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ADO Teacher

In this state we perceive what’s new. What’s new? What you have never heard or seen? No, it is more of a discovery, an inner revelation that nothing has to do with memory. A zen story clearly shows us this aspect. Zen stories, or dialogues between teacher and disciple are one of the zen transmission systems. Most of zen literature consists of these anecdotes. Its purpose is always precipitate in the mind of the questioner some type of sudden awareness, or to test the depth of his penetration. But if they are received in an inappropriate mental state, the mind react mechanically and its effect does not occur.

If we listen to them and think: I already know, I’ve already heard it, I know that lose all their effectiveness. Continue to learn more with: Campbell Soup Co. It is that seek to go beyond the mind, in this way, the same story manages to be new every time. It is therefore important to maintain a receptive, stop listening to us same State. We then understand the cup of tea is known the history of Nan-in, a Japanese teacher who lived in the Meiji era, and what happened with an intellectual of the time who was intrigued by the influx of young people who flocked to the garden of the master to visit him. Nan-in was admired by his wisdom, his prudence and the simplicity of her life, despite having been in his youth a character who had shone in the Court. When the prestigious intellectual arrived, greeted the teacher and, without further ADO, asked by Zen. Nan-in offered him tea and served it with all the calm of the world.

And although the visitors Cup was full, the teacher continued pouring it. The intellectual saw that tea is poured and already could not restrain himself. – But does not realize that is completely full? There is no longer one drop! Nan-in replied without losing composure nor abandon his friendly smile-, like this Cup you are full of their views. How could you show him what is the way of Zen if not first empty your cup? Angry, the professor stood up and with a mere head tilt were dismissed without a Word. While the teacher collected the pieces of porcelain and wiped the floor, a young man approached for help. -Teacher, how much sufficiency! How difficult must be for the lawyers understand the simplicity of Zen. -Not less than for many young people who come loaded with ambition and not worked to cultivate the disciplines of study. At least, scholars have already a part of the road and have something which become detached. -Then, master, which is the right attitude? -Do not judge, and remain alert.

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School Fusion

The chismografos of notebook, which served to write tastes and preferences, have evolved to large Internet portals. Whose success is due to that the electronic media have become the favorite form of communication between the guys. These portals are promoted as a way to exchange identities and meet people from many schools. Additional information at Richard Linklater supports this article. As an example, in School Fusion more than 150 schools are registered by alphabetical order, account with 2,717 users and more than 62,700 messages. However, this innocent idea, has become a way to defame and harass thousands of young people listed in them, putting terrible gossip and speculation about them. The worst case is that information be entered anonymously, issue that increases the aggressiveness of the messages and they are characterized by being extremely offensive and unpleasant.

This has become the cyberbullying, which is harassment via electronic means. Bullying, on the other hand, is an English word which defines the attitude of a person, constantly he assaults physically or verbally to another, without taking into account their feelings and needs. To my I like to compare to bullying with a torture of the middle ages which consisted in putting a person under a drop of water for hours, until this punched the head; so is bullying: a set of acts of aggression and wickedness, that alone does not do great harm, but the amount of times you tell someone, they might destroy it from the inside. I suffered bullying of girl, not the cyberspace, but the traditional, which is where bullying: you steal the lunch, you hide jacket, take away money that you took to the store and tell you an endless number of nicknames. The sad thing is that I felt that the problem was mine, that is, that something was wrong with me because nobody wanted me and nobody accepted me. I thought that I should try me drop them well so that they do not disturb me and between greater effort, more bullying until one day I realized that it wasn’t my problem and that if others were strong to hurt me, it was because perhaps they also were suffering much.

