North Star Academy

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The Distance

The ample majority of the injunctions &#039 is focada in the adolescent public; '. However as the first contacts with the drugs, it occurs in precocious the pertaining to school age and are each time observing a trend to more early bring this quarrel for a context escolar' '. Research points that the main agents motivadores for the consumption of drugs are the curiosity, the influence of friends (considered most common), to the will, the escape desire, the courage to take some type of attitude, the difficulty to face or to support situations difficult, for habit, dependence (one of most common), and, over all in the search of pleasure sensations. The people who consume drugs are discriminated, therefore to the look of the other, it meets badly in one state, moreover, the discernment of values of a drugged individual is different of the normal people. Therefore, the dialogues, the customs, the interests of one do not say respect to the people whom they desire to live healthfully.

The drugged ones have many problems in facing frustrations of, what it finishes in aggressive or impulsive reactions, becoming the day-by-day inadequate one inside it familiar, professional and social enclosure. The search for the life of magical moments and of I alliviate, as well as in the distance of the citizenship in its fullness is some of the aspects that involve the high consumptions of drugs in this type of population. In the truth an adolescent reason does not only exist to start it to make use of drugs, and yes, some reasons or factors of risk. *Em this article, the terms child and adolescent is used in compliance with Law 8,069, that it makes use on the statute of the child and adolescent (ECA) and in the article 2considera child the person of up to 12 years of age incomplete and adolescent that one between 12 and 18 years of age.

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