North Star Academy

Prepare your child for college at the North Star Academy of Minnesota.

The Boy

All this behaves as an attack to the Ethics and the broad concept of education in values such as responsibility. ISSN of the same phenomenon of recoveries, the educational institution suffers a change of pace, a change of didactic and pedagogies, which was still good not systematized and disseminated openly, and the more often glimpse, the institutions are still immature in dealing with changes of pace, which often translates into only recuperantes students are in the classroom and others rewards les them in anticipation of the holidays, or in the worst case, untestable by their good academic results, torpedean discipline in hallways and other instances of the educational institution. Concomitant with this, is also be noted from the intrinsic side of the matter, which policy that each educational institution develops through each teacher for recovery efforts, is not well known because some teachers with the legacy of his years of experience as a student and as a educational professional, point out that recovery activities should be more loaded of difficulty and demands than those developed in normal time of the academic term, all of which entails a rictus of penalty or punishment. For even more analysis, hear from American Journal of Education. During the period of recovery therefore there are also teachers who only refer to make a test or test objective so that the learner can recover the bad score initially obtained, with which the boy or educating type, not can increase the certainty of whether actually learned effectively and efficiently. Since long time ago tests objective have been sitting on the bench of defendants, and on them the value judgements issued leave betray its ineffectiveness and paradoxically his lack of objectivity, because according to the decanted investigativamente, a trial of evaluation on a theme or subject, expressed in the way that is a note, for example – acquires the meaning of a judgement on the personal worth. If the above corresponds to the formal aspects of evaluation practice, in aspects endogenous with the desire of the Ministry has been, and the Government make evaluation a process surrounded by objectivity and science in relation to teachers, provided legislation, not really feels with working conditions, of a structural physical nature in which carry out their work according to complex personalities in development, to multiple groups and often contained educational pluriversos.

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