North Star Academy

Prepare your child for college at the North Star Academy of Minnesota.

The Secretariat

Arriving before the Secretary of the Center, greeting and said:-Senorita, come by the response to my request, to continue studies here. The Secretariat, took a sealed envelope in your drawer and reached it and told him:-here is Mr. Apolinario Carpio, thank you for your order.Alli this response, the registration begins next week, read at home and proceed as there shown him.Thank you. Apolinario came out happy, walk a few blocks and go to a soda fountain, sat down at a table, asked for a cup of ice cream and then, while waiting seen, rush opened the sealed envelope of the University. He began to read and I am stunned. His request was denied. He said the document that: evaluations carried out days before, the showed serious deficiencies in reading comprehension, which were unfit to continue studies in that House of knowledge.

Any one of us, by very professional that we could be many times, by attempting to take the hair, joke, could be rejected outright, of any opportunity employment or studies. Many adults, despite the fact that already graduated from the school, still with problems to understand the meaning of a text, not come to realize what you are told, teaches, explains, he advises. Nor with illustrations they can reach to understand the message of his interlocutor. These shortcomings, either by mongolismo, mental retardation, chronic stupidity, poor feeding, development of idiom, are common in our time and serious limitations for the study at a distance for example. Distance education requires that the student be able to understand, understand, and learn with Visual AIDS, summary readings, themes developed in cd, dvd, others to be chosen for the process. Even professionals are graduates of universities that have this problem, which makes impossible them to continue doctoral, master, lagging behind in their careers, while others advance by leaps and, in his specialty.

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Arriving before the Secretary of the Center, greeting and said:-Senorita, come by the response to my request, to continue studies here. The Secretariat, took a sealed envelope in your drawer and reached it and told him:-here is Mr. Apolinario Carpio, thank you for your order.Alli this response, the registration begins next week, read at home and proceed as there shown him.Thank you. Apolinario came out happy, walk a few blocks and go to a soda fountain, sat down at a table, asked for a cup of ice cream and then, while waiting seen, rush opened the sealed envelope of the University. He began to read and I am stunned. His request was denied.

He said the document that: evaluations carried out days before, the showed serious deficiencies in reading comprehension, which were unfit to continue studies in that House of knowledge. Any one of us, by very professional that we could be many times, by attempting to take the hair, joke, could be rejected outright, of any opportunity employment or studies. Many adults, despite the fact that already graduated from the school, still with problems to understand the meaning of a text, not come to realize what you are told, teaches, explains, he advises. Nor with illustrations they can reach to understand the message of his interlocutor. These shortcomings, either by mongolismo, mental retardation, chronic stupidity, poor feeding, development of idiom, are common in our time and serious limitations for the study at a distance for example. Distance education requires that the student be able to understand, understand, and learn with Visual AIDS, summary readings, themes developed in cd, dvd, others to be chosen for the process. Even professionals are graduates of universities that have this problem, which makes impossible them to continue doctoral, master, lagging behind in their careers, while others advance by leaps and, in his specialty.

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The American Academy

Is supercharging but also of the predominance of meats, fats, salt and sugar, to the detriment of bread, fish, legumes, fruits and vegetables. Fresh and cooked food at home are progressively replaced by industrial food, processed, precooked, with preservatives and additives. In the diet of nuestr@s nin@s and young people are abused meat, bakery, convenience foods, French fries, etc., full of sugars and saturated fats which increase the palatalidad and eliminate the feeling of satiety. The empty calories of nutritious elements and loaded with refined sugar that replaces milk and other natural foods, are the cause of the current obesity epidemic. Skip breakfast and not eating fruits and vegetables, while eating knick-knacks, and drinking soft drinks instead of water can damage your health. The who recommends a diet of 2000 calories (for an adult), the proportion of sugar does not exceed the 30-50 grams per day.

However, who does not report to the population that a can of coke or other soft drinks, contain 35 grams of sugar which, by itself, they exceed the minimum dose. The American Academy of Pediatrics has warned of the risk of consumption of sugary drinks. A study of the diet of school population in the U.S. showed that an additional can of sweetened beverage increased the risk of obesity by 60 percent. The body metabolizes to 100 gr of sugar in liver and 200 g in the muscles.

The rest is transformed into fat. The increase of fat cells is difficult to combat because the caloric restriction to eliminate such cells could affect child development. Adds, that the meat we eat comes from animals fed with feedingstuffs and overcrowded. For your fast fattening and alleviate the consequences of a sick life (immobility and housed livestock stress) are crammed antibiotics and anabolic steroids. The food industry gets faster, more kilos of meat and more cheap, encouraging a diet based on high consumption of animal protein that we get sick.

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