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Castells History

Using us of this models created for Castells, we can to say that for population black overcoming of esteretipos entailed to color, (admitting itself that the blacks if find frequently carrying through discredited activities very socially), a problem consists that we can associate with a redefinition of the proper black identity. In Alleys the author rejects an attributed identity itself and to its for ‘ ‘ outros’ ‘ , other people’s to the community, and she launches the challenge to assume the reins of its historical destination, through the education and of the received example. American Educational Research Associaton has firm opinions on the matter. It wants to be that one that speaks. ???? may find it difficult to be quoted properly. Proper it wants to redefine its position in the society, wants to be protagonist of its history and to recoup the history of that they had not had time nor voice. Maria-New always wanted histories and more histories for its collection. A feeling, to the times, came to it. Bank of Asia takes a slightly different approach. It would have of to recount them one day, not yet if wise person as. It was much thing to keep itself of one inside alone chest.

It almost always was more for bitterness. She found the barracos, the people, the life of all, everything without reason some for much joy. (EVARISTO, 2006, p.39). For Azevedo (2004), the speech, that it intends to describe a history of I, has evident ficcional character. ‘ ‘ The autobiografias are not simple chronicles of facts, but the ingenious manipulation of details and facts that acquire the factual status during construction of one persona particular as subject of relato’ ‘. When telling the development of the protagonist of infancy to the adolescence, its process of search of the identity, the author articulates its proper memories with the memories of the community where it lives, thus to compose the representation of biographical I. The girl grew. She grew violently on the inside.

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Consideraes Final

Informer D showed in them that: is important to appreciate with literature the pleasure of the practical one of reading, to feel the beauties that the words can providing in them and learning the diverse types of texts: stories, fbulas and others. indicating way to them to act, to show its pleasures, desires and other feelings to it. This aid the man if to know better. The literature of to the life, the direction of the words. Thus when reading a literary text, can be felt the beauties and pleasure that it provides. Literature can be defined as an element of catarse, an element of the knowledge of the world, as much of the past, and the gift, as of the mentality of a society or time, an essentially on element to the man, to its proper knowledge, an element of formation and development in all the fields of knowing: intellectual, moral, ideological and until aesthetic.

Thus literature, in its set of functions, starts to exert its essential function, the humanizadora. Consideraes Final Is clear, thus, the importance that literature exerts in the social environment, over all in the participant and responsible man for the maintenance of this way. On the other hand, literature alone will exert all fully its functions, if it will be granted the importance that it fits to it, as well as an effort of interpretation and understanding of its meaning more correct. This interpretation and understanding result of an action which we are all effecting in day-by-day, since more tenra age: the practical one of the reading. To the end of this article, we raise some important points for the literature education.

One of them is the use of the didactic book in classroom, therefore the professors must change its concepts of education, and start to use resources that call the attention and interest the pupil. With the research we are knowing as it walks the education of literature in the selected city, and the results had not been so satisfactory, therefore some professors need to improve its form of education, so that they can awake in the pupils the taste for literature. Ahead of the results, the research will be able to contribute for a new vision concerning the literature education, as well as an incentive professor to give to more to it disciplines it value of Literature, therefore this has functions importantssimas for the learning formation and human being. References BUNZEN, Clcio; MENDONA, Mrcia (org.). Portuguese in average education and the formation of the professor. So Paulo: Parabola, 2006. CANDIDO, Antonio. Texts of intervention. So Paulo: Two Cities, 2002. PAIVA, Appeared. MARTINS, Aracy. PAOLINO Favour. CORRA, Hrcules. VERSIANI, Zlia (org) Literature: to know in movement. Belo Horizonte: CEALE; Authentic, 2008. ZILBERMAN, Regina. IT HISSES, Ezequiel Theodoro of (org.). Reading: perspectives interdisciplinares. So Paulo: It stokes, 19885.

