When it rains a long time after the application of digestate not, the substrate is not washed off also of the plants. Therefore the hygiene guidelines are all the more important to pay attention to a possible contamination with EHEC, Clostridium botulinum and avoid also salmonella germs and more just in dry periods (hand hygiene clean wash the fruits). And the fermentation rest mass from biogas plants? Biogasrestmasse stinks”not – represents so sure an ideal fertilizer for vegetables and other fruits, which also always happy as the particularly positive feature” is presented. Latency by spreading the digestate to the harvest time are not known to us. Theoretically you could so am applying the same day of the harvest is still Biogasrestgarmasse on the fruit (on the field). Studies by Marta Carballa et al.
(2008) have shown that are also Colikeime in the Digestate which then may be infectious after spreading on the vegetable fields can be found, (or whatever) might be. Scientists already even when spores of Clostridium botulinum suggest this when introduced into the bio gas deposits risk materials such as chicken manure, food waste and slaughterhouse waste as substrates. Also here is a high risk of infection of chronic botulism for humans and animals. The question must be asked: do not Biogasrestmasse involves countless unknown health risks for humans and animals? In the Gottingen Declaration on the problem of chronic botulism research requiring necessarily, which must give answers about possible dangers of these possible risks. So far, knowing relatively little for the behavior of spores of Clostridium botulinum in biogas plants. The population has a right to know the role of bio-gas plants on a potential health hazard to play. No new biogas plant before these health risks can not be excluded, you can approve but confidently as founder and Director of the agricultural and Veterinary Academy (AVA) in the Munsterland Horstmar empty, Ernst-Gunther Hellwig. Ernst-Gunther Hellwig, agricultural and Veterinary Academy (AVA)
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