimate in the language of the academic speech. Verbal history makes possible the register of memory by means of verbal depositions. this methodology gained relevance, therefore it discloses new fields and subjects recoup the communitarian local memory.

It agrees to detach that the orality is basic importance, therefore the same one is part of the metodolgicas redefinitions for which it has currently passed the history of the culture, for the historian Le Goff: memory allows the construction of a collective identity, since this has as objective to preserve the social memory. The memory of the past would be important part of the rememorao process while act of mandate of these souvenirs (LE GOFF, 1990, p.443). Still under the comment of the author the study can be affirmed that of the collective memory it passed for considerable transformations, in which sociology and social psychology had had prominences in the exploration of this new concept that also became target of the interest of New History. Le Goff: ' ' Some sciences had been, thus, led to approach the memory of directly on phenomena the sphere of sciences human beings and sociais' ' (LE GOFF, 1990, p.419). Levi’s addresses the importance of the matter here. necessary to clarify that the sources written on the object of study of this research are almost null. Therefore, the use of the orality and the memory and basic importance to apprehend the history of the fair, through the narration of the feirantes and frequentadores.

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It will have as its great Langlois-Seignobos passage, where the great contribution of this type of history they had been the basic document concepts, historical fact and time. The marxism anger to be a great one I criticize of this type of History of character narrative, factual and linear, where it affirms Falcon: … the theoretical bases of such opposition well are known, being enough to still mention here that the marxist vision was decisive, in century XIX, when denouncing the three main dolos of that history politics: a politician notion disentailed of the totality of easy the historical process and imprisoned politics, of the ideology; the voluntarista character of a history based on ideas and action of some few individual historical agents; narrative, chronological and linear speech historical constructed in function of a empirista epistemologia. (p.71) Understood in this way the marxism it rejected the history of traditional type and recolocou in first plan the history of the power and the politician interpreting the politics as effect derived from the structures that composes the society. At Kindle Direct Publishing you will find additional information. In 1929 with the advent of the Annales of first generation with Bloch and Febvre you criticize them in relation traditional history continue arriving these to call this type of history evenementielli, that is, a history of successive, factual, chronological, linear, narrative events and without problems. In the second generation of you criticize them to Braduel remain, and this with its structures locates History politics in the short duration of time, where he is unstablest and less decisive in its duraes of time. However during this Braduel period it affirms to have a confusion saying that history politics is not eventual and nor this conditional one to be, therefore this is the character of the traditional history that differs from history politics.

With nouvelle histoire from the decade of 1970 history politics gains new character, where Foucault according to Falcon: … Foucault … revolutionized the understanding of these new objects, placed in prominence the relation between different practical social and the plurality and onipresena not of to be able, but being able of them. The historiografia politics started to focus, in years 70, Microfisica of the Power, in the reality the astcias infinite being able of them in historical places little known family, school, asylums, arrests, hospitals, hospices, workshops, plants etc; in short, in daily of each individual or social group. (P.

75) Falcon follows in my opinion this trend of history politics enxergando inside varies them faces of the power of the daily social relations. Where this arrives to affirm: It is recognized that it is basic that the historian politician pass of the institucional study of the State for the study of the power; also that the traditional pseudoquestions as of the sovereignty concept must be eliminated. The essential one is the event concept politician to be coats, starting point for a history comprehensive politics, based in concepts of partisan system, critical periods, beyond bigger opening to the had cultural elements until here as extrapoliticians. The plural conception I publish of it (receiving, hearing) perhaps and the perspectives of the culture concept politics exemplificam how much it is tried to suppress and to innovate in history politics. (PP 79-80) In short, Falcon follows Remond affirms to it that the politician exists distinguishing itself from the other types of reality, where its pretension with the subject treated in the text was with the distinction of the debates concerning history and power in the perspective of the history of history.

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Preparatory National School

Right Mountain range penetrated in the world of the letters and the media; also it participated in the political life of Mexico during the porfirista period like federal deputy, minister of the Supreme Court of Law and secretary of Public Instruction; like educator, it gave classes in the National Conservatory and the National School Preparatory. Right Mountain range carried out the transit of the thought of century XIX to century XX in Mexico. At first he was a defender of the positivismo; it found in sciences the solution of the problems of the natural and social reality. Nevertheless, it noticed the negative implications of that doctrine. By the same author: Nike. In its speech in honor to Gabino Barreda (1908), Mountain range showed its skepticism against the positivista philosophy; it even indicated that the Mexican positivismo had become routine and anchylosed. Before the influence of the religious education, Gabino Barreda had indicated that sciences speak of provable facts and demonstrable truths to us, reason why the results of sciences are a route for the unification of the knowledge. Nevertheless, Mountain range was convinced of the limits and a relativity of the knowledge that offer sciences to us; for him their results cannot be uniform, absolute nor definitive.