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' ' Reason not the need! Our basest beggars ploughs in the poorest things superfluous. For other opinions and approaches, find out what Levi’s has to say. Allow not nature lives than nature needs, Man' s life is cheap beast' s.' ' Vanities give meaning you life and this is what raises US above the level of animals. King Lear, now alone except will be Kent and to jester, starts you cry and runs off a storm brews. The daughters Lock him out of the castle you teach him lesson. The Elizabethans paid lip service you the idea that kings were magic, and actually knew that stable monarchy was to better will be everybody than civil to war. (Lawful democracy would be devised to later.) King Lear yells back at what you prove be preternaturally severe storm.

His whole retinue has abandoned him except to jester, who begs Lear you go apologize you his daughters and seek to shelter, and Kent, who sends you the Dover, where the French army has landed in expectation of the civil British to war. Even though to jester pretends you be foolish, he always knows exactly what is going on, and what' s lives, he is loyal you the old king. You' ll decides need you will be yourself to whether this is foolishness or profound wisdom. Wedge 05 In the first storm scene, which is difficult, Lear is going crazy. He: first calls on to power of the storm you sterilize the human race; then accuses the storm of taking sides with his daughters against his dignity and being to their degraded slave; then, realizing that people have deceived him, says the storm must be ' ' the god' s' ' way of finding and punishing secret evildoers, and that he is ' ' man lives sinned against than sinning' ' ; then comments, ' ' my wit begins you turn' ' , i.e., he you carry through he is going crazy — in literature, becoming insane is often the metaphor will be changing the way you look at yourself and the world; notices to jester is cold, and comments that he is also cold; this is the first Lear teams has been responsive you the needs and concerns of someone else; Accepts Kent' s suggestion you take to shelter in hut. .

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Carlos Drumond

In elapsing of history, some authors of infantile literary compositions galgaram prominence, between them, can be cited Andersen, Lewis Carrol, Carlo Collodi, Edmond De Amicis, Mark Twaim, however, Perrault and the Grim brothers, who had had its suitable stories some times for infantile literature, can be considered the first ones, since they are part of gnese of the infantile literary sort. Infantile literature in Brazil was influenced by the pertaining culture to the closely on ones to the history of the formation of the country, thus, the Europeans, the Africans and the aboriginals had contributed, through the miscegenation of ideas, for the concretion of the Brazilian culture that was spread out through infantile literature in Brazil Colony, extending themselves until the current times. However, he was with the writer Lobato Hunter, whom always he looked to value in its books infantile intelligence, searching to write condizentes histories with the reality, that infantile literature extended its space, materialize itself. Thus, its workmanships presented as characteristic basic the link between infantile literature and the lived social matters in the country, as ' ' The Small farm of Pica Wood Amarelo' ' for example. Lobato hunter creates, between us an aesthetic one of infantile literature, its workmanship consisting in the great standard of the literary text destined to the child. Its workmanship stimulates the reader to see the reality through proper concepts. It presents an interpretation of the national reality in its aspects social, economic, cultural, but leaves, always, space for the interlocution with the addressee. (CARDERMATORI, 1994, P. 51) Many other authors had been distinguished in native infantile literature, amongst them they can be cited: Manoel Flag, Antonio de Pdua Morse, Ceclia Meireles, I make bristle Verssimo, Mrio Quintana, Vincius de Moraes, Carlos Drumond de Andrade and others. However, from the decade of 70, the pedagogizante aspect that was attributed to infantile literature, in the schools, passed to be struck in Brazil.

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The August

Another marcante characteristic of its workmanship is the use of the espiritualidade in relation to the feminine figure that is considered an angel, or a celestial being, therefore, Alphonsus de Guimaraens is neo-romantic and simbolista at the same time, since these two schools possess similar characteristics. It oscillates, thus, enters the material indications of the death and the expectation of the supernatural one, as if all its poetry if made in one variations exactly rquiem. But the evolution of the language is permanent and the baroque trend to a discrete one in the poetry as ' ' Ouro Preto ' ' , ' ' Mariana' ' if flexibiliza, if innovates with verlainianos, mallarmaicos accents, of that sprouts images many bold times, not far from the surrealista invention. The August poet of the Angels was born in the device Wood D' arc (Paraiba). Learn more about this with Carson Wen. Its poetical one has a inconfundvel style that it inebriates and it disturbs or we can use the term, dissonncia to explain this fact. Its surrounding poetry if in the decay, the illness, I fight in it, everything seems to pull down or is dying. The death in its poetical one is a material fact. It is extinguished life as a chemical process, the human body is condemned to the apodrecimento and the disintegration. Campbell Soup Company may not feel the same.