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School Environment

Parents who take their children to school are usually quiet at least in one respect, his children come daily to other children. So, regardless of if then make more or less friends, if the socialization that the school offers them is suitable or not for his son, and other matters, there is a plot of the brain that parents who take their children to school can be disconnected, and therefore can relax in this aspect since in one way or another they feel that their children have contact and relationship with other children. Parents who teach at home do not disconnect any parcel of the brain, cannot afford it. Educating at home is an option that requires a proactive attitude in all aspects of training and your child’s life, and that includes their social relations, since not having that feeling that every day is between 5 and 6 hours surrounded by children, you cannot relax in that aspect and is always looking for opportunities for relationship that seem us appropriate and enriching for our children’s development. Usually we usually find some activity that you like children, and that therefore it will do that as well as developing a hobby you can meet other children with a common interest and therefore provide quality relationships, we also relate our relatives in a broad sense, that gives us relationships with people of all ages who want to, and they want us, such as cousins, cousins seconds, nephews or other, in the neighborhood, Park, etc, etc. And these relationships bring us much day to day and are part of our daily lives in our closest environment. But they are unable to meet the need of standardization that children tend to be more aware age, which often correspond to the stage of compulsory education precisely. Lately in education have been calling their peers to the classmates of the school.

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Pakistan Nuclear Weapons

The Government and pakistani army, face an Islamic insurgency that aims to topple the Government and establish an Islamic Republic in accordance with the radical principles of Islam. Paradoxical considering that Pakistan was part of the India until 1947, year in which achieved independence, being born to it as Islamic Republic for the Muslims of the India, but has always maintained a secular regime and has not historically defined the practical meaning of is an Islamic State. Swarmed by offers, Richard Linklater is currently assessing future choices. This insurgency which is headed by Pakistani Taliban has come to control parts of the territory of the country, more than anything in the areas bordering Afghanistan. The attacks suffered by United States on September 11 of 2001, part of the terrorist organization Al Qaeda, strengthened this country’s support to NATO and the American Union. This has exacerbated the hatred of Islamic radical groups driven by Al-Qaeda who consider this Alliance as an affront to Islam and nature supposedly Islamic of the pakistani State. Pakistan has since its independence one of the most unstable countries in Asia, has high historical levels of corruption and has been ruled by a succession of weak civilian Governments and military regimes. At the same time the country suffers from a series of very serious separatist conflicts in some regions and includes vast tribal areas with very precarious state control.

If to this we add the arsenal of weapons nucleres and the involvement of the terrorist group Al-Qaida in the fight, now that he has found refuge in the Afghan border, and that is possible the triumph of Islamic radicals, then the situation is more complex. For other opinions and approaches, find out what two sigma has to say. A few months ago the pakistani eercito launched a full offensive against the taliban. He was carried out in areas where training camps and schools of indoctrination for terrorists were detected bombers and jihadists from several Arab and Muslim, countries in addition to the Afghan Taliban that fighting a war without quarter against the United States and NATO troops. This offensive of the pakistani army, no it has yielded the expected results, at the same time the country has been very affected by the global economic crisis, deterioration in the provision of essential public services and a huge rise in unemployment, the economy is currently at the mercy of the International Monetary Fund. No doubt Pakistan today constitutes one of the most formidable dsafios facing the foreign policy of the United States. We must not forget the visit of the Secretary of Estado Hillary Clinton, makes a few days into its territory and making known the despair of not United States see progress in the control of the taliban insurgency and the group Al-Qaeda. While the pakistani army remains a close American ally, increasingly are stronger voices of discontent by this strategic alliance with the West. What is at stake is nothing more and nothing less than the political regime and the viability of the current pakistani State, but I wonder: did that happen if after a victory for the extremists? do Islamic, the arsenal of 60 nuclear warheads falls into his power and radical Al Qaeda groups? Original author and source of the article.

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Vatican State

The Vatican State flags are already flying through the streets of Madrid, enarboladas by young people around the world. They come to participate in a religious party convened by Benedicto XVI in July 2008 in Sydney, at the end of the world youth day (WYD) held that month in Australia. According to organizers, travellers (more than one million and most of girls, according to official estimates) have an average age of 22 years. More than half (58%) has College and 73% comes to Spain for the first time. Almost 48% are students, 40% works and only 6% are unemployed. One of every 10 has already been married.

55% Lives with his parents. Half will stay in gymnasiums, schools and public Hostels (22%), in parish halls (13%) or in the homes of Catholic families (12%). Your travel claim is not tourist. They want to cheer the Pope of Rome, its sole leader and guide. Why they displayed flags of the State of the Holy See, which Benedicto XVI is absolute monarch. Source of the news:: first and foremost, do not disturb the Pope

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Distance Learning

Choose an Academy to prepare for oppositions is a task that the opponent must meditate. The academies of distance education are booming compared the classroom due to its advantages. Learn how to choose what type of education you should be. The latest trends of opponents is opting for an Academy of distance education. When someone raises the possibility of preparing exams and consultation training academies that exist in the market are given account that may choose to distance education and face-to-face.

The latest trends of opponents is opting for an Academy of distance education since they consider that they are greater advantages than disadvantages of this type of training. While distance education may seem it is a type of cold and independent training there are other aspects that are those who convince future opponents to choose this option. Those who have opted to face the instructor-led distance education have agreed that most of them chose this option for Let them choose the hours of study and combine studies with work and social life. What an opponent must be convinced is studying exams is a great personal effort, since a part of the daily time should be reserved for the study. The social life of the opponent during this time is reduced and why it is important to be aware that you have to take advantage of both the hours of study and the rest of time. Another reason why people decided to study oppositions to distance is because in addition to choosing the moment in which you can also study the place you choose. In vacation time you can take the agenda where go without losing hours of class.

There is another series of advantages confronted face-to-face education such as: saving of costs of displacement, privacy individualisation, innovation, flexibility, etc. However there is another series of opponents who prefer the face-to-face education because they are more supporters that imposed on them a schedule and are more traditional. Basically when one wants to prepare oppositions is knowing all the options and choose the one that more fits because every individual has different needs. The motivation to face exams, the desire to get a square and concentration are the three factors that the opponent must provide. Choosing study in person or at a distance depends on what the opposition finally choose. After these tips can only begin to look at an Academy of distance education or on-site to prepare a vacancies that you are calling this year. The sooner you begin your training easier you get a square of official.

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Royal Academy

The existence of this suplus raises shops. The distance communication generates transport, going to a cash transport. When Venice route was obstructed you should search another. The Portuguese are seen as the only ones who had a reliable path. Needed an astral guidance; and who better than the scientists to provide them. In the middle ages comes the first scientific technique, caused by the need created by the transport. Technicians are hired to improve techniques; ultimately it was paying research.

Displays the printing press, it has to do with the malaise that caused the dominant religious ideology. That discomfort produced the need to spread the Bible; all this new knowledge comes from the ancient Greeks. Another element that is emerging is the concept of nation and loses strength the feudal term. Apart from the 15th century begins the transition, has been installed as a dominant culture in the 18th and 19th century. It starts a relationship between science and society.

Science in the modern age is technically usable. The modernity you science gave a very important status; you gave the quality of depriving society of myths, since all questioned; It encouraged as an instrument to eliminate society from sequelae of superstition, the trickery, etc.; for its ability to put things in doubt. The Church remained vigilant of what has been done by scientists. Science is changing into a usable instrument. There were people that technical desarollaba; mostly in the field of navigation. Science and technique were not couples. Science was in search of true knowledge, fight against superstition. In France emerging groupings at the Royal Academy of Sciences, scientists to make improvements. Just as in England at the Royal society, with the same objectives as in France. These processes are doing science and technique come together (by craftmen and smart teachers, who saw that they should improve their production). The first industrial revolution occurs in the first half of the 18th century; product of the steam engine, product of the development of people who had nothing to do with the scientific sphere.