Indeed, sciences offer ordered knowledge to us, but of the relative thing, that is to say, that we cannot know the objects in himself same, but only the constant relations that keep with respect to other objects. American filmmaker is often quoted as being for or against this. In addition, the truths of sciences are in constant evolution and they are continued discussing. In opposition to Comte and its law of the three states, Mountain range vindicates the value of metaphysics, because this discipline responds to the natural inclination of the man to find one more a more satisfactory explanation of the behavior of the things in the universe and allows the knowledge of the objects in themselves. In the educative scope, Right Mountain range participated in the planning of the studies that had to include the Preparatory National School, taking sometimes a position from critic to the prevailing acute positivismo, as well as to that it had suppressed to the study of the philosophy and metaphysics, like the low quality of the literary studies. .

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History And Art

In Daily pay-History, they had appeared the first artists of the humanity, lived in small groups, they were nomadic and they were fed of the hunting, of it fishes and the collection of fruits. This period approximately understands of the 500,000 30,000 years B.C., is called Age of Paleolithic the Splintery Rock or that divides in Inferior and Superior. In the Inferior Paleolithic period, the man exerts the control of the fire and creates rudimentary instruments very; In the Superior Paleolithic period the main event is the development of the painting and sculpture. The creations do not stop. After that it comes the Age of Neolithic the Polishing Rock or (approximately the 10,000 5,000 years B.C.) and the Age of Metals (approximately the 5,000 3,500 years B.C.). The plastic arts (painting and sculpture) had appeared well before the writing (Age of Metals), with this can be perceived how much the art is important, it has how much time is part of the life human being and as it is necessary to use it knot Basic Education, Average and Superior. According to CALABRIA and MARTINS (1997): In the caves (natural habitat of the primitive man) researchers had found first paintings carried through. They are paintings of horses, deer, bisons, bears, etc.

Are true halls of art, as example we have ' ' Grotto of Lascaux' ' ' ' Grotto of Pech-Merle' ' both in France. The reason for which our ancestor still drew in the walls of the caves is unknown, however many theories exist that try to explain. Most accepted for the researchers it is of that they drew thinking about the animal to be hunted, therefore believed that drawing the animal it would be much more easy to dominate it. In paintings, the ink was produced for the proper man, generally used lands (rich in ores), coal, blood and fats of animals, amongst other available resources for the time.

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The Lines

The scientific studies require the care not to incur on ' ' veracidade' ' of the facts registered in documents and these they were had as absolute truths, where the knowledge were consolidated without exterior interference, that is, they were not questioned. On the curricular parameters, ' ' During some time, mainly for the historians of positivista inspiration of century XIX and beginning of the XX, the document means the idea of certification written, evidence, of tests on the events of the past ' '. (BRAZIL, 2001, P. 84). As the displayed one, the historiogrficos studies had passed for a long process of reevaluation in the historical research, allowing the dialogue with other social sciences.

By these perspectives, the aid offered for the bibliographical sources is detached here, mainly the ones that approach the pertinent concepts to the immense field of inquiry of the research of the cultural history, that, in turn, is come back toward the dimension of the popular culture. 3.1. THEORETICAL CONSIDERAES REFLEXISIVAS METODOLGICO ON QUARRELS INTERPRETATIVAS OF MUSIC AFRO-BRASILEIRA IN the EDUCATION OF HISTORY As for the lines of direction for the survey of the research, is intended to follow the theoretical beddings of the representations of the cultural activities of the ethnic groups that had generated thematic of music the afro-Brazilian, from analyses of the production of the historical knowledge, inserted in the production of the music of enslaved origin and the processes the one that was submitted in axle that if places: … Stops beyond the citizens and agencies that produce the culture, study the ways through which this if produces and if it transmits: practical and the processes. Finally, the raw material? cultural properly said (the standards that is for backwards of produced cultural objects): the system of values, the normative systems that constrangem the individuals? life ways? related to some social ones, related the conceptions relative to these some social groups ….

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Electric City

This article has for purpose to tell the Peregrination of families of Rio De Janeiro that under the orientation of a leader Spiritual? Yokaanam master – they had arrived at Central Plateaus in 1956 establishing a mstica, traditionalistic city and providing the necessary one for the people who inhabit there and that they look aid, not using money some in favor of its action. This religious community, has a population of about 1500 people and its inhabitants live necessarily of agriculture, artesanato of leather and the cattle one for its subsistence. All work in the city, of the child to the old one, thus they can help, making its part in the city, not breaking a tradition that comes since that the city was established. Words Keys: Messianic movement. Richard Linklater understands that this is vital information. Peregrination.

Eclectic city. Introduction We study the history of diverse countries and different peoples, as much that we know everything on of Mesopotmia the History of Brazil, but what concerns the history of some cities that very encircle in them and are close to us, we are unaware of total. Based in this premise that I made my T.C.C. Much history until then unknown, has in the State of the Gois and with this work I intend to tell some particularitities that had made history and deserve to be divulged, as a Peregrination of Rio De Janeiro until Central Plateaus. The Ecltica2 City, located in the City of Saint Antonio of Descoberto (GO), was constructed by a group of people who had come of Rio De Janeiro in 1956? time that Brasilia still was a dream in the head of some people? had followed the leader spiritual Yokaanam Master, who through a dream or inspiration led this group of people for a city where it would be the junction of all the religions.