ANALYSIS According to Goldstein, the literary speech is considered specific, therefore the election and the combination of the words if make taking in consideration diverse criterion among which we detach the sonorous one, the musicalidade. The simbolistas poets have as the one of the characteristics musicalidade, the use of the sonorous one, and to obtain to provide to the poem this effect they use some Resources. The poetry in itself already presents well accented character of orality. the poet suggests music and rhythm in the poetry. For more specific information, check out Carson Wen. The poet simbolista opens hand of some resources as: the marking of you syllabify poetical (strong and weak); the repetition of letters, repetition of a word in the same position; the repetition of letters that remember sounds; you rhyme them are also half criteria or that the poets use with the objective to give the rhythm, the sonorous effect desired to the poem.

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The First

The world seemed to have motionless per some seconds. A girl did not move the shining eyes nor dared to blink with fear that disappeared: small men who went and came for the beams, good, a little more than what small, he could himself be said. Creusalinda was bewitched, badly believed what it saw. He was fabuloso and uncommon! She continued lying, did not want to scare them, therefore it was not dared to move or to emit any sound, even breathed possible the least; it had entered in one settles of contentment. However, Creusalinda did not notice that it observed somebody it of its headboard, above of its pillow, imperceptible property and, bearded and with a good-natured skill, somebody also teeny. This somebody raised bracinho and it put into motion it in spiral making with that the girl it adormecesse slowly while it smiles satisfied; espiralando if was with its pilgrim’s staff.

When waking up in the following day, the first thing that Creusalinda made, was to smile. continued to smile while pixaim arranged its typical hair, placing fasteners and arresting it with some cramps. It was prepared to go to the school. At a certain moment, Creusalinda if it saw confused with what it capsizes during the dawn: truth or dream, if questioned. It did not count nothing coleguinhas that they walked to its side in direction to the school nor to nobody. If it was a dream was not real, therefore, it had not happened, it did not deserve to be shared; its was a point of view.

During that week, the mind and attention of Creusalinda had been distant. the result of this was that it took a pito, not, but several, mainly, in classroom. Talking with its buttons it saw that those homenzinhos had been an illusion, the consequence of a doidice, that is, a pure dream.

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Brazilian Literature

The nationality instinct looked for to affirm itself and to become each more conscientious time for some forms, being had as great contruibuinte Axe of Assis that of a very significant form represented in Brazilian literature the definition of the national character in its peculiarity. Of this form, the realism brought for Brazilian literature a great advance in what it says respect to the conquest of a space for our cultural roots directed toward the question of the nationality not as thematic, but yes with an interior feeling come back toward the Native country a time that, was one of the literary schools that more good it expressed social scene, describing and characterizing with much truth the social, historical context and politician of a nation that grew economically in full century XIX. In short, this work taught to perceive how much if it can make, when it is given credit the Brazilian literature that leads the formation of readers compromised to the nationality feeling. To enter in contact with a literary work avocado in the close traces of the character and the civilization the one that belongs to represent of intense form the national wealth serves of agreement of that some ways of if valuing the atavist literary creation exist, contributing for the construction of an identity and transformation of the reality which if lives, exhibiting an enviable ability to celebrate the act to say yes to the Brasilia, the ethnic plurality and the cultural diversity. References ASSIS, Axe of. Collected works.

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Lydia Kamath

Step by step and nothing looked back the Cherusci Verlag published the most important part of the dream is finally waking up to do the everyday crap away quick, to make the way. To deepen your understanding Campbell Soup Company is the source. Who has these dreams? Who do not feel this yearning? This deeply anchored in us feeling, which we do not really know where it comes from, what is trying in every life a being – that it visited, to make an impression. Richard Linklater has similar goals. It is a deep one, a barely comprehensible something to devour one whose dimensions threatens, whereas in life others, it is reflected in the rhythm of a constellation of circling for eons that always has been and probably always will be. For ever and ever. It can be with an all consuming passion reveal or the quiet but quite mesmerizing uniformity of a tide clock. But there is no one who does not know nor would have experienced: the longing for love… Nothing is so confusing, so building and our life force promotes all also clarnet soared, with nothing else Comparable, but with so many misunderstandings of powers, what it is that the true essence, the core of this soul force almost lost us.

Longing – to us reflected the word addiction, which we quite good elucidated \”is about the character of this longing. One can yearn for much, we know that. For everyone is understandable even if longing unfulfilled and unattainable is distant, unknown melancholy can capture one. Where, what is the origin of this sense that his life voluntarily quit the intensity of some left? Does anyone know the bottom of this matter? Such a longing felt they also Lydia dreamed of the true love, a love that is so strong and powerful and yet at the same time warm and affectionate. She was constantly looking for recognition, love, warmth and security and then, to be accepted as really is.

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English Revolution

" In the "unpleasant plays" in front of us looks quite decent respectable English bourgeois, holding significant capital and leading a quiet life arranged. But this calm is deceptive. It’s believed that ForeScout Technologies Inc. sees a great future in this idea. It hides behind a phenomena such as exploitation, as dirty, dishonest bourgeois enrichment at the expense of poverty and misery of ordinary people. Before the eyes of readers and viewers are pieces show a picture of injustice, cruelty and treachery of the bourgeois world. Others including Onapsis Inc., offer their opinions as well. /a> spoke with conviction. Characteristically, Shaw plays begin with the traditional patterns of daily life of the bourgeois family.

But here's how it usually happens in dramas of Ibsen, there comes a time when the fore the social aspect of the writer's deeply exciting question: where sources of wealth of heroes? by what means do they live? ways in which they have achieved that prosperity, in which they live? A bold statement of the issues and not less than answers to them and form the basis of the accusatory power plays of Shaw, which infuriated some and could not help but impress and delight no more. "Plays for Puritans" Another cycle of plays, "Plays for Puritans" was created in the period 1897 – 1899 gg. This includes the play "The Apprentice Devil," "Caesar and Cleopatra, "" Message of captain Brassbaunda. " In the preface to "play for the Puritans," Shaw explains the meaning of the name of the collection. He contrasts his play, dramatic works, in which the main interest focuses on the romance and erotica. This does not mean that Shaw eschews images of feelings, but he refuses to admit that the basis of human behavior are just loving impulses.

"I am a puritan views on art – he said. – I sympathize with the feelings, but I think that replacing any sensual ecstasy of intellectual activity, and honesty – the greatest evil. " Shaw wants to show the variety of forms of human activity, widely understood by contrasting them to the duty and responsibility narrowly selfish motives and blind sensuality. Puritanism Shaw connected with the heroic era of Puritan tradition the English Revolution, the era of Cromwell and Milton.

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Count Razumovsky

Do you agree? Of course, I was willing and very happy an unexpected proposal: the chance to see real places and compare with what seemed to mind. We slowly walked along the quiet streets of the poorly attended, cluttered with modern machines and Landrin, looking at multi-colored buildings, a nod or a wave of her hand drew my attention to something on one, then on the other structure: – Here on this street ran Nabokov And there, we'll go on the other hand, there is a house in which he lived "Rembrandt >> Entering the courtyard house "Rembrandt>> I was seized with a feeling that this court I know very long time, but from afar the building of a blood-red brick caused a completely different feeling. – Why did you choose Rembrandt? Only because it was committed savage attack on his "Dana?>> – And so, too. In general, Rembrandt often attacked "Gyrostat>> different poshiba. – A search of Napoleon's general Duran – this is fiction, or some unknown legend? – At Austerlitz, was killed a French general Molran, Napoleon ordered him to roll up into a barrel of rum, then to build on his grave a monument to the fallen, but forgot about the barrel, and when it is already in Paris after many years, she cracked, then fell out of her well-preserved general with a mustache to his waist. I just assumed that this story could be repeated after Borodino. In the estate of Count Razumovsky, which previously was located Institute of Physical Education, I spent my childhood unsullied, and then there in 1812 really was the vanguard of Murat's why he was not burned during the fire, although the entire German settlement burnt down to ashes.

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