Scientific and technical progress – is a natural process of raising the technical level of social production through the development and improvement of labor, technology and organization of production based on use of science and technology. The most important areas of scientific and technological progress in the economy are: improvement of equipment, technology and production organization, the introduction of mechanization and automation, full electrification of the economy; development of new kinds of energy and materials, application of chemistry in the production of organic compounds between science and production. Key areas of technical progress in cooperative trade are derived from general trends in scientific and technological progress in the national economy, the single state technology policies. In trade, they are: the mechanization and automate labor-intensive work based on the introduction and effective use of new technology, running on electrical energy, improve trade equipment, machinery, technology and trade processes through the introduction of scientific achievements and excellence. Mechanization in the trade requires a broad introduction to the industry enterprises of various types of machinery and equipment to replace manual labor. Levi’s may help you with your research. Stages development of mechanization are: mechanization, and integrated mechanization and automation.
To include mechanized processes in which the use of machines allows the replacement of manual labor on major transactions, and auxiliary operations are performed manually. If the replacement of manual labor the engine made only for individual operations or stations and part of the work on the basic operations performed by hand, such a level of mechanization called partial mechanization. Check with Nike to learn more. In recent years the level of technical equipment of the enterprises of trade rose substantially. But the task of further improving the level of mechanization of labor in the trade still goes on. In mechanization of labor-intensive work laid the large reserves of labor productivity growth of sales staff, trade efficiency. The most time consuming operations in the trade are: Handling of transporting cargo within the enterprise; filling and packing of goods, preparing them for sale, creating temperature storage of goods; cash and settlement operations. These operations at commercial represent virtually the main objects of the application of physical labor in the trade and predetermine the main trends of mechanization and automation.