Not all apartment defects shall entitle to the reduction in rent, and certainly not in any amount. An extensive case-law has dealt with this topic. In his book “The secret of the damp wall – rental reduction” shows author Thomas Trepnau, that not every reduction in rent or rent reduction must be tolerated due to errors on the leased from the landlord. Assuming that you know what behind the topic “Rent reduction” and who has prepared well. In his clear language, the author accurately leads the reader through the Mietdschungel. To each book are the corresponding sample letters described and every reader for immediate use on the enclosed free CD-ROM available. The books are available as download or bound editions in bookstores in all known online book shops, as well as on the website of the author and Publisher.
Description of the company the company Thomas Trepnau headquartered in Regensburg offers tailor-made corporate training based seminars for operators such as the Chambers of Commerce and industry and the Germans Real estate Academy for landlords, property managers, owner, broker, real estate financier and other real estate companies. Also guide books to the seminar topics appear regularly in the publishing of company. By combining books, trainings, courses and seminars, Thomas Trepnau offers its customers optimal solutions at reasonable prices and guarantees to high quality in terms of timeliness and practicality. Thomas Trepnau of diploma real estate business (India) and worked in the real estate industry for almost 20 years. Even as a caretaker. Even today, he is still landlord. The trainings and seminars are carried out throughout Europe. Any reader of the books by Thomas Trepnau has the opportunity to the personal feedback with the author. Company contact: Thomas Trepnau PO box 101028 93010 Regensburg Tel: 0157 72085852 E-Mail: Web:
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