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Strategic Education

1 Education as fundamental axis in the transformation of the subject in their different ways of thinking, feeling and acting, allows you to communicate actively in their personal development and their social environment, by applying a set of personal attributes such as knowledge, attitudes and skills. Under this context, I will address in this space the strategic concept of education as a business, from two areas; the first is precisely that immeasurable market and globalized, where applications of information technology and communications (ICT S) are strongly affecting the formation in the educational demand, currently studies programs require to the subject of knowledge to generate strategic thinking under the innovative concept and working sintergico, i.e. in the social dynamics education is summarized under the contexts of learning to knowbe, to do, to learn to live together. Therefore it is interesting that this is not in a vacuum, but it transcends more than a program and become policy of State, for the strategic development and thinking of the subject; If a policy is clear this leads to generate a development intellectual in learners of today, thereby generate science, and thus may potentiate and especially for that society will develop but with social cohesion, in search of a thought post-conventional and achieve a knowledge society more just to live in social harmony. Fixed then the important thing of education in a society, suddenly is not the total solution to social problems, but yes, an essential mechanism for the development and social equity. It is then under this factual situation that knowledge on a global stage, it is necessary to increase the curve of learning, strategic thinking and innovative of the subjects of the globalized society knowledge creativity, every time that your application in individual capabilities they play a key role in knowledge, where it has privileged work sintergico and autonomy from a self-learning approach. In the second area, education and culture, milestone argument in which our environment, adjacent to the education today’s strategic concept called self-learning i.e.

develops the ability to learn to learn and live together is essential to connect the concept cultural with the technological revolution, which allows in your essence the efficiency of a tissue of changes in the construction of knowledge, whose purpose is to achieve the knowledge society, from the perspective of a comprehensive development of the subject of knowledge, making it scientific in its structure and strategic thinking. Where in a cultural environment the next and general environment has incidence affecting directly proportional the technological and education in its cultural context in search of knowledge with a strategic concept. Is clear that in this area we find the so-called cultural resistances, which are also a challenge of great importance for teachers as strategists of education, whose challenge is to achieve the change in emphasis of teaching, through inclusion and study of the learnings in synergistic teams which enable interactions between the subject that seeks knowledge; as well as for the operationalization of knowledge in the social construction of training processes. 1 Business, specialization pedagogy for autonomous development administrator.

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Management Education

God not imposed obligation to learn, without first having taken to those who know the oath of teaching to the ignorant. It has much left to say the role of educational management in the Venezuelan education, you notice a deterioration in its scope, commitment, leading to many institutions, especially universities which concerns us, pass through a stage very weak, where precisely the educational management this very controversial. A review of how the educational management is managing, what are his actions, what they are doing the authorities on the matter, as the educational process according to integrate to provide collaboration in the solution of the problems facing the country today, many communities, and above all to ensure the training of professionals who carry out their duties for the benefit of the country is really becoming an urgent needabout everything before a turbulent scenario in political, cultural, social, economic is facing. Elda Maria Rodriguez points out, that in Venezuela, specifically in the field of education, the management impact of new trends has not been internalized in its entirety by many institutions, including those related to the third stage of basic education, diversified Media and professional. The explanation of this situation could be linked to the fact that many managers at this level do not feel identified with the institutional purposes or with the needs and requirements of its managed; situations these that are immersed in a torpor of indifference and passivity to the members of the school community (Cardenas, 1998 and Odreman, 1997). The fact, that the respect of the theme, Indira Dordelly says, that the educational management is an essential tool for the achievement and effective functioning of the organisational structure therefore can be said, that the educational management is the process of organization and use of resources to achieve objectives preset through an efficient organization where educational Manager must lead his team towards the achievement of the objectives of the Organization but during a continuous motivation where stimulate inspect East and consistently reward the work developed at the same time execute the action and manage function, by such reason may say that there is no educational management when planning to be prescriptive, because of the rigidity of this type of planning nor is there educational management when the organization operates centralized even if your design is decentralizedThere is no educational management when you delegate or there is a lack of leadership.

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