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Karl Marx

Weber, for Hobsbawm Marx bourgeois, subverte the ideas of the first one, according to it was the protestantismo, mainly the Calvinista chain, that allowed valuation of the work, usury and the alfabetizao in mass of the regions had adopted that it, since it believed that all would have to read the bible and interpret it and that those that progressed honest for the work would be in the way of the paradise in beyond. Nietzche was rebelled against this idea, for it the protestantismo in the truth hindered that the Renaissance had a bigger development and that the wealth of the Classic Culture if kept in the Ocidente. For it the Man fruit of the ideas of the Reformation and the Iluminismo would be inferior to the Classic Man, Renascentista or of Islamic Spain. (2005) The Psychoanalysis allows to think that as in the case of the Jews, the subliming of the protestant sexuality was more effective that the Catholic, since even so its religious ones were married had a reduced interest and ample sexual restriction between couples of calvinistas and Jewish shepherds allowing that good part of the libido was transformed into intellectual and economic impulse in contrast of the corrupt church of the Renaissance where prostitution prevailed. Religious catholics are hindered of if to also marry they finished if becoming ascticos more and he does not have descendants who to leave its richnesses limiting the accumulation. The hegeliana dialectic that influenced the proper Karl Marx (Dialtico Materialism) allows that if it tries to mediate a conflict of ideas making a synthesis in which an one of the ideas or new boarding prevails. An analogy with the Darwinismo allows to mediate this conflict. The theory of the evolution of the species believes, in the biology, that the beings suffer to mutations the majority from which she is deleterious and the organisms in which they appear finish being eliminated.

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Keith Jenkins Professors

How much to ' ' intenes' ' of the historians/professors/educators, Keith Jenkins it writes that they suffer the influence from the way that the familiar fence, pressures, pressures of the academy, etc., still we must remember that the same ones are agents of the state and, to be ' ' good agentes' ' they must follow the indications and recommendations of the state, we must remembering in them that the education grating is not made by us and nor for them historians/professors/educators, but yes, for the state. Professors would have the historians//educators ' ' trarem' ' the state, reading and arguing other authors or under a different perspective? In my opinion the reply it is yes, however since nor all are made use to live this experience, us academics we would have ' ' trair' ' , not only our professors, as the authors which we do not agree; as to make it? Following the recommendations of the proper Jenkins, looking at of a different perspective, giving a new felt and meaning each ' ' coisa' ' , or as Manoel de Barros says: ' ' To give to the comb functions of not combing until it it is to the disposal of being a begonia or one gravanha' '. The diacrnica order imposed by the accepted state and for us, comes of certain form ' ' norteando' ' the thought and the behavior of the modern man/contemporary. The diacrnica logic this in all the spaces, in the proper esquadrinhamento of the building where we study, according to Prof. Msc. Clementino Walnut Souza this esquadrinhamento this gift in the distribution you even discipline of them, let us see: ' ' the distribution you discipline of them in the course starts of a form continues and linear, the central idea in this distribution is to demonstrate the evolutiva and chronological form of the resume that points with respect to a conception of historicista history, continuous, objective and fundante.

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Municipal School

Ahead of this declaration and coexisting this Portuguese family with certainty, of this day in ahead, he started to be sympathetical of the Club of the hill. In 1935, 22 years, Da Silva, also torcedor of the Vasco of Gamma is married Emygdio Lopes and that of that moment in ahead they launch bases you saw for it of the family that would constitute. Seven years later and after some unproductive attempts, its son is only born, who would be the only one, although at that time the families to be reasonable numerous, Thereza already it had covered some quarters of the Carioca suburb, already it lives in the Abolition, Pillars and the Mier, most of the time in residential villages with houses of wall and stocking, house these that were divided by a simple wall, when not local that bathroom and collective kitchen possuam, having only the independent rooms. For this time its husband worked as forneiro in a bakery and when transiting of tram for the work in colloquy with a friend, he took knowledge on a land division that was if forming in Anchieta and is invited for this friend to know the same, this if he gave in 1949, he liked local it and he brought its family to live here, Thereza for this time made embroidered for firms in the Mier and Centro of Rio De Janeiro and gradual helped its husband to quit the promissory note of the land. Already in 1950, liveing in Anchieta, its only son, Milton it starts to coexist and to frequent ' ' peladas' ' of the quarter, it creates one I circulate of friendship, the same it has the certainty of the teams whom it twists, the same of its parents and the time passes, its son grows, studying in the school of the region, it studied in the Municipal School Paraba and the College Mendes Pear tree.